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Authored by Mac Slavo via SHTFplan.com,
The unemployment rate has been a perfect forecaster of a recession in the past 70 years, and it appears to be edging closer to triggering that signal.  “It’s never been wrong. It’s something to watch,” said Joseph Lavorgna, chief economist for the Americas at Natixis.

過去70年を振り返り失業率は完璧な景気後退先行指標だった、そしてこれが警告を発し始めていることが明らかになった。「決していま悪いわけではない。注視するときだ、」とJoseph Lavorgnaは言う、彼はNatixis の米国関連チーフエコノミストだ。

As the unemployment rate hovers around 4% (the number reported in the mainstream media) a more accurate unemployment number is 8.1%.  This takes into account those who have given up on finding work and those who are underemployed (workers who are part-time but want full-time employment),  This more accurate unemployment number is called the U-6, while we often hear the U-3 reported on the news. But even former Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen says the U-6 is a much more accurate indicator of where things are with regards to the economy.

主要メディアで伝える失業率は4%だが、もっと正確に言うと失業率は8.1%だ。この数値算出には、すでに就業を諦めた人や、フルタイムジョブを求めているのに仕方なくパートタイム就業している人を考慮したものだ。このより正確な失業率というのはU6失業率と呼ばれる、我々がメディアで目にするのはU3失業率だ。元FED議長 Janet Yellenによると、U6失業率が経済環境をもっとも正確に表現している、ということだ。

According to Lavorgna, since 1948, the economy has always entered or been in a recession when the unemployment rate increased 50 basis points (or 0.50 percentage point) from its trailing cyclical low. Lavorgna added that a recession has occurred in all 11 instances regardless of the level of unemploymentaccording to CNBC. He pointed to the example of a recession in 1953 when the unemployment rate rose to just 3.1 percent, and in 1981 when the cyclical low in the unemployment rate was high at 7.2 percent.


The unemployment rate which was reported February 1, rose to 4 percent in January from 3.9 percent. It is currently 30 basis points above the low of 3.7 percent reported in November.  Based on simple math, the unemployment rate is close to triggering a recession indicator. But Lavorgna says the chances are still only 1 in 3 that that happens.

“The current rise is notable and would be troubling if it continues,” notes Lavorgna.  “The recent increase in the rate has been due to rising labor force participation, which is a sign of economic strength, not weakness.”

「現在の上昇は顕著で、これが続くと問題になるだろう、」とLavorgnaは言う。「 最近の増加は労働参加率上昇によるもので、これは経済の強さを示しており、弱さを示しているわけではない。」

According to CNBC, the reason the unemployment rate has risen is actually a good thing.  The long-term unemployed are returning to the workforce and looking for a job. “Generally job growth is positive just before a recession,” said LaVorgna.


This isn’t the only indication that a recession is creeping up on the United States.  Other signs are there if you choose to look past the glassy-eyed talking heads in the media. Retail sales were so bad in December of 2018, that many say it had to be “suspect data”and not the simple fact that the economy isn’t as strong as many would have you believe.  If the data was not suspect than a recession is on the way. And with retail stores closing at an alarming rate, it isn’t surprising to hear retail sales have dropped.







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