金鉱株大型合併はまずい by Zeal 前半

Gold-Stock Mega-Mergers Bad
Adam Hamilton     February 15, 2019     3452 Words

The world’s two biggest gold miners both announced mega-mergers over the past 5 months or so.  These huge deals briefly garnered some interest in the usually-forgotten gold-stock sector, and fleeting praise from Wall Street analysts.  But gold-stock mega-mergers are bad news for gold-miner shareholders on all sides.  They reveal the serious struggles of major gold miners, and really retard future upside in their stocks.

この5か月で金鉱会社の大型合併が二件あった。このような大型取引は短期的に話題になったがすぐに忘れられた、Wall Streetアナリストの話題にもならなくなった。しかし金鉱会社の大型併合は金鉱株保有者にとっては悪いニュースだ。この出来事は大手金鉱会社の苦悩を明らかにした、そして実際将来の株価上昇を弱めるものだ。

For decades the largest gold miners in the world have been Newmont Mining (NEM) and Barrick Gold (ABX).  These behemoths have long dwarfed all their peers in operational scope.  While the gold miners are in the process of reporting Q4’18 results now, their latest complete set remains Q3’18’s.  As after every quarterly earnings season, I analyzed them in depth for the major gold miners of GDX back in mid-November.

ここ何十年と、世界最大の金鉱会社はNewmont Mingin (NEM)とBarrick Gold(ABX)だった。これらの巨大企業は生産規模で長らく他の同業企業を大きく上回っていた。金鉱株の2018Q4決算が今開示途中であり、これらの企業の最新決算は2018Q3のものだ。毎四半期ごとに私は決算を詳しく分析する、すでにGDX構成の大型金鉱銘柄に関しては11月なかばに記事にした。

The GDX VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF is the world’s leading and dominant gold-stock investment vehicle.  In Q3 alone NEM and ABX mined a staggering 1286k and 1149k ounces of gold!  To put this in perspective, the average of the next 8 largest gold miners rounding out the top 10 was just 508k ounces.  Newmont and Barrick have long been in a league of their own, with commensurate market capitalizations.


In mid-November NEM and ABX were worth $17.1b and $14.9b, granting them massive 11.0% and 9.5% weightings within GDX.  These two gold giants alone accounted for over 1/5th of GDX!  That gives them outsized influence in not only that ETF, but in the entire gold-stock sector.  GDX is the sector benchmark of choice for gold stocks these days, so the fortunes of NEM and ABX stocks really affect overall performance.


Gold-mining stocks are generally divided into three tiers based on their production.  Anything over 1000k ounces annually is considered a major, which works out to 250k per quarter.  NEM and ABX produced so much gold in Q3 they exceeded this threshold by a colossal 5.1x and 4.6x!  They are really super-majors.  Mid-tier gold miners produce between 300k to 1000k ounces every year, while juniors are under 300k.


Back on September 24th, 2018, Barrick Gold shocked the gold-stock world.  It announced it was merging with Randgold (GOLD), which was really an all-stock acquisition of GOLD by ABX worth $6.5b.  Barrick shareholders would own 2/3rds of the new combined company, while Randgold’s would own the rest.  To avoid confusion, this essay uses the classic ABX and GOLD stock symbols to represent Barrick and Randgold.

2018年9月24日を振り返ると、Barrick Goldが金鉱株世界にショックを与えた。当社がRandgold(GOLD)の買収を発表したのだ、これは実際GOLD株$6.5BをABXが買い取るものだった。Barrickの株主は新たに合併した会社の株式の2/3を持つもので、一方Randgoldは残りを持つ。混乱を避けるために、この記事では、もともとのABXとGOLDシンボルを利用する。

ABX had been Barrick’s ticker for decades, but was just recently abandoned on January 2nd.  With this mega-merger finished, the new company took over the excellent GOLD symbol going forward.  That is a wise decision, as anyone who types “gold” into any brokerage account will see Barrick Gold.  Years ago before Randgold got that coveted symbol, another major miner had it and really seemed to benefit from it.

ABXは何十年とBarrickのシンボルだった、しかしこの1月2日にこれを止めた。この大規模株式買収後新会社のシンボルはGOLDとなった。これは賢いものだ、だれでも「gold」と入力するとBarrick Gold銘柄にアクセスできる。Randgoldがこの素晴らしいシンボル名を手に入れる何年も前に、別の大手鉱山会社がこのシンボルを持っており恩恵を受けていた。

In Q3 Randgold was the 10th-largest gold miner in the world producing 309k ounces.  Added on top of Barrick’s 1149k, the new combined 1458k would take back the top-gold-miner crown from Newmont which produced 1286k that quarter.  Apparently size matters a lot when you’re a gold-mining executive.  But with both ABX and GOLD suffering chronic declining production, that mega-merger reeked of desperation.


Newmont’s leadership wasn’t happy with losing the pole position among global gold miners.  So it soon got to work on looking for a mega-merger of its own.  On January 14th, NEM announced it was acquiring major miner Goldcorp (GG) in an all-stock deal worth $10.0b!  That looked like one-upmanship taking it to Barrick.  NEM and GG shareholders would own about 2/3rds and 1/3rd of the new combined colossus.


Goldcorp was the world’s 7th-largest gold miner in Q3’18, producing 503k ounces of gold.  Added on to Newmont’s 1286k, that creates a new monster running at an unprecedented 1789k-ounce quarterly rate!  If bigger is better, these new combined super-major gold miners ought to be the best seen in history.  But unfortunately in gold mining that isn’t true, and these new giants will likely fare worse than if they hadn’t merged.


In their merger announcements, the CEOs of all 4 of these major gold miners tried hard to sell their deals as wonderful news for shareholders.  They argued that synergies and cost savings would make these new combined titans more effective at producing superior returns for their shareholders going forward.  And as always with any large merger, Wall Street analysts universally applauded these mega-mergers as good.

合併発表にあたり、これら4社のCEOは皆、株主向けにこれは良い合併だと賢明に訴えた。彼らが言うには、シナジー効果でコストを削減し、合併企業は効率的な生産で今後株主により優れたリターンをもたらすと。大型合併においてはいつもの通り、Wall Streetアナリストは決まって大型合併が良いことだと称賛した。

Sadly the opposite is likely true, these deals are bad news for all the owners of Newmont and Barrick as well as former owners of Goldcorp and Randgold.  These new giant super-majors are even bad news for the gold-mining sector as a whole.  The odds are really high that their stocks will really underperform the smaller major, mid-tier, and junior gold miners in coming years.  That will hurt this entire sector on multiple fronts.

悲しいことにこれは本当ではない、Newmont ,Barrick 、GoldcorpそしてRandgoldの株主にとってこのディールは悪いニュースだ。金鉱株全体にとってもこの超大型合併は悪いニュースだった。これらの株式は今後数年小型、中型金鉱会社に劣る可能性が大きい。これはこのセクター自身を傷つけるだろう、その要因はいくつか在る。

Contrary to their CEOs’ marketing propaganda, none of these four major gold miners approached these deals from positions of strength.  They’ve all been struggling with weakening production and rising costs.  Gold mines are wasting assets that are constantly depleting, and it is increasingly challenging to find new gold to mine economically at the scale and pace the majors need.  These mergers didn’t solve that core problem!


This table looks at the quarterly production, its year-over-year change, and all-in sustaining costs per ounce mined of Barrick, Randgold, Newmont, and Goldcorp during today’s secular gold bull.  It started in late Q4’15 out of deep 6.1-year secular lows in gold.  Barrick deleted Randgold’s old website, so there is no Q4’15 GOLD data.  And as of Wednesday afternoon NEM and GG hadn’t yet reported full Q4’18 results.

この表は四半期生産量、YoY変化そしてAISCを示す、Barrick , Randgold,Newmont,そしてGoldcorpに対するもので、現在のゴールドブル相場の期間だ。6.1年ぶりの安値となる2015Q4遅くから始まった。BarrickはRandgoldの古いホームページを削除したので、もはや2015Q4 GOLDデータを入手できない。そして水曜午後時点で、NEMとGGはまだ2018Q4決算を開示していない。

Barrick and Newmont didn’t just effectively dilute their shareholders by 50% for some relatively-meager cost-saving synergies, but because they can’t grow their production internally.  ABX’s gold mined each quarter has been falling sharply on balance for years!  It has seen brutal YoY drops as high as 25.5%, which ought to be impossible for a world-class gold major.  7 of the last 9 quarters have seen big declines.

Barrick と Newmont共に効果的にコスト削減効果を得られていない、というのもどちらも生産量を増やせないからだ。ABXは毎四半期のゴールド生産量をここ何年も急落させている!YoY下落はなんと25.5%にもなる、世界的金鉱会社としてはあってはならないことだ。過去9四半期の内7四半期で大きな下落だった。






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