
Just a few days after the San Fran Fed, that incubator of profound economic insight and blatantly money-wasting research which recently found that record amounts in student loans, wait for it, prevent young people from buying homes, casually tossed a bomb in academia when it said that negative rates would have accelerated the recovery from the last recession setting up a strawman to use NIRP during the next recession, just dumped another bombshell.

San Fran Fed は深い経済的考察と多額の資金を投じた調査で最近明らかにした、記録的な学生ローンが若い人の住宅購入を阻害し、また次の景気後退でマイナス金利で対処しようとする人たちに対して、マイナス金利のために前回の景気後退からの回復を遅らせていることを明らかにした、こういうことを明らかにした数日後に驚くべき爆弾発言をした。

Speaking to reporters on Friday, Reuters reports that San Fran Fed President Mary Daly said that US central bankers are currently debating whether it should confine its controversial tool of bond buying to purely emergency situations or if it should turn to that tool more regularly.

金曜にロイターに話したが、San Fran FED議長、Mary Daly はこう言った、米国中央銀行はこれまで債権買取政策は緊急避難策だったが、これとは異なり、もしかするとこの政策をもっと普通に使うべきかもしれないと、議論している。

“In the financial crisis, in the aftermath of that when we were trying to help the economy, we engaged in these quantitative easing policies, and an important question is, should those always be in the tool kit — should you always have those at your ready — or should you think about those are only tools you use when you really hit the zero lower bound and you have no other things you can do,” Daly said after a talk at the Bay Area Council Economic Institute.
So how would the Fed decided which "tool" to use when? Well, according to Daly the answer wasn't clear: "you could imagine executing policy with your interest rate as your primary tool and the balance sheet as a secondary tool, but one that you would use more readily,” she added. “That’s not decided yet, but it’s part of what we are discussing now."

「あの金融危機では、経済を救済しようとしその後遺症として量的緩和策を取った、そして大きな疑問が残る、この政策をを普段にも使うべきではないかーー必要に応じて発動してはどうかとーーもしくはこの政策は金利をゼロにした後の最終手段とするか、」とDalyはBay Area Council Econoic Institureのスピーチ後に述べた。では、FEDはこの手法をどういうときにどの程度利用するのだろう?まあ、Dalyの回答ではこれは明らかではない:「みなさんは政策実行順位としてはまず金利で、バランスシート調整は二次的だと想像するかもしれない、しかし人によってはもっとこの手法を一般的に利用しても良いと思う人もいる、」彼は更にこう加えた。「まだ決まってはいない、しかしいま考慮していることの一部分であることは確かだ。」

So while it remains unclear what "more regularly" means, one proposal which we are confident will be adopted by the Fed is the following:


The year is 2021. The Fed institutes QE every time the S&P drops 50bps


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