

米国大統領選挙の勝者と11月投票日前数ヶ月の株価の動向には9割以上の相関があります。はっきり言えば、公約とか主義主張には無関係です :) 。この時期株価を維持・上昇すると現職政党勝利、株価が下落すると挑戦政党勝利となります。熱心な民主党員活動家である前FED議長イエレンは頻繁に口先介入をしましたが、量的緩和再開まで踏み込めず、4年前の秋に株価が下落し、トランプ勝利となりました。株価と大統領選挙の相関をトランプは熟知しています、4年前には株価が下落するようしきりと口先介入していました。今年は11月まで株価を維持できるかどうか?どうでしょう。

Mark Your Calendar: Next Week The Fed's Liquidity Drain Begins

What goes up, must come down, at least in theory.


Ever since the start of October when the Fed launched QE4 - or as some still call it "Not QE" - in response to the Sept repo crisis, figuring out the market has been pretty simple: if the Fed's balance sheet goes up so does the S&P500, and vice versa.

10月にFEDがQE4を始めて以来ーー「Not QE」という人もいるがーー9月のレポ危機に対応したものだが、相場はとても単純になった:FEDがバランスシートを膨らますdとS&P500は上昇する、逆も真なりだ。

The good news for traders is that for the past three months, the Fed's balance sheet rose 11 of 12 weeks, and declined just 1 of 12, and magically, the S&P did just that as well.


However, now that the year-end repo scare is history at least until the April 15 tax date and certainly the next year end, it's time for the Fed to start shrinking its balance sheet, mostly by allowing existing term repo operations to expire without being rolled over. Conveniently, the FOMC Minutes released moments ago provided the Fed's own big picture take on when the massive liquidity injection since mid-September, which expanded the Fed's balance sheet by $415BN in three and a half months...


... with the Fed pointing out its "expectations to gradually transition away from active repo operations [in 2020] as Treasury bill purchases supply a larger base of reserves" and specifically, "the calendar of repo operations starting in mid-January could reflect a  gradual reduction in active repo operations."


None of this is new, and it has almost become conventional wisdom that when the Fed starts draining liquidity, the market impact will be the polar opposite of what happened when it was injecting liquidity: i.e., stocks will drop.


So with the Fed highlighting mid-January as the period when the liquidity injection goes into reverse, here is some more details on just which dates will be critical: as Curvature's Scott Skyrm points out, these will be the days when the Fed's term repos maturing over the next few weeks, supposedly without being rolled into further term repos, or as he puts it, "during January, it will be interesting to see how the market reacts to the term RP ops maturing:"

FEDは1月半ばに流動性注入が反転することを強調している、ここに示すのはそのなかでも重要な日付だ:Curvature社の Scott Skyrmが指摘するものだ、今後数週でFEDのterm reposが満期を迎えるだろう、term repoの繰延は無いと仮定している、彼の言によると「1月中に、term repo満期に市場がどう反応するか興味深いところだ:」

  • $25 billion leaves the market on Monday,

  • $28.8 billion on Tuesday,

  • $18 billion next Friday, etc.


Of course, perhaps "interesting" is not the right word, because it is clear that if liquidity is drained without a matching injection, the market reaction will be anything but favorable. That said, the Fed still has more term Repo ops scheduled to correspond with those term roll-off dates, with at least three more term RP ops of up to $35 billion scheduled in January. Whether or not banks decide to use these to roll existing maturing term repos will determine if the liquidity cliff starts hitting next week, or 3-4 weeks later. Finally, it will also depend on whether the Fed decides that it had overinjected the market with liquidity, and if it announces even more scheduled term repos in February and onward.

当然のことだが、たぶん「興味深い」という言葉は適当ではない、というのも当分の注入なしに流動性が引き去られるのは明らかで、市場の反応は決して好感を持つものではないだろう。ということは、FEDは1月にまださらに term repoの満期を控えている。商業銀行が既存term repoの満期を繰延するかどうかで来週または3,4週後に流動性の崖が始まるかどうかが決まる。最終的には、FEDが市場に流動性を過剰注入するかどうかにかかっているだろう、そして2月以降のterm repoのさらなる対応スケジュール開示に依存する。

For now, however, here is a visual calendar of when some of the key December term repos mature over the next few days:

しかしながら、今の所、重要な12月のterm repoの今後数日の満期を示している:






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