


Are We In A Secular Bull Market?

Written by Lance Roberts | Jan, 7, 2019

Just recently, Jeff Saut from Raymond James made a very interesting statement with respect to the recent market decline.

つい最近、Raymond James社のJeff Sautがとても面白いことを言った、最近の相場下落に関してだ。
“Speaking to last week’s Dow Theory sell signal, we really cannot decide to ignore it, as we did with two previous false sell signals, or honor it because we continue to believe this is a secular bull market.”
「先週のDow Theoryによる売りシグナルだが、私どもはこれを無視できるかどうか決めかねている、私どもはこれまで二回偽売りシグナルに遭遇した、というのも私どもは引き続きまだ長期的ブル相場の中にいると信じているからだ。」

It is an interesting point and one that has been prognosticate by several Wall Street analysts and bloggers in recent months like Josh Brown who recently penned:

これは興味深いことだ、Wall Streetのアナリストは度々こういう見解を示してきた、Josh Brownのようなブロガーもここ数ヶ月こういうふうに書いている:
“If Ari is correct, then we are currently enduring a cyclical bear market but the secular bull market that began in 2013 with fresh S&P 500 record highs is still intact.”

Here is the problem with the analysis.


Secular markets, bull or bear, are not defined by price movements.

Secular markets 市場のサイクルは、ブルであれベアであれ単に株価動向だけで判断できない。

For example, if the market is down 20%, the technical definition of a “bear market”, then any rallies and subsequent declines that set new lows, are not defined as a “secular bear market.” It is just a “bear market” where prices are “trending” lower rather than “higher.”

たとえば、もし相場が20%下落したなら、テクニカル的な定義では「bear market」だ、こうなるとどのラリーとその後の下落は新安値と捉えられる、しかしこれは「secular bear market」と定義されるわけではない。これは単に「bear market」であり株価が「傾向」として安値にむかっているだけであり、「高値」にむかっているわけではないというだけだ。

What defines secular, or very long-term, markets are valuations. 


The chart below shows the history of secular bull market periods going back to 1871 using data from Dr. Robert Shiller. One thing you will notice is that secular bull markets tend to begin with valuations around 10x earnings and end at 23-25x earnings or greater. (Over the long-term valuations do matter.)

下のチャートは1871年まで遡るブル相場のサイクルを示している。ここでみなさんも気づくだろうが、secular bull 相場はバリエーションが10xPER程度から始まり23−25xPERで終わる。(長期的なバリュエーションが大切だ。)

But, here is the other problem I have with both Josh and Jeff’s thesis of a price based breakout defining a new secular “bull” market.

しかし、ここにもう一つ問題がある、JoshやJeffがテーマにしている株価のブレークアウトを元に定義する新たなsecular 「bull」相場だ。

The chart below compares the last secular “bear” market that ran from 1963 to 1982 as compared the current cycle. Notice the chart for this previous period stops in 1973. I will show you the rest of this period in a moment. Also, importantly, note the level of valuations.

下のチャートは直近のsecluar 「bear」相場を示す、1963から1982のものだ、これを現在のサイクルと比べている。このチャートでは前回の期間を1973年で終わっていることに注意してほしい。残りも期間もすぐに示そう。それに加えて大切なのはバリュエーションのレベルだ。

What is important, besides the very similar pattern between the two periods, is the breakout in 1969 did not start a new “secular” bull market. Rather, it was a setup for the next major decline.

大切なことは、2つの期間のパターンはとても良く似ているが、1969年のブレークアウトは新たな「secular」bull 相場ではないということだ。むしろ、それは次の大きな下落の始まりだった。
“Okay, but the breakout in 1972 was surely the beginning of the new secular bull market – right?”
「わかった、でも1972年のブレークアウトはたしかに新たな secular bull 相場の始まりだったよねーーそうだよね?」

Not so fast.


The second breakout in 1972, like the previous, was the setup for the final market dive that reset valuation levels back to historic secular bear market lows. That crash also created the necessary extreme negative in investor psychology. The 1974 bear market low was also known as a “black bear market” as investors were so brutally ravaged they did not return to the markets in earnest until nearly two decades later. 

1972年の二度目のブレークアウト、これも前回と同様で、これは最終的にバリュエーションをリセットするための仕掛けだった、歴史的な secular bear 相場安値に向かうものだった。この暴落は投資家心理を極端に落ち込ますものだった。1974年のベア相場安値は「black bear market」として知られ、投資家は極端にやつれきり株価が回復するまでに20年を要した。

As noted above, it is not just price action that denotes secular bull and bear market periods.

上にも書いたが、secular bull and bear を示すのは株価ではない。

It is valuations.


What drives long-term secular “bull” markets is “valuation expansion.” In order to have the magnitude of “valuation expansion” needed to support a secular “bull” market, you must both start at “under-valued” levels and have the economic factors and investor enthusiasm to support a return to “over-valued” levels.

長期的な secular 「bull」相場を駆動するものは「バリュエーションの拡大」だ。secular 「bull」相場を生み出す「バリュエーション拡大」にうまく乗るためには、皆さんは2つのことが必要だ、一つは「過小評価」された状態から相場に参入すること、そして経済的環境や投資家の熱狂で「過大評価」されるれべるまで持ち続けることだ。

The ability to have a “1982-2000 affair” is highly improbable. The 1982-2000 secular bull market cycle was driven primarily by a multiple expansion process which began with valuation levels of 5-7x earnings and a dividend yield of 5%. Interest rates and inflation were at extremely high levels and were at the beginning of a 40-year decline which would increase profitability as production and borrowing costs fell.

「1982−2000の出来事」が再現するのはほとんどありえない。1982−2000のseculare bull market cycle を生み出した主要因は、当初のバリュエーションが5-7xのPERと配当率5%から何倍にもなるプロセスを経たことだ。始まりの時点で金利とインフレは極端に高く、その後40年をかけて下落した、これが生産コスト債務コスト下落で利益を増やし続けた。

The first chart shows the secular bear market of the ’60s and ’70s with an overlay of valuations, dividends, interest rates and inflation.

下の最初のチャートは60年代70年代の secular bear market を示すもので、バリュエーション、配当、金利、そしてインフレ率を同時に示している。

You will notice that at the beginning of the bear market in the 60’s valuations were high while everything else was low. By the end of the secular period, these factors were reversed.


Now, let’s juxtapose that previous period with the much beloved, and hoped for, secular bull market of the 1980s and ’90s.

ここで、皆がこれまで熱狂しこれからもそうであってほしいこれまでと比べてみよう、1980,1990年代の secular bull 相場だ。

There were several contributing factors that drove that particular secular bull market:

この secular bull 相場を生み出したいくつかの要因はこういうものだ:
  1. Inflation and interest rates were high and falling which boosted corporate profitability and reduced discounting factors making the value future earnings higher.

  2. The extreme negative sentiment of the late ’70s was finally undone by the early ’90s. (At the turn of the century roughly 80% of all individual investors in the market began investing after 1990. 80% of that total started after 1995 due to the investing innovations created by the Internet. The majority of these were “boomers.”)

  3. Large foreign net inflows to chase the “tech boom” drove prices to extreme levels.

  4. The mirage of consumer wealth, driven by declining inflation and interest rates and easy access to credit, inflated consumption, corporate profits, and economic growth.

  5. Corporate profits were boosted by the deregulation of industries, wage suppression, outsourcing, and productivity increases.

  6. Pension funding requirements and accounting standards were eased which increased corporate profits.

  7. Stock-based executive compensation was grossly expanded which led to more “accounting gimmickry” to sustain stock price levels.

The dual panel chart below shows the economic fundamentals versus the S&P 500 and the change that occurred beginning in 1983. (Red dividing line)


We can simplify this by overlaying debt versus the underlying economic variables.


Currently, there is simply an inability to create the kind of debt-driven consumption growth seen during the ’80-’90s.


Despite much hope that the current breakout of the markets is the beginning of a new secular “bull” market – the economic and fundamental variables suggest otherwise. Valuations remain at very elevated levels which are the opposite of what has been seen previously. Interest rates, inflation, wages, and savings rates are all at historically low levels which are normally seen at the end of secular bull market periods, not the beginning of one.

現在の市場のブレークアウトが新たなsecular 「bull」相場の始まりであってほしいと多くの人が望むのは判るがーー経済やファンダメンタルズ変数が示唆するのはそうではない。バリュエーションはとても高いレベルにあり、以前に見られたものとは逆だ。金利、インフレ率、給与そして貯蓄率は歴史的に見て低いレベルであり、通常こういう状況はsecular bull相場の最後に見られるものだ、決して始まりではない。

The table below shows the difference between 1980 and today.


Lastly, the consumer, the main driver of the economy, will not be able to again become a significantly larger chunk of the economy. With savings low, income growth weak and debt back at record levels, the fundamental capacity to re-leverage to similar extremes is no longer available.


Let’s also not forget the singular most important fact.


The breakout of the markets in 2013 was not one based on organic economic fundamentals but rather through massive monetary interventions by Central Banks globally. The previous secular bull markets in our history we ones which were derived from extreme undervaluations, washed out financial markets, and extreme negative sentiment.

2013年に起きた相場のブレークアウトは有機的自然な経済ファンダメンタルズに基づいたものではない、そうではなく世界の中央銀行の巨額金融介入により生み出されたものだ。我々が歴史上これまで経験してきた secular bull 相場では、その始まりは極端な過小評価状態、金融市場との関連は薄く、そして極端なマイナス心理から生まれた。

Such is clearly not the case today.


While stock prices can certainly be lofted higher by further monetary tinkering, the larger problem remains the inability for the economic variables to “replay the tape” of the ’80s and ’90s. At some point, the markets and the economy will have to process a “reset” to rebalance the financial equation.


However, it is precisely that reversion which will create the “set up” necessary to start the next great secular bull market. Unfortunately, as was seen at the bottom of the market in 1974, there will be few individual investors left to enjoy the beginning of that ride.

しかしながら、この反転が、次に起きる secular bull market を生み出すための「仕掛け」を作り出すものとなる。残念なことに、たとえば1974年の相場の底で見たように、この新たなブル相場の始まりに乗ることができる個人投資家はほとんどいないだろう。

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Lance Roberts is a Chief Portfolio Strategist/Economist for Clarity Financial. He is also the host of “The Lance Roberts Podcast” and Chief Editor of the “Real Investment Advice” website and author of “Real Investment Daily” blog and “Real Investment Report“. Follow Lance on Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In and YouTube






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