Martin Armstrong は Al Goreの狡猾な地球温暖化詐欺を糾弾する、単に政府の力を増すだけにすぎない





Authored by Martin Armstrong via,
There is a serious question that no one wants to address. How did Al Gore create the global warming scare and earn hundreds of millions of dollars in the process?

誰も明確にしたがらないが大きな疑念がある。如何にして、Al Goreは地球温暖化恐怖をうみだしたか、そしてこの過程で数百万ドルもを稼いだか?

Before Al Gore, science was worried deeply about what we are experiencing today - global cooling.

Al Gore以前には科学者は今我々が実際に体験していることを懸念していたーー地球寒冷化だ。

On April 28, 1975, Newsweek magazine published an article in which they sounded the alarm bell and proposed solutions to deliberately melt the ice caps:

“Climatologists are pessimistic that political leaders will take any positive action to compensate for the climatic change, or even to allay its effects. They concede that some of the more spectacular solutions proposed, such as melting thearcticc ice cap by covering it with black soot or diverting arctic rivers, might create problems far greater than those they solve. But the scientists see few signs that government leaders anywhere are even prepared to take the simple measures of stockpiling food or of introducing variables of climate uncertainty into economic projections of future food supplies.”


This sounds very similar to today’s proposed solution of putting particles in the atmosphere to deflect the sunlight to reduce global warming.


Indeed, TIME magazine’s January 31, 1977, cover featured the cover story, “The Big Freeze.” They reported that scientists were predicting that Earth’s average temperature could drop by 20 degrees fahrenheit. Their cited cause was, of course, that humans created global cooling. Then suddenly the climate cycles shifted and it began to warm up.


There was this core group of people who seemed to enjoy all the attention they were gathering by predicting the end of civilization caused by humans. As the temperatures began to warm, suddenly they had to switch the dire forecasts from global cooling caused by humans to global warming caused by humans.
Al Gore came to the rescue. Global cooling meant that government should stockpile food for everyone, but that would cost money. Switching to global warming would create a different agenda that they were familiar with. Like smoking, they could tax it to HELP people. Of course, when they did stop and tax revenues began to decline, they introduced taxes on e-cigarettes and didn’t try to deter people from smoking.

Al Goreがこれの助っ人になった。地球寒冷化となると政府が皆のために食料備蓄が必要になる、しかしこれには金がかかる。これを地球温暖化に切り替えると別の政策が必要になる、手慣れたものだ。たとえば、喫煙、これに増税すると人助けになる。当然、皆の禁煙が少なくなり税収が減ると、e-cigarettes課税を始める、そして人々が喫煙を回避しないようにする。

With global warming, they could tax everyone for things they did every day from driving a car to heating and cooling their homes. Suddenly, global warming was a lot more profitable for government than global cooling. The alarm bell stopped ringing that warned of a continued global cooling, seen between 1945 and 1968, that was creating a new Ice Age.


Al Gore took the position of Vice President under President Bill Clinton. In that capacity, with Bill Clinton chasing women, Hillary became the de facto President and Al Gore was given free rein. No other Vice President enjoyed that power until Dick Cheney under George Bush, Jr.

Al GoreはBill Clinton大統領のもとで副大統領だった。この状況でBill Clintonは女性を追いかけており、Hillaryは次の大統領と目されていた、というわけでAl Goreは何をしても良かった。George Bush, Jr大統領のもとでのDick Chney以外では副大統領というのは政治力を持っていなかった。

Gore set out to enact policies that would alter government and our future by placing humankind in harm’s way. Gore directed all funding to ensure that the climate change agenda became a top priority for the United States Government. Gore created the President’s Council on Sustainable Development.

Goreは政府や我々の将来を様変わりさせる政策を仕掛けた、人が人を傷つけるという枠組みだ。Goreは全ての予算を投じて気候変動枠組みを確立させた、米国政府の最優先課題としてだ。Goreは 持続的発展に関する大統領諮問委員会を作った。

 The Charter was revised on April 25, 1997, and the “Scope of Activities” was dramatically altered. Gore directed that the agenda was to be EXCLUSIVELY a global warming agenda to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. He claimed there would be NO DEBATE regarding the science behind the new agenda. Gore deliberately silenced all opposition.


The President’s Council on Sustainable Development was to focus EXCLUSIVELY on reducing greenhouse gas emissions by adopting the U.S. economy to his agenda. The Council shifted from economic development to environmental development even though it would reduce economic development. Gore flipped the purpose of the Council to a global warming and then set about his agenda to create a crisis to increase government control and power. That can only happen when there is a crisis, which Gore then manufactured.


To pull off the new agenda, Gore’s strategy set out to purge the government of anyone who disagreed or opposed his agenda in any way. He instilled, not the fear of God, but the fear of Gore throughout the high-ranking government officials in the agencies that included the Department of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, National Science Foundation, Department of Education, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Their funding would be cut unless they adopted Gore’s agenda.


When physicist Dr. William Happer, who was the Director of Energy Research at the Department of Energy, testified before Congress in 1993 in disagreement with Al Gore, he was instantly fired. Harper would later comment: “I had the privilege of being fired by Al Gore since I refused to go along with his alarmism. I did not need the job that badly.”

物理学者 Dr. William Happer、彼はエネルギー省のエネルギー探査局の局長だったが、1993年に議会で聴聞を受け、Al Goreに反論した、彼はすぐに解雇された。Harperは後にこう述べている:「私はAl Goreに解雇された、彼の警告論を拒否したからだ。あんなひどい仕事は必要なかった。」

Al Gore’s propaganda machine has been amazing. From the position of vice president, he changed the entire world while Bill was preoccupied with the line of girls waiting for their turn in the White House. His net worth exploded from $2 million to an estimated $300 million. His movie, An Inconvenient Truth, even made him $24 million with its apocalyptic forecasts that are an embarrassment today. He went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, which is awarded not for peace, but whatever agenda they want to push at any given moment. He was awarded that prize jointly with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change.”

Al Goreの広告マシンは素晴らしいものだった。彼は副大統領の立場から世界を変えてしまった、投じBillはホワイトハウスの女性問題で手一杯だった。彼の価値は$2Mから$300Mに跳ね上がった。彼の映画、不都合な真実、で$25Mを生み出した、世紀末的な予想だ、今となっては赤面ものだが。彼は2007年にはノーベル平和賞も受賞した、この年は平和ではなく、彼のアジェンダが受賞した。彼とIPCCが共同受賞となった、「人為的気候変動を広く知らしめる努力に向けてだ、そしてこのような変動に対処する組織に対して。」

What is really astonishing is that Al Gore is neither a scientist nor a climatologist. Yet, Gore is considered the leading expert despite the fact that Gore’s climate change agenda was nothing but a fraud and deliberately imposed to increase government power.

本当に驚くのは、Al Goreは科学者でも気象学者でもないことだ。それでもGoreは特別な専門家とみなされた、実際にはGoreの気候変動アジェンダはほかでもないデタラメで、政府の力を増すためだけのものだったのに。






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