ベア相場の始まりに気づけ by Zeal 後半

While the extreme Fed tightening under this unprecedented full-speed QT campaign could easily drive a major stock bear alone, so could excessive valuations.  When the SPX peaked in late September, its 500 elite stocks were collectively trading at literal bubble valuations!  Extreme valuations are what usually cause stock bears, which exist to force stock prices back into line with corporations’ underlying earnings.


The classic honest way to measure valuations is through trailing-twelve-month price-to-earnings ratios.  These take companies’ last four quarters of actual hard GAAP earnings, add them up, and divide them by companies’ prevailing stock prices.  Unlike fictional forward earnings, real past results aren’t mere guesses about the future.  Over the past century and a quarter or so, the US stock markets averaged a 14x TTM P/E.

正直にバリュエーションを評価する伝統的手法は、TTM PERを見ることだ。この指標では直近4四半期のGAAP収益を採用する、これらを足し合わせ企業の株価で割り算する。事実に基づかない予想収益とは違い、実現した過去の結果を見ることは単なる将来への当て物ではない。過去125をみると、米国株式市場のTTM PER 平均値は14xだ。

That’s long-term historical fair value, which is logical and reasonable.  The reciprocal yield of 14x is 7.1%, an interest rate that is mutually beneficial to both pay and be paid for investment capital.  Twice that at 28x earnings is the formal bubble threshold.  As of the end of September just after the SPX peaked, its elite companies averaged a TTM P/E well into bubble territory at 31.4x earnings.  They were dangerously overvalued.

この値は長期的歴史的なフェアバリューだ、合理的で納得のゆくものだ。PER 14xの逆数は7.1%となる、投資に関して出資する方受け取る方ともに納得できる金利だ。これが二倍の28xとなると公式にバブル域とみなされる。9月末時点においてSPXが天井を打ったとき、これら遊龍奇病の平均TTM PERは31.4xのバブル域だった。危険なほどに過大評価されていた。

This next chart looks at average SPX valuations in TTM P/E terms over the past couple decades or so.  The 500 SPX components’ simple-average P/E is rendered in light blue.  The dark-blue line shows it instead weighted by companies’ market capitalizations.  The SPX is superimposed over the top in red, while a hypothetical fair-value SPX at 14x earnings is shown in white.  This valuation picture is ominously damning.

次のチャートはSPXの平均バリュエーションをTTM PERで示している、過去20年にわたるものだ。SPX500銘柄の単純平均PERを水色で示す。濃い青は時価総額比例のものだ。SPXは赤線で示している、SPXのフェアバリュー14x PERを白い線で示している。このバリュエーション図は不吉なものだ。

The bubble valuations around the SPX’s late-September peak were nothing new.  They had been above that 28x threshold continuously for 14 months since July 2017.  Stocks were already expensive before Republicans swept the November 2016 elections kindling those exuberant big-tax-cuts-soon hopes.  But they got a lot more expensive after that as stock prices soared way faster than corporate earnings since.


Again excessive valuations are what normally spawn stock bears.  Stock prices get bid up too fast during bull markets for underlying earnings to justify.  So bears follow bulls to drag stocks lower or just sideways for long enough for corporate profits to catch up with prevailing stock prices.  These mean reversions after large bulls usually see valuations overshoot towards the opposite extreme before bears give up their ghosts.


So odds are this young stock bear won’t head back into hibernation until the stock markets’ average TTM P/E ratio per the elite SPX components actually falls under 14x.  Major bears usually bottom with the SPX P/E in the 7x-to-10x earnings range, the former being half fair value when stocks are very cheap and screaming buys.  Late in the last stock bear climaxing in March 2009, the SPX’s TTM P/E slumped to 12.6x.

というわけで今回始まったばかりのベア相場は平均TTM PERが14x以下になるまで止まることはない。大きなSPXベア相場ではPERが7xから10xで底を打つのが普通だ、前者はフェアバリューの半分であり株価はとても割安になり買いが優勢になる。2009年3月のベア相場の絶頂では、SPX TTM PERは12.6xまで下落した。

But let’s be conservative and just assume this next bear, even with Fed QT, merely mauls stocks long enough to force a fair-value 14x P/E with no overshoot.  Assuming corporate earnings don’t grow much which is a real possibility during a serious stock bear, that implies 51% downside from the SPX’s late-November levels.  That was the latest month-end valuation data available when this essay was published.

しかしもっと控えめに次のベア相場を予想してみよう、たとえFED QTがあるとしても、十分時間をかけて株式市場が単に14xPERまで後退し、オーバーシュートが無いとする。企業収益は大きく増えないとする、深刻なベア相場では現実的な仮定だ、となるとSPXは11月遅くのレベルから51%下落することになる。この記事を発行する際の最新月末バリュエーションからということだ。

Historical fair value sans earnings growth implies a bear-market bottom near SPX 1356, or 53.7% under late September’s peak!  That’s right in line with historical major bear markets, nothing unusual.  As bears generally last a couple years or so, modest underlying corporate-profits growth could lift that valuation-based bottoming target maybe 10% or so.  That still implies a 49.1% total bear which isn’t to be trifled with.


The combination of wildly-unprecedented full-speed Fed QT slamming QE-inflated stock markets trading at bubble valuations is incredibly menacing.  Seeing bear-market-like rolling-over selling behavior without big fear spikes in recent months strongly argues the overdue bear has awoken.  But since all that selling has been concentrated fully within a single quarter, odds are most investors don’t realize how bad things are.

全速力のFED QTとバブル域のバリュエーションが重なるわけで、とても恐ろしいい。大きな恐怖心もなくここ数ヶ月下落が続くことは満を持したベア相場を目覚めさせた。しかしこの下落がこの1四半期内に起きているために、投資家は以下な状況が悪いかに気づいていない。

The biggest group of investors with the most capital are casual retirement investors who don’t closely follow the markets.  They avoid much work and stress by paying other people to manage their money.  These investors get statements showing their portfolios’ fortunes after every calendar quarter.  At the end of Q3’18, everything still looked awesome with the SPX just 0.6% under its all-time high of a week earlier.


So the Q4’18 statements due out in January could prove shocking, spawning fear and galvanizing bearish psychology.  The most-widely-held stocks in investment funds are the biggest and best ones led by the market-darling mega techs.  While they were radically overvalued at the end of Q3, no one cared at that point.  Everyone owned the largest US stocks including Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Alphabet, and Facebook.

というわけで1月になって2018Q4の結果を見ると驚くことだろう、恐怖がまして弱気心理を強める。投資ファンドが最も幅広く持っている銘柄は市場に好まれる最良最大のメガテック銘柄だ。だれもが米国大柄銘柄、Apple, Amazon 、Microsoft,AlphabetそしてFacebookを持っている。

Add in the last FANG Netflix, and these 6 stocks alone commanded over 1/6th of the entire market cap of the SPX just before the Q4 selling started!  Their average TTM P/E was a scary 80.2x earnings, 2.6x the entire SPX’s.  Yet these beloved companies were believed to have such amazing businesses that they should be immune to economic slowdowns or stock-market selloffs.  That myth was obliterated in Q4.

これにNetflixを加えた6銘柄でSPXの時価総額の1/6を占める、Q4の売りが始まる前のことだ!これらの銘柄の平均TTM PERはなんと80.2x PERもある、SPX全体の2.6xだ。これらの市場で好まれる銘柄は素晴らしいビジネスモデルに基づいており、景気後退や株式下落にも耐性があると信じられていた。この神話はQ4に崩れ去った。

This SPX selloff first hit 10%+ correction territory on Black Friday with a 10.2% loss from its peak.  On that same day, mighty Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Alphabet, Facebook, and Netflix had collapsed 25.8%, 26.4%, 10.8%, 19.9%, 39.4%, and 38.2% from their recent all-time highs!  They averaged 26.8% losses, or 2.6x the SPX’s.  Many if not most investors’ Q4’18 portfolio results are going to look even worse than the SPX.

SPXの最初の下落は10%超の調整域だった、ブラックフライデーではピークから10.2%の後退だった。この同じ日、Apple, Amazon, Microsoft,Alphabet,Facebook そしてNetflixは直近の新高値から、25.8%, 26.4%, 10.8%, 19.9%, 39.4%, and 38.2%後退していた!それらの平均は26.8%の損失で、SPXの2.6xとなる。多くの投資家の2018Q4ポートフォリオはSPXよりも悪いものだろう。

Will they start fleeing and adding to the selling pressure when these gaping holes in their precious capital are revealed?  And while record Fed tightening and a mean reversion lower out of bubble valuations are the primary bear-market risks, they aren’t the only ones.  The trade wars between the US and China and other countries are intensifying, and US political turmoil will soar next year with Democrats controlling the House.


The epic corporate stock buybacks that helped levitate the stock markets in recent years will wane as the Fed forces interest rates higher.  Trillions of dollars of these buybacks were debt-financed over the past decade.  And as stock markets fall, Americans will feel poorer and spend less.  This negative wealth effect will really weigh on record corporate profits, potentially driving them lower forcing valuations even higher.


The Fed’s QT isn’t the only howling central-bank headwind stock markets face.  The European Central Bank is also halting its own massive QE bond monetizations starting in January!  That will suck even more capital out of the system.  Many of these bearish factors for stocks feed on each other too, with all combined wreaking more havoc on sentiment and stock prices than individual ones ever could in isolation.

FED QTだけが株式市場への向かい風というわけではない。ECBも自らのQE債権買取をこの1月から停止する!これは更に多額の資金を市場から引き去るだろう。これらの弱気要因が相互に作用し、心理と株価を更に悪化させる、単発事象でなく相互作用により悪化する。

Investors really need to lighten up on their stock-heavy portfolios, or put stop losses in place, to protect themselves from this young bear market.  It’s only just beginning, with sub-20% SPX losses at worst a far cry from 50%+.  Cash is king in bear markets, since its buying power grows.  Investors who hold cash during a 50% bear market can double their stock holdings at the bottom by buying back their stocks at half-price.

投資家は本当に株式過剰のポートフォリオを見直すべきだ、さもなくばストップロスを設定することだ、まだ始まったばかりのベア相場から自らを守るために。まだ始まったばかりだ、20%程度のSPX下落は最悪の場合50%超の嘆きとなる。ベア相場ではCash is Kingだ、というのも購買力が増える体。50%のベア相場で現金を持っている投資家は底値で買えば株数を倍にできる。

Put options on the leading SPY S&P 500 ETF which perfectly mirrors the SPX can also be used to hedge downside risks.  But options trading is risky, with 100% losses possible if the timing doesn’t work out.  And cash doesn’t appreciate in value.  So the best bear-market investment is gold, which tends to rally on surging investment demand as stock markets weaken.  Gold investment grows wealth during stock bears.


Gold surged 30% higher in essentially the first half of 2016 in a new bull initially sparked by those late-2015 and early-2016 SPX corrections.  Investors fled burning stocks and flocked to gold.  And the gold miners’ stocks really leveraged those gains, rocketing 151% higher in that same timeframe.  The gold stocks are not only wildly undervalued, but just breaking out technically which should accelerate their upside.


Absolutely essential in bear markets is cultivating excellent contrarian intelligence sources.  That’s our specialty at Zeal.  After decades studying the markets and trading, we really walk the contrarian walk.  We buy low when few others will, so we can later sell high when few others can.  While Wall Street will deny the growing stock-market bear all the way down, we will help you both understand it and prosper during it.

ベア相場においては優れたコントラリアン情報源を持つことが大切だ。これこそZealが特化してきたものだ。何十年にも渡り、市場を研究しトレードしてきた、私どもは本当にコントラリアンとしての道を歩んできた。誰もが買えないときに私どもは安く買い、後に他人が殆どできないときに高く売る。Wall Streetはなんとしても株式市場場相場を否定するだろうが、何が今起きておりその期間にどう資産を増やすかについて私どもは皆さんのお手伝いをするだろう。

We’ve long published acclaimed weekly and monthly newsletters for speculators and investors.  They draw on my vast experience, knowledge, wisdom, and ongoing research to explain what’s going on in the markets, why, and how to trade them with specific stocks.  As of Q3, we’ve recommended and realized 1045 newsletter stock trades since 2001.  Their average annualized realized gain is +17.7%!  That’s double the long-term stock-market average.  For just $12 per issue, you can learn to think, trade, and thrive like contrarians.  Subscribe today!


The bottom line is a young stock bear sure looks to be awakening.  Q4’s rolling-over stock-market selling without big fear spikes is ominously classic bear-market behavior.  And after such a monster bull, the next bear is long overdue.  Unprecedented full-speed Fed QT colliding with bubble-valued US stock markets artificially inflated by long years and trillions of dollars of Fed QE can’t end well.  The reckoning is upon us.

要約すると、株式ベア相場は始まったばかりのように見える。Q4の株式下落には大きな恐怖のスパイクが見られない、これは伝統的なベア相場の反応であり不吉なものだ。そしてこれまでの化物のようなブル相場の後の次のベア相場はすでに満を持している。前代未聞のFED QTは全力で進んでおりこれがバブル域の米国株式を襲っている、FED QEで長年トリリオンドルの資金注入が注入されたわけでこれがうまく終わるわけがない。報いが今待ち構えている。

Major bear markets follow major bull markets, often cutting stock prices in half over a couple years or so.  And these inexorable bull-bear cycles are very unforgiving, as it can take over a decade for stock markets to regain bull highs once a bear starts ravaging.  Gold is the refuge of choice, seeing investment demand surge as stock markets swoon.  Prudent investors deploying in gold can grow their wealth during stock bears.


Adam Hamilton, CPA     December 28, 2018     Subscribe






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