
Will "bad news" be "good news" for China's markets? Or does this confirm what 'censored' economist Zhang Songzhou warned - that China's real (as in not made-up) economic growth is dramatically lower than the official data?

中国市場では「bad news」が「good news」となるだろうか?もしくはこのデータが指し示すのは、例の「検閲をうけることになった」エコノミストZhang Songzhouの警告したことを示すのだろうかーー中国の本当の(デッチ上げではない)経済成長は公式データよりも遥かに低いのだろうか?
To the consternation of Chinese censors, a presentation delivered by an economics professor at Renmin University in Beijing sparked a controversy last month when the professor claimed that a secret government research group had estimated China’s growth in gross domestic product could be as low as 1.67% in 2018, far below the official rate.


Unpossible, right?


Well given tonight's almost unprecedented drop (and miss) in China's inflation prints, maybe not.


China’s factory inflation slowed sharply in December, continuing the slowdown for a sixth straight month to the weakest level since late 2016 on softening demand and lower commodity prices.


China Producer Princes rose just 0.9% YoY - plunging from +2.7% YoY in November (and almost half the expected +1.6% YoY). This is the biggest MoM drop in PPI YoY since 2010...

中国の生産者物価上昇はYoYでわずか0.9%だったーー11月のYoY+2.7%から急落している(市場予想の半分だ)。これは2010年以来で最大のPPI MoM下落だ・・・

As Bloomberg reports, the sharply decelerating pace brings back fears of a return of the deflation which ravaged corporate profits in 2012-2016. A return of slow or falling factory prices in China would squeeze corporate profitability and put pressure on global inflation, as export prices usually follow those at factory gate.


"Deflationary pressures are on the rise in China, driven by weakening domestic and export demand," China International Capital Corp. economists Eva Yi and Liang Hong wrote in a note ahead of the data.

「中国のデフレ圧力が高まっている、国内・輸出需要が弱まっているためだ、」とChina International Capital CorpのエコノミストEva YiとLiang Hong が今回のデータ開示前に記事にした。
"Inflation tends to fall following an extended period of softening demand growth, which was in turn led by slower expansion of the broadly-defined credit cycle."

Of course, in the new normal, this may be seen as 'good' news as it opens the door for PBOC to unleash some more serious monetary malarkey - because as we showed recently, stimulus efforts over the last six months have utterly failed...

当然のことながら、李克強の言う new normal において、この状況は「good news」かもしれない、というのもこれをみてPBOCがさらなる馬鹿げた金融政策を大規模実施するからだーーというのも最近ZeroHedgeが示したが、この6か月ほどの刺激策はほとんど効果を示していない・・・・

Since June 2018, China has been loosening monetary and fiscal policies in an attempt to refloat the sinking red ponzi amid the shadow banking system's deflation.

2018年6月以来、中国は金融財政政策を緩めてきた、沈みつつ在る赤色ねずみ講 red ponzi を再浮上するためだ、中でもシャドーバンクシステムにより生じるデフレ対策のために。

It seems no matter what China throws at it, the economy (or the market) won't behave as the text-books say it should.

"[Beijing] will soon have no choice but to launch massive stimulus,” says Alicia García Herrero, chief Asia Pacific economist at Natixis in Hong Kong. “They do not want to give away their credibility because they said they wouldn’t do it, but there is no time to be cautious any more. Not having growth is ultimately the worst outcome of all.”
「北京政府は直ちに大規模刺激策を取らざるを得ないだろう、」とAlicia Garcia Herreroは言う、彼は香港のNatixis社のアジア太平洋主任エコノミストだ。「北京政府は信頼を失うことを望んでいない、というのもそういうことはしないと言ってきたからだ、しかしもうためらう余地は無い。経済成長を得られないと最悪の事態を迎えることになるからだ。」

He's right, although as we discussed last night, a further complication for Beijing arises from the fact that China's economy is in the middle of a "tectonic transition" as its formerly massive current account surplus is about to turn negative...


... which in turn is creating serious disruptions in capital flows that could portend weakness beyond China's borders, assuming the trade war continues to impede the foreign investments that China's increasingly consumption-based economy needs to expand.


However, for now, the reaction is to buy Yuan not dump it...


But finally, we return to Ambrose Evans Pritchard's recent ominous conclusion as China faces serious economic consequences (from a credit crackdown on the shadow banking system as well as trade turmoil), as he warned that the biggest tail risk is a Sino-American showdown ending in global economic slump, bitter recrimination, and a cycle of escalation "into the kinetic space". Eurasia says relations have already deteriorated beyond the point of no return. Nor is there any workable common ground for compromise. At stake is 21st Century technology dominance, not trade.

しかしながら最終的には、われわれはAmbrose Evans Pritchardの最近の不吉な結論に戻る、中国は深刻な経済的(不吉な)結末に直面している(シャドーバンキングシステムの与信取締や貿易停滞だ)、彼の警告では、中米対決の結末が世界経済低調で終わるのが最大のリスクだ、厳しいしっぺ返しとなる、これが「the kinetic space」にまで拡大する。ユーラシア大陸(西欧と中国)の関係はすでにもう引き戻せないほどに悪化している。もう譲歩の余地はない。21世紀のテクノロジの覇権を争っている、単なる貿易ではない。
"Rising nationalist sentiment makes it unlikely that Beijing will ignore US provocations," it added.

The balance of probabilities is that the world will muddle through 2019 without any of these landmines detonating. Yet the drift of events is clear. The Western liberal order we took for granted at the end of the Cold War is under existential threat.


"We're setting ourselves up for trouble down the road. Big trouble," it said.

And tonight's China data pushes Xi further into a corner.







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