
4月, 2020の投稿を表示しています


Whisteblowing ER Docs Urge "Open Up Society Now" Because "Lockdowns Are Weakening Our Immune Systems" by Tyler Durden Sun, 04/26/2020 - 16:45 Authored by Edward Peter Stringham via The American Institute for Economic Research, Dr. Daniel W. Erickson of Bakersfield, California, is a former emergency-room physician who co-owns, with his partner Dr. Artin Massih, Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield. カリフォルニアの医師 Dr.W.Ericksonはもと救急救命医であり、 Dr. Artin MassihとともにAccelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfieldを経営している。 They are experienced medical professionals who have 40 years of hands-on experience in dealing with viruses and respiratory infections. 彼らはもう40年以上もの経験のある医療専門家であり、ウイルスや細菌性伝染病を直接対処してきた。 Watching the news in China in January, they knew the viru

金鉱株ブル相場ブレークアウト! by Zeal

最後の2段落だけ訳を入れておきます。 Gold-Stock Bull Breakout! Adam Hamilton     April 24, 2020     2845 Words The gold miners’ stocks surged to a major bull-market breakout this week!  Powering decisively above their years-old secular resistance is a hugely-important technical event.  It proves this gold-stock bull is alive and well, greatly improves sentiment, and puts this high-flying sector on countless more traders’ radars.  New bull highs fuel self-feeding bullish psychology, as speculators and investors love chasing winners.   The gold miners’ stocks are essentially leveraged plays on gold, since its price overwhelmingly drives their earnings and thus ultimately stock prices.  So gold-stock bulls and bears mirror and amplify gold’s own major market cycles.  Today’s secular gold bull began marching in mid-December 2015, birthed from choking despair.  Gold stocks’ parallel bull arose from the ashes about a month later in mid-Jan


Von Greyerz: A Hyperinflationary Depression Has Always Been The Inevitable Endgame by Tyler Durden Sat, 04/18/2020 - 18:55 Authored by Egon von Greyerz via GoldSwitzerland.com, A  Hyperinflationary Depression  has always been the inevitable end to the biggest financial bubble in history. And this time it will be global. Hyperinflation will spread from country to country like Coronavirus. It could start anywhere but the most likely first countries are the US and the EU or ED (European Disunion). They will quickly be followed by many more like Japan and most developing countries. Like CV it will quickly jump from country to country with very few being spared. 歴史的規模の巨大な金融バブルの最終局面はいつもハイパーインフレ的恐慌だった。今回はそれが世界的規模になるだろう。コロナウイルスのようにハイパーインフレが国から国に伝染するだろう。どこから始まってもおかしくないが、最初に起きそうなのは米国、欧州、もしくはEU瓦解からだ。多くの国がすぐにこれを追いかけるだろう、日本や他の先進国だ。コロナウイルスが時間を待たず国から国に感染したのと同様だ。 CURRENT INTEREST