



The past year was full of events that inevitably split the global geopolitical space into two camps: those who still support using US currency as a universal financial tool, and those who are turning their back on the greenback.


Global tensions caused by economic sanctions and trade conflicts triggered by Washington have forced targeted countries to take a fresh look at alternative payment systems currently dominated by the US dollar.


So far, China, India, Turkey, Iran, and Russia have all taken steps towards eliminating their reliance on the greenback, and the reasons behind their decision.


But while those nations could be conceived by many as "enemies" that could be forgiven for daring to question the hegemon, we must admit we were a little surprised at just how frank Bank of England Governor Mark Carney was during a lengthy Q&A this morning...

しかしこれらの国々がどこも覇権を好む「敵対国」というわけでもないが、BoE総裁のMark Carneyが今朝のインタビューのQ&Aでここまでフランクに答えたことには多少の驚きが在る・・・・

One of the first questions asked was:

"Does he envisage one of the types of IMF SDRs to become a global currency in his lifetime? If so, will it be crypto/blockchain/gold 'backed'?"

「あなたが生きているうちにIMF SDRが世界通貨となると思いますか?もしそうなら、暗号通貨/ブロックチェーン/ゴールドの「裏付け」を持つでしょうか?

Carney's response was oddly honest and open...


"The IMF’s SDRs are designed for a specific purpose – to supplement IMF member countries’ official reserves and so help them to address balance of payments problems. So they are not intended to become a widely accepted means of exchange – what most people understand ‘currency’ to mean.
「IMF SDRは特定の目的のために設計されたものでありーーIMF参加国の公式準備通貨を補完するもおだ、そしてこれが支払い方法におけるバランスを生み出す。というわけで広く受け入れられる為替通貨を意図したものではないーー多くの人が「通貨」として理解しているものではない。

OK, so definitely got the message - Don't look over here at the SDRs...


What about other currencies?


"That said, I think it is likely that we will ultimately have reserve currencies other than the USD. The evolution of the global financial system is currently lagging behind that of the global economy, and there are asymmetric concentrations of financial assets in advanced economies relative to economic activity.

「とはいえ、私が思うにやがて我々はUSD以外の基軸通貨を持つようになるだろう。 世界の金融システムの発展を振り返ると、通貨は経済活動に伴うものだ、そして経済が強い通貨に非対称的に金融資産が集中するものだ。
For example, EMEs’ share of global activity is now 60%, but their share of global financial assets lags behind at around one-third. And half of international trade is currently invoiced in US dollars, even though the US has a much lower 10% share of international trade. As the world re-orders, this disconnect between the real and financial is likely to reduce, and in the process other reserve currencies may emerge. In the first instance, I would expect these will be existing national currencies, such as the RMB.

たとえば、世界的経済活動に占める新興国の割合はいまや60%にもなる、しかし彼らの金融資産はこれに大きく遅れを取っており約1/3にすぎない。そして世界貿易の半分は米ドル決済だ、たとえ米国の国際貿易割合が10%以下であるにもかかわらずこうなっている。世界秩序再構築に当たり、この現実と金融の乖離は縮まるだろう、そしてこのプロセスで他の基軸通貨が出現するかもしれない。 まず第一に、私はこういう地位を占めるのは既存の国家通貨だと思う、たとえばRMBだ。
However, history suggests these transitions will not happen overnight. The US economy overtook Britain’s in the second half of the 19th century, but it took until the 1920s before it became a dominant currency in international trade. "

"Nothing lasts forever"


Carney was skeptical about the possibility of cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin rivalling national currencies as a reserve instrument.

"It is early days for cryptoassets, but in their current form they are not promising as a form of money let alone as a global currency. They are poor stores of value – for example there is extreme daily variation in their value. Cryptoassets are not accepted on the high streets or at online retailers as a form of payment in the UK. And they currently raise a host of issues around consumer and investor protection, market integrity, money laundering, terrorism financing, tax evasion, and the circumvention of sanctions which authorities here and overseas are working to address."
「暗号通貨はまだ日が浅い、しかし現在のような形で世界通貨としてはうまく機能しないだろう。store of valueとしては脆弱だーー例えば日々その価値が極端に変わる。暗号通貨はロンドン金融街でもまたオンライン販売でも受け入れられない。暗号通貨は現在消費者や投資家保護、市場の正しさ、マネーロンダリング、テロ支援、脱税、そして制裁回避こういう問題を抱えている。」

And as a follow-up, one person asked:

"Do you think trade wars and sanctions policies against Iran by the Trump administration are accelerating the decline of the USD as reserve currency as China offers RMB-denominated options for bypassing traditionally USD events (ie Shanghai oil futures market)."

But by then Carney had had enough and concluded his Q&A.


However, while Carney was comfortable claiming that the USD could lose its reserve status, he was notably opposed to a return to a gold standard:

"It would be undesirable to base the value of a global currency on gold. Under the Bretton Woods system – the international system of linking exchange rates to the US dollar which was pegged to gold existing from 1944 to 1971 – there was a fundamental tension in that the global supply of gold did not grow in line with the global demand for money. This tension peaked in the early 1970s and the system collapsed. Since then, major economies have moved towards a system of floating exchange rates, and the basis for the SDR's valuation has also been switched from gold to the more stable arrangement of valuation based on a basket of currencies. "
「世界通貨の基礎をゴールドに置くことは望ましくないだろう。Bretton Woods体制のもとでーー為替レートは対ドルで決められ、1944から1971までドルはゴールドにペグされていたーー世界通貨需要に対応してゴールド供給を増やせないというファンダメンタルズ的な緊張が存在した。この緊張が1970年代初頭にピークに達しシステムは崩壊した。その時以来、主流経済は変動相場制に移行し、SDRはそれまでのゴールドからもっと安定した通貨バスケットとなった。」

We have a simple response to Mr.Carney - that's the point of it - a feature not a bug!

ZeroHedgeはMr. Carneyに対してシンプルな対応をしようーーそれこそ大切なことだーーそれは仕様であってバグではない!

However,  as Alasdair Macleod recently detailed, if the yuan is to replace the dollar for China’s trade, a policy that leads to the mass accumulation of dollars has to be terminated at some point.

しかしながら、Alasdair Macleodが最近詳細に議論したが、もし中国貿易でドルに変わり人民元を使うなら、多量にドルを買い集める政策はどこかの時点で終了となる。

The answer is to back the yuan with gold


Major-General Qiao made it clear to the CCPCC that the dollar achieved global domination only after August 1971, when the link with gold was abandoned and replaced with oil. The link with oil was not through exchange values, as had been the case with gold, but through a payment monopoly. In Qiao’s words, “The most important thing in the 20th century was not World War 1, World War 2, or the disintegration of the USSR, but rather the August 15, 1971 disconnection between the US dollar and gold.”

Major-General QiaoがCCPCC 中国人民協商会議で明らかにしたことだが、ドルが世界を支配したのは1971年8月以降のことだ、このときゴールドとの関連が絶たれ、原油がそれに変わった。原油との関連は、ゴールドのときのように為替という意味ではないが、しかし支払い手法で独占となったのだ。Qiaoの言葉を引用すると、「20世紀で最も大切なことは第一次世界大戦でも、第二次世界大戦でもない、ましてやUSSR解体でもない、そうではなく、1971年8月15日米ドルとゴールドの関連が解き放たれたことだ。」

Strong words, indeed. But if that’s the case, the Chinese will know that the most important event of this new century will be the destruction of the dollar’s hegemonic status. It requires careful consideration, and many unforeseen consequences may arise. The Chinese know they must not be blamed for the dollar’s demise.


So long as the world economy continues to grow without periodic credit dislocations, then China needs only to react to events, doing nothing overtly to undermine the dollar. She need never seek reserve currency status. No one can complain about that. But while central bankers may presume that they have banished credit crises, the reality is different. An independent, market-based view of the current credit cycle is that the onset of another credit crisis is becoming more likely by the day. That being the case, on current monetary policies China’s economy can be expected to crash, along with those of the West’s welfare states.


China’s manufacturing economy will be particularly hard hit by the rise in interest rates that normally triggers a credit crisis. Higher interest rates turn previous capital investments in the production of goods into malinvestments, because the profit calculations based on lower interest rates and lower input prices become invalid. This is a greater problem for China than for many other economies, because of her emphasis on the production of goods. In short, unless China finds a solution to the next credit crisis before it hits, she could find herself in greater difficulties than states where the production of goods is a minority occupation, purely from a production point of view.

中国の製造業主体経済は特に金利上昇で大きな打撃を受けるだろう、金利上昇は通常与信危機のキッカケとなる。金利上昇はモノの製造への資本投資を malinvestments 筋悪投資に変えてしまう、というのもこれまでの利益は低金利と低素材で生み出されていたわけでこれがもはや無効となる。他国に比べ中国ではこれがより大きな問題となる、というのも中国は製造業に集中しすぎていたからだ。簡単に言うと、次の与信危機が到来するまでに中国が解決策を見つけないと、製造業がそれほど重きを持っていない他国に比べ中国は自らより大きな困難に直面することになる、純粋に製造業の視点に基づいて経済を組み立ててきたのだ。

From what we know of their strategic analysis of money and credit, the Chinese should be aware of the cyclical risk to production. If the yuan and the dollar go head-to-head as purely fiat currencies, the yuan will be the loser every time. It would mean the yuan would inevitably sink faster than the dollar in the run-up to the credit crisis, which appears to be happening now. As Qiao puts it, China is already being harvested by America. At some stage, China must act to protect herself from this harvesting. And that’s where her gold comes into play.


Stabilising the currency and the economy with gold


China originally accumulated undeclared reserves of gold as a prudent diversification from holding nothing but other governments’ liabilities. This then turned into a quasi-strategic policy, through encouraging her citizens to accumulate gold as well, while continuing to ban them from owning foreign currencies. We know roughly how much gold her own citizens have, but we can only guess at the state’s holding. It will soon be time for China to declare it.The reasoning is straightforward. At this late stage in the global credit cycle, and so long as the yuan is unbacked, yuan interest rates will rise to the point where Chinese business models will be destroyed. The only way that can be stopped is to link the yuan to gold, so that interest rates align with that of gold, not the rising rates of an unbacked yuan weakening against the dollar whose interest rates are rising as well.


China will be taking a major step by putting an end to the dollar era that has existed since August 1971, when gold as the ultimate money was driven out of the monetary system. She must be ready to do this urgently, despite the opinions of Western-educated economists within her own administration. Some Western central banks may face acute embarrassment, having sold and leased their gold reserves, so that they are no longer in possession. China must move soon to avoid further rises in dollar interest rates undermining the yuan even more.


That time must be approaching. China must resist the temptation to defer such an important decision, allowing the yuan to fall much further. The neo-Keynesians in Beijing will argue that a lower yuan will compensate exporters facing American tariffs. But all that does is drive up domestic prices, and increase the cost of commodities required for China’s infrastructure plans. No, the decision to move must be sooner rather than later.


Assuming China has significant undeclared gold reserves, this could be done very simply through the issuance of a perpetual jumbo bond, paying coupons in gold or yuan at the holder’s option. This financial model, without the gold convertibility feature, is based on Britain’s Consolidated Loan Stock, first issued in 1751 and finally redeemed in 2015. Being undated, there was no capital drain on the exchequer, except at the exchequer’s option.

中国が未公開の多量のゴールド備蓄を持っているなら、この政策は単に巨額永久債を発行するだけで良い、支払いをゴールドか人民元か債権持ち手が選べるようにするのだ。この金融モデルでは、ゴールド兌換性は必要良い、これは英国のConsolidated Loan Stockと同様だ、最初に発行されたのは1751年のことで、2015年にすべて買い戻された。返済期限が無く、財務省からの資本流出はない、償還するのは財務省が望む時だけだ。(訳注:金利だけを払い続けるものです)
China's official gold reserves rose for the first time in around two years (since Oct 2016)...


China's gold reserves had been steady at 59.240 million fine troy ounces from October 2016 to November 2018, according to data from the People’s Bank of China, and suddenly jumped to 59.560 million fine troy ounces at end-December.

Ultimately, a return to sound money is a solution that will do less damage than fiat currencies losing their purchasing power at an accelerating pace. Think Venezuela, and how sound money would solve her problems. But that path is blocked by a sink-hole that threatens to swallow up whole governments. Trying to buy time by throwing yet more money at an economy suffering a credit crisis will only destroy the currency. The tactic worked during the Lehman crisis, but it was a close-run thing. It is unlikely to work again.

もう絶対に、正貨への回帰が管理通貨よりも損失が少ない解決策だ、管理通貨はその購買力を加速度的に失う。ベネズエラのことを考えるが良い、そうすれば如何に正貨が問題を解決できるかが判る。しかしこの手順は排水口で止められる、政府全体を台無しにする恐れがあるというものだ。与信危機に際して時間をかけてさらなる資金をつぎ込もうとすると通貨を壊してしまうだけだろう。この戦略はLehman 危機のときには有効だった、しかしこれがうまく機能したのはとても微妙なものだった。再度これが有効とは思えない。

Because China’s economy has had its debt expansion of the last ten years mostly aimed at production, if she fails to act soon she faces an old-fashioned slump with industries going bust and unemployment rocketing. China offers very limited welfare, and without Maoist-style suppression, faces the prospect of not only the state’s plans going awry, but discontent and rebellion developing among the masses.


For China, a gold-exchange yuan standard is now the only way out. She will also need to firmly deny what Western universities have been teaching her brightest students. But if she acts early and decisively, China will be the one left standing when the dust settles, and the rest of us in our fiat-financed welfare states will left chewing the dirt of our unsound currencies.







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