
With the world's focus increasingly falling on Beijing and its economy, not all are impressed by China's vision of the world in which China sees itself as increasingly taking over from the US as the world's superpower even if it means grinding through a painful trade was the US.


And it's not just stories about China's never-ending behind - and now in front of - the scenes bailouts of anything that may telegraph a hard landing for the economy (see "Bailout #3: Chinese Bank With $200 Billion In Assets Is Nationalized"); it's the country's entire financial system, which holds the entire world hostage: if it goes, so does the global financial system, unleashing a worldwide depression the likes of which have not been seen.


Here is Eric Peters, CIO of One River Asset Mgmt, explaining why everyone is wrong about the $35 trillion Chinese financial system, and yet how Beijing has figured out a way to become a parasite on the global financial system, resulting in an outcome in which "we’re willing participants in our own demise."

この図はOne River Asset MgmtのCIOであるEric Petersが提供するものだ、これを見れば誰もが$35Tの中国金融システムを誤解していることが明白だ、そして北京政府が如何に世界金融システムに寄生しようとも、その結末は「私ども自身が自らの葬儀に出席しようとしている」にすぎない。

Submitted by Eric Peters, CIO of One River Asset Management

“China’s financial system is a hermetically sealed snow globe,” he said. “They’ve built a system to resemble ours on the surface but scratch it and you discover something altogether foreign.” China has banks.

「中国の金融システムは密閉された snow globe のようなものだ、」と彼は言う。「彼らは表面上は我々と似たようなシステムを構築した、しかしその内部を覗くと全く別物であることがわかる」。中国も銀行を持っている。

They lend money. But pierce the patina and you find a vast subsidy machine, with no cold-blooded allocation of capital. There are no defaults to speak of; just bailouts, no reckonings.
The appearance of a modern financial system allows western financiers to pretend one exists. We are willing dupes in this charade.”

Throughout history failing nations have turned to printing presses to arrest their decline. It has led to ruin. Always.


But never has an emerging superpower used the printing press to turbo charge growth, dominate industries. The Chinese have reimagined the vast power of fiat. And they’re wielding it to build a 21st century nation atop the history’s greatest credit boom. The fate of this debt is uncertain, but the extraordinary infrastructure is not. “Ask any portfolio manager if they invest their personal wealth in Chinese debt?

Not one will answer ‘Yes.’ But before long, we’ll all own Beijing’s bonds in our 401k.” The Chinese understand the agency problem in western asset management. We invest other people’s money, not our own. So they’re muscling their way into global indexes. Where passive flows will race to hit Chinese benchmarks, without anyone making a decision at all.
少なからずの人が「Yes」と答えるだろう。しかしそう長くない内に、私達はだれもが北京の債権を自らの401Kに組み込むだろう。 」中国は西欧の資産管理における agency problemを理解している。我々は他人の金を投資している、自らの資金ではない。こうして彼らagencyは世界指数に投じるのだ。パッシブ投資は競って中国ベンチマークを取り込む、その際に誰も判断・決断などしないのだ。

We’re willing participants in our own demise. First, they exploited the west’s corporate fixation on short term profits, granting market access in exchange for local design/production, usurping our intellectual property. Next, they’ll exploit our financial system deficiencies to fund their unprecedented credit excess.

我々は自らの葬儀に出席しようとしている。まず第一に、 西欧企業の短期的利益を活用した、これは当地の設計/製造へアクセスすることだ、しかも我々自身の知的財産権侵害を許して。次に、自らの資金不足を彼らの無制限の過剰与信で補った。

“We continue to think of banking and finance though our own narrow lens. But the Chinese see an entirely different system. And they know that Rome was not built by bankers. It was built by force.”







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