金鉱株は勢いを増す by Zeal 後半

This week GLD traded near $124, so GDX regaining 0.216x means its price would rally to $26.78.  That would make for a 52% upleg at today’s gold prices, and would drive that major breakout over GDX’s old $25 resistance line.  And of course higher gold prices would lead to proportionally-higher GDX targets at any given GDX/GLD Ratio.  Looking at today’s gold-stock levels compared to past means shows huge upside.


Back in mid-October when GDX was still only trading in the $18s and few believed a new gold-stock upleg had been born, I explored the GGR.  This small contrarian sector was the last cheap one in wildly-expensive stock markets.  I looked at some past GGR levels from the last secular gold-stock bull to point out how far gold stocks could soar.  Consider the couple-year spans surrounding 2008’s wild stock panic.


In the 2 years after that extreme anomaly, 2009 and 2010, the GGR averaged 0.422x.  And in the 2 years before that fear superstorm, it averaged 0.591x.  Those are not high levels at major gold-stock toppings when euphoria reigned, but mere means.  GDX ought to be able to regain those well-established levels later on in this bull market.  At today’s gold prices, the post-panic average would catapult GDX to $52.33.


That would make for 198% gains from the recent secular low, a tripling in major gold miners’ stock prices!  And that still wouldn’t be close to GDX’s $66.63 record hit at the end of gold stocks’ last secular bull back in September 2011.  At the pre-panic 2-year-average GGR, this week’s gold levels would support an all-time GDX high of $73.28.  That’s 317% higher than recent lows, more than a quadrupling in gold-stock price levels!


And all this assumes flat gold in the low $1300s, which is very unlikely.  Gold is enjoying its own young uplegpowering higher, which was sparked by the serious stock-market selloff in Q4.  At $1350, $1400, or $1450 gold, the gold-stock price levels implied by GGR mean reversions are much higher.  And that doesn’t account for the typical proportional overshoot towards the opposite extreme after deep GGR lows are hit.


The key takeaway here is gold stocks’ upside potential remains very large despite the progress so far in this young upleg.  The big majority of this particular gold-stock upleg almost certainly remains ahead, so it’s not too late to get deployed before everyone else figures it out.  Once gold stocks start surging faster than gold, the resulting bullish psychology becomes self-feeding enticing in more capital fueling bigger gains.


Big gold-stock uplegs are fully justified fundamentally by higher gold prices.  Consider an example.  The gold miners are now reporting their Q4 results, but the last complete set was Q3’s.  Then the major gold miners of GDX reported average all-in-sustaining costs of $877 per ounce.  These generally don’t change much regardless of prevailing gold prices.  Mining costs are largely fixed when mines are being planned.


That’s when engineers and geologists decide which ore to mine, how to dig to it, and how to process it to recover the gold.  So higher gold prices directly amplify gold miners’ bottom lines.  While I’ll wade through the gold miners’ Q4 results once they are all released and write a new essay on them, AISCs are highly likely to remain near Q3 levels.  Let’s call it $875 per ounce.  In Q4 gold’s price averaged $1228 despite the rally.


That means the major gold miners were collectively earning about $353 per ounce mined.  Meanwhile so far in Q1 gold is averaging $1296, which is a hefty 5.5% higher quarter-on-quarter.  Assuming AISCs are flat across this industry, that implies gold miners are now earning $421 per ounce.  That’s a massive 19.3% QoQ jump in profits on a 5.5% higher gold price, making for strong 3.5x upside leverage to gold.


The higher prevailing gold prices thanks to its own upleg are fueling fatter earnings for the gold miners.  That provides the critical fundamental underpinning supporting major gold-stock uplegs.  They are not just psychological phenomena driven by shifting sentiment, but actually reflect better operating conditions.  I doubt historical gold-stock uplegs could’ve averaged such big gains without real fundamental foundations.


The unfortunate thing about major gold-stock uplegs is most speculators and investors ignore them until way too late.  Traders love buying high and chasing momentum, but hate buying low before those big gains happen.  So sadly the great majority of traders miss the great majority of major gold-stock uplegs.  They don’t start deploying capital until after most of the gains are already won, which usually leads to later losses.


While today’s young upleg is gathering steam, we’ve likely only seen the first third or so.  Thus there is still time to buy gold stocks relatively low before others start chasing their momentum in coming months after they are much higher.  Why buy high later when you can still buy low now?  And the best gains won’t be won in big ETFs like GDX, but in the stocks of fundamentally-superior smaller mid-tier and junior gold miners.


The major gold miners dominating GDX are really struggling to grow their gold production.  Depletion is outpacing mine growth leading to higher costs and lower profits.  That really retards their and thus GDX’s upside potential.  But plenty of smaller gold miners are growing their output through new mine builds and expansions, which also lowers their costs.  Their stocks’ upside potential utterly trounces the GDX majors.


The earlier you get deployed, the greater your gains will be.  That’s why the trading books in our popular weeklyand monthly newsletters are currently full of better gold and silver miners mostly added in recent months.  The gains we won in 2016 were amazing the last time American stock investors returned to gold.  Our newsletter stock trades that year averaged +111.0% and +89.7% annualized realized gains respectively!


The gold-stock gains should be similarly huge as today’s young gold and gold-stock uplegs grow.  The gold miners are the last undervalued sector in these still-expensive stock markets, and rally with gold during stock-market bears unlike anything else.  To multiply your wealth in the stock markets you have to do your homework and stay abreast, which our newsletters really help.  They explain what’s going on in the markets, why, and how to trade them with specific stocks.  You can subscribe today for just $12 per issue!


The bottom line is this young gold-stock upleg is really gathering steam.  Technically it has rallied higher on balance for months now in a strong uptrend, carving higher lows and higher highs.  GDX has broken out above three major resistance lines, and just flashed a key Golden Cross buy signal!  All this has really started to shift sentiment back to bullish, which will attract in lots more capital to chase the momentum.

要約すると、この始まったばかりの金鉱株上昇は本当に勢いを増しつつ在る。テクニカル的には、ここ数ヶ月力強い上昇をしてきた、higher lows とhigher highsを繰り返してきた。GDXは三重レジスタンスを打ち破った、そしてちょうどゴールデンクロスを発したところだ!これらがどれも心理を強気に買え始めた、これはモメンタムを追いかける新たな資金を集めることだろう。

And these mounting gold-stock gains are fundamentally justified by gold’s own growing upleg.  Gold-stock earnings amplify underlying gains in gold, making big stock-price surges righteous.  Now is the time to get deployed relatively low, before most traders figure this out and start piling in.  The evidence suggests a major gold-stock upleg is underway and mounting, and they tend to average gains far bigger than today’s.


Adam Hamilton, CPA     February 8, 2019     Subscribe






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