金鉱株上方ブレークアウト by Zeal 中半

After being pummeled to a major secular low in mid-January 2016, selling was exhausted and buyers started to return.  GDX began powering higher, spurred on by a parallel young gold upleg.  GDX blasted up through its 200dma and capital flooded in.  By the time that major buying ran its course, GDX soared an amazing 151.2% higher in just 6.4 months!  Those kinds of returns are what give gold stocks their allure.


The necessary psychology to maintain that gold-stock momentum resulted from a relatively-minor 29.9% gold upleg in roughly the same span.  The major gold miners of GDX leveraged and amplified gold’s gains by 5.1x!  That was far better than the usual 2x to 3x because the gold stocks were so beaten down, trading atfundamentally-absurd levels when that upleg was born.  Yet those huge gains still weren’t too exceptional.


Despite GDX’s mounting popularity as the leading gold-stock benchmark, this ETF is relatively new with a May 2006 birth.  The previous secular gold-stock bull ran for 10.8 years, extending from November 2000 to September 2011.  During that long span the classic HUI NYSE Arca Gold BUGS Index skyrocketed an astounding 1664.4% higher!  The world’s most-hated sector today multiplied investors’ wealth by nearly 18x.


That was driven by a parallel 638.2% secular gold bull, which the major gold stocks of the HUI leveraged by 2.6x.  The individual upleg cycles within that mammoth gold-stock bull show uplegs in this sector tend to be very large.  Excluding the epic mean-reversion rebound out of late 2008’s first-in-a-century stock-market panic, the HUI enjoyed 11 normal uplegs.  Their average gain was a staggering 80.7% over 7.9 months!


That last secular gold-stock bull offered traders 11 separate opportunities over 11 years to almost double their capital!  So while GDX’s monster 151% upleg in H1’16 was definitely on the huge side, the last bull’s 81% average uplegs weren’t tremendously behind.  When investment capital returns to gold stocks in a material way, their upside is massive.  Today’s young GDX upleg could easily grow to 80%+ later this year.

この長期金鉱株ブル相場は11年の間に11回も個別の上昇機会を与えたのだ、どれもが資産倍増に近いものだった!というわけで2016H1のGDX 巨大151%上昇はとても大きなものだが、前回のブル相場の平均81%上昇もそう遅れは取っていない。かなりな額の投資資金が金鉱株に戻ってくると、その上昇は巨大なものだ。現在始まったばかりのGDX上昇は年末には簡単に80%超となるだろう。

Even a full-on doubling is fairly conservative considering how low gold stocks were hammered in early September’s cascading forced capitulation.  GDX bottomed at $17.57 on September 11th, which was a deep 2.6-year low.  A 100% gain from there would merely carry it to $35.14.  That would be a new high for this gold-stock bull, as GDX last peaked at $31.32 in early August 2016.  But GDX $35 is still relatively low.

9月初めには連鎖的な降伏で金鉱株が叩きのめされたことを勘案すると倍になっても控えめなものだ。GDX底値は9月11日の$17.57であり、2.6年ぶりの安値だった。そこから100%上昇したとしても$35.14にすぎない。これは今回の金鉱株ブル相場の新高値となる、GDXが2016年8月に高値になったときは$31.32だった。しかしGDX $35というのは相対的に安値だ。

Back in September 2011 as that last secular gold-stock bull crested, GDX peaked at $66.63 on close.  It averaged $52.61 in the three full calendar years of 2010, 2011, and 2012.  Gold-stock levels have been much higher on balance in the past.  So seeing GDX double from its recent lows in this young upleg isn’t a stretch at all.  And major gold-stock uplegs aren’t just a technical-buying-fueling-bullish-sentiment thing.


They are also supported by fundamentals.  Gold-mining costs are essentially fixed during mine-planning stages.  That’s when geologists and engineers decide which gold ore to mine, how to dig to it, and how to process that ore to extract the gold.  Once hundreds of millions of dollars are spent to build the mines and mills, the mining costs generally don’t fluctuate much.  Real-world data abundantly confirms this truth.


Every quarter I wade through the latest financial and operational reports of the top 34 GDX gold miners.  They finished reporting their latest Q3’18 results in mid-November, which I painstakingly analyzed in an essay as usual.  The top 34 GDX gold miners accounted for nearly 94% of this ETF’s total weighting.  And their average all-in sustaining costs for producing each ounce of gold ran $877.  That was right in line.


The previous four quarters’ top 34 GDX gold miners’ average AISCs came in at $868, $858, $884, and $856 averaging $867.  So the major gold miners’ costs for producing gold don’t change much regardless of what the gold price is doing.  Thus higher gold prices feed directly through to bottom lines in amplified fashion.  Gold stocks’ earnings surge during gold uplegs, fundamentally justifying monster gold-stock gains.

これまで4四半期のGDX上位34銘柄の平均AISCは$868, $858, $884, and $856で平均$867だった。というわけで大手近郊会社の産金コストはゴールド市況にそれほど依存しない。しかるにゴールド価格が上昇すると決算最下段の利益は増加する。金鉱株の利益はゴールド上昇で急増する、ファンダメンタルズ的に巨大な金鉱株上昇を裏付ける。

In Q3’18 plenty of major gold miners actually reported that they expected AISCs to retreat in Q4’18 as production recovered out of various temporary setbacks.  So I expect to see lower average AISCs among the top 34 GDX gold miners in their upcoming Q4 results.  But let’s conservatively assume that Q3’18’s $877 average AISCs hold into Q4.  Higher prevailing gold prices in Q4 portend bigger gold-mining profits.


The average gold price climbed 1.4% quarter-on-quarter in Q4 near $1228.  That implies the major gold miners of GDX were earning $351 per ounce at $877 average AISCs.  In Q3 the lower average $1211 gold price drove profits of $334 per ounce.  So gold-mining earnings are likely to climb by at least 5.1% QoQ in Q4’18 results.  That is 3.6x upside leverage to gold, so outsized gold-stock gains are righteous.


No one knows what gold will average in Q1’19, but I bet it’s going to be much higher than Q4’s $1228.  Goldthrives during stock-market selloffs as investors remember diversifying their stock-heavy portfolios with alternative investments.  And with burning stock markets rolling over into a young bear driven by full-speed Fed quantitative tightening, gold investment demand is likely to push gold higher for a long time to come.







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