According to Fathom Consulting,
a global independent macro research consultancy, it's proprietary China
Momentum Indicator 2.0 has slowed to 4.6% in June, the lowest reading since Aug. 2016.
独立系世界マクロコンサルタント Fathom Consultingによると、彼ら独自のChina Momentum Indicator 2.0が6月に4.6%まで減速した、2015年8月以来の低位だ。
There is also a growing gap between the China Momentum Indicator 2.0 at 4.6% and official GDP data at 6.2%. Might suggest China's economy hasn't yet bottomed, could continue to decline through 2H19 into 1H20.
China Momentum Indicator 2.0の4.6%と公式GDPデータ6.2%の間には大きな乖離がある。ということは中国経済はまだ底入れしていないことを示唆している、2019H2から2020H1にかけてさらに下落の可能性がある。
Gary Cohn, the former chief economic advisor to Donald Trump, has
said the slowdown predates the trade war and reflects a strategic
decision by China to rebalance the economy.
トランプ政権の元主任経済アドバイザ Gary Cohnによると、中国経済減速は貿易戦争前から始まっており、中国の経済再構築戦略を反映している。
Fathom notes that China's economy was even slowing before the rebalancing. Fathomの報告では、中国経済は再構築前から減速していた。
The global macro research firm said, "with the consumer share of total import demand on a downward trend since 2016, we also find little evidence to suggest that China is successfully rebalancing."
To combat dangerous crosscurrents of the trade war disrupting global
supply chains in and out of China, Chinese policymakers resorted to the
same playbook as before, pump the economy with record amounts of the
stimulus earlier in the year.
Currency depreciation came into the picture when President Trump
escalated the trade war by raising tariffs to 25% from 10% on $200
billion of Chinese goods in May. Then a massive devaluation of the
renminbi followed in early August, when the president slapped 10%
tariffs on $300 billion worth of Chinese goods, effective Sept. 1.
"Trade talks are continuing, and during the talks the U.S. will
start, on Sept. 1, putting a small additional Tariff of 10% on the
remaining 300 Billion Dollars of goods and products coming from China
into our Country...We look forward to continuing our positive dialogue
with China on a comprehensive Trade Deal, and feel that the future
between our two countries will be a very bright one!" Trump said in a
tweet last month.
Since the trade war began last March, the renminbi has
weakened 13% against the U.S. dollar, neutralizing some of the tariffs
imposed by the U.S. on imports from China. 昨年3月に貿易戦争が始まって以来、人民元は対米ドルで13%弱くなっている、これが米国の関税強化をある程度緩和している。
Currency devaluation undermines hopes for a soft landing, while
further infuriating the Trump administration who has recently branded
China as a currency manipulator.
And for more bad news, China has said its rebalancing will continue
through 2020 and offered a pessimistic view of how Beijing won't sign a
trade deal until after the November 2020 election. This would almost
guarantee China is allowing its export economy to weaken while
stimulating its domestic economy, all in the attempt to trigger a
recession in the U.S. to diminish President Trump's probabilities of
getting reelected.
現在のCPI推移をみるとFEDの言う2%目標に収まりそうにはありません。実際現在の金利政策はまだ緩和的で、政府の大判振る舞いもあり、M2はコロナ騒動以前のトレンドを大きく超えたまま漸増し始めています。大統領選挙もあり、パウエルは今後利上げはないと言明しており、利下げ期待が高まっています。 In Gold We Trust 2024(20ページ目)では1970年代のインフレ推移と現在2024年のインフレ推移を重ね、もっと大きなインフレがこれから来そうだと示唆しています。 当時は数年間でゴールド価格は7倍になりました。直近のCPIのピーク値と比べると、今回は次のピーク、今後数年、でゴールドが5倍程度になることが期待されます。 ミシガン大学の調査ではインフレがFED目標の2%に落ち着くと期待されず、最近では期待値が増え始めています。
Global Warming Fraud Exposed In Pictures by Tyler Durden Tue, 10/01/2019 - 12:25 Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk, Climate change alarmists have convinced the public something must be done now. The reports are easily debunked as fraud ... 気候変動主張者たちは今行動を実行せねばと確信している。その手の報告書はでたらめだということが簡単に解る・・・・ My Gift To Climate Alarmists 気候変動活動家への贈り物 Tony Heller does an amazing job of showing how the fraud takes place in his video entitled My Gift To Climate Alarmists. Tony Heller は素晴らしい仕事をした、このビデオを見ると彼らの主張が如何にでたらめかということがよく分かる、そのタイトルは My Gift To Climate Alarmists。 The video is only 12.51 minutes long. このビデオはわずか12.51分しかない。(訳注:画像・動画がいっぱいで英語がわからなくても理解できる) Cherry Picking 例を上げると Heatwaves increasing since 1960 熱波発生は1960年以降増えているという Arctic ice declining since 1979 北極海氷は1979年以来減っているという Wildfires increa...