the world's central banks aggressively easing monetary policy overnight
as analysts watch in stunned amazement as the world's interest rate
careens ever faster toward zero, Trump is angrily watching the dollar as
it keeps rising day after day, bringing us ever closer to the moment
the US president declares on twitter a "national emergency" over the dollar and unleashes a major dollar devaluation.
Which is why it is not at all surprising that today Bank of America
has published a report warning that FX intervention risks are rising, in
which the bank notes that it is inclined to think the first stage of any
policy shift from the Administration will be to discard the strong USD
policy and hope/persuade the Fed to ease rates further. It is
also not surprising that BofA's FX strategist Kamal Sherma believes the
odds of intervention to weaken USD have risen in light of this week's
developments, but the success of any such actions would depend on a
number of factors including the parameters around which intervention
would occur.
Here Sharma reminds us of the textbook example of successful FX
intervention, namely the Plaza Accord of 1985 when the G-5 nations
coordinated to weaken USD.
So is another Plaza Accord imminent? As the FX strategist explains
below, there are similarities between events then and now, but also
crucial differences that lead him to conclude the US Administration will
not be able to rely on its major trading partners to help weaken the
The Plaza Accord revisited プラザ合意 再検討
As Bank of America writes, September 22 marks 34 years since the G5
leaders signed a collective agreement to weaken the USD against the
backdrop of growing internal and external US imbalances (the dual
deficit). The Plaza Accord is widely held as the most successful
episode of coordinated FX intervention and in the following two years,
the USD TWI fell nearly 50%. But, while the Plaza Accord is
often viewed through the prism of coordinated FX intervention to weaken
USD, the basis of the Accord was built on specific economic pledges:
Coordinated FX intervention was therefore part of an overall
strategy to address the internal/external imbalances that drove USD
appreciation. Though the Accord was ostensibly designed to help
alleviate US imbalances versus other G-5 nations, Plaza is seen by
economists as a direct response from the US of threat from Japan's
growing status as an economic superpower. It is consequently seen as the catalyst for Japan's lost decade of growth through the 1990s. 協調為替介入は米ドル評価適正化のために内外不均衡を全体的に調整するというものだった。この合意は表向きはG5諸国に対する米国の不均衡の痛みを緩和するものだったが、エコノミストからは日本の成長が経済的スーパーパワーとなり米国の脅威となることに対する直接対処だった。その結果としてこれをきっかけとして日本は1990年代までの失われた10年を迎えることになる。 Some history 関連する歴史事項
In the run up to the 1985 Accord, the USD TWI appreciated 55% making
it the largest percentage rally in the USD in the past 50 years taking
place against the backdrop of tight monetary policy (under Fed Chair
Volcker) and expansionary fiscal policy (Reaganomics). Martin Feldstein
(former Chair of Council of Economic Advisors) has argued that USD
strength was not the problem; it was symptomatic of the US policy mix. US financial conditions (according to the Chicago Fed, Chart 2) are comparable to current levels. To
date, USD has appreciated by nearly 40% since its 2011 lows, and while
there are similarities between the narrative in 1985 and now (increasing
protectionist policies from the US Administration, concern over
Japanese economic dominance), there are also differences between 1985
and the present period. In 1985, USD strength prompted extensive
lobbying by US industry to weaken the greenback. While recent US
earnings statements make it clear that there are rising FX headwinds to
profits, systematic calls from US industry to weaken the USD have been
largely contained (perhaps thanks to the offsetting benefit of record
stock buybacks). In addition, while the driver of USD strength through
the early 1980s was largely a function of the US domestic policy mix, the
US Administration currently views dollar strength as a function of
global central banks deliberately keeping policy loose in an effort to
prevent respective currency appreciation. 1985年の合意までに、貿易平均USDは55%も上昇していた、過去50年でもっとも大きなラリーだった、その原因はボルカーFED議長の引き締め政策とレーガン大統領による財政拡大にあった。元財政諮問委員会議長のMartin Feldstein は強いドルは問題ではないと主張した;問題は米国のポリシーミックスだと言った。米国の財政状況(シカゴFED、チャート2)は現在とよく似ている。現在までに、USDは2011年の安値から40%も上昇した、そして1985年当時と現在は似通ったところがある(米国政府からの保護主義が台頭し、日本の経済的覇権が懸念された)、たしかに1985年当時と現在に異なる点もある。1985年当時、強いUSDのために産業界からドルを弱めるように強い要望があった。最近の米国企業の決算収益をみると為替が向かい風なのは明らかだが、しかしながら産業界から米ドルを弱めるようにという主張は抑えられている(多分記録的な自社株買いの効果で相殺されているためだ)。更に加えると、1980年代前半の強いドルを支えていたのはおもに米国国内のポリシーミックスによるものだったが、しかしながら、現在米国政府はドルの強さを世界の中央銀行の意図的な緩和策のためと見ている、自国通貨が好まれないように金利を下げている結果だと。
Meanwhile, as Sharma notes, inflation targeting is increasingly
becoming an ineffective tool and as central bank policy rates once again
synchronize the result has been a policy of benign neglect toward FX.
As the BofA strategist puts it, a weak currency suits the needs of many policy officials outside of the US and
the recent downgrade by the ECB to its inflation projections suggests
little motivation to challenge current exchange arrangements agreed in
G7 communiqués. This is important because many countries (particularly
France and Germany) were concerned about a weakening of their respective
currencies versus USD in 1985. G5 countries were therefore a willing
partner in efforts to weaken the USD. Now, FX is an essential part of
the policy armory. Europe and Japan are now more accepting of FX weakness than FX strength. それと同時に、Sharmaはこう書く、インフレ目標がどんどん無効なツールとなり、多くの中央銀行の金利政策が同期してゆるやかに為替を下げている。このBoAストラテジストはこの状況をみて、米国外の多くの政策立案者は弱い自国通貨を求め、そして最近ECBはインフレ目標も下げたわけで、為替に関するG7合意声明を守ろうという意思は殆ど見えない。この点がとても重要で、多くの国、特にドイツとフランスは1985年当時自国通貨が対ドルで弱くなることを懸念していた。G5各国はUSDを安くすることを望んでいた。しかし今や、為替は基本的な政策兵器庫である。欧州も日本もいまは弱い自国通貨を望んでいる。
According to some estimates, the combined interventions by G5 totaled
$10bn. According to the BIS Triennial Survey, average daily FX turnover
in 1989 was $655bn. Assuming a turnover figure of $500bn for 1985,
total Plaza Accord intervention, accounted for around 2% of daily market
turnover. With current daily turnover at $5.5tn, an equivalent amount of intervention would imply over $100bn in FX. According
to BofA calculations, the US could muster reserves in excess of these
levels (~$140bn), although it is clear that the amounts of intervention
would have to be substantial and sustained for it to be credible.
Meanwhile, in subsequent years, the Bank of Japan intervened on 126 days
between January 2003 and March 2004, purchasing over $315bn to weaken JPY. This
was a sustained period of intervention, but question marks remain over
its long-term efficacy (note: such interventions were disastrous and
only the current period of QQE helped stabilize the yen decidedly below
100 vs the USD).
The effectiveness of interventions has more broadly
involved the element of surprise and positioning: of note, BofA's own
proprietary indicators do not suggest investors are holding sizeable USD longs positions to make USD selling intervention have sustained impact.
在る見積もりによると、G5協調介入総額は$10Bだった。BISの3年ごとの調査によると、1989年当時毎日の平均為替取引は$655Bだった。1985年当時の為替取引を$500Bと仮定すると、プラザ合意の全介入費用は毎日の取引の2%ということになる。現在では毎日の為替取引は$5.5Tにもなり、同様の介入を行うなら$100B以上の費用を要する。BoAの試算では、米国はこのレベルの資金(約$140B)ならかき集めることができる、しかしながら、明らかにこのレベルの介入が有効なのも信頼関係があってのことだ。やがてその数年後に、日銀が2003年1月から2004年3月まで126日間介入を行った、JPYを弱めるために$315B以上の買取を行ったのだ。この期間というのは介入を行った期間だ、しかし長期的な有効性には疑念が残る(メモ:この介入は悲惨なものだった、そして現在のQQEでJPYは対ドルで確実に100より安くなっている)。介入の有効性は意外性とその規模によるものだ、BoAの見立てでは、USD売り介入が持続的な影響を持つほどには投資家は大きなUSDロングポジションを持っていない。 How to measure success 介入成功をどう判定するか
As shown below in the bank's Chart of the Day: "US Dual Deficit is
Approaching Plaza Accord Levels", the rapid depreciation of the USD
following Plaza eventually led to a steady improvement in the dual
deficit. However, the issue for the Trump Administration is
whether that improvement can come ahead of the 2020 Presidential
election for him to claim that his interventionist policy has been a
success. His 2016 campaign pledge to narrow the US trade
deficit (particularly with China) is currently at odds with the dynamics
of external US trade data, which show the merchandise deficit with
China hitting a five-year high in June.
下のチャートはBoAによるChart of the Day だ:「米国の双子の赤字はプラザ合意レベルに近づいている」、プラザ合意後のUSD下落はやがて双子の赤字を安定的に解消した。しかしながら、トランプ政権に取っての問題は、この改善が2020年の大統領選挙の前に実現するかどうかだ、彼は選挙で介入政策の政策を主張したい。彼の2016年選挙公約は貿易赤字の削減(特に対中国)だったが、6月には対中国貿易は5年ぶりの大幅赤字になっている。
Indeed, as noted above, the complicating factor for the US Administration is whether any depreciation of USD will lead to a material improvement in the trade deficit in time for the 2020 election. The
J-curve theory suggests a country's trade deficit will initially
deteriorate following currency devaluation.
Certainly the evidence from
UK and Canadian trade data suggests both deficits have not materially
improved since the financial crisis despite the 20% and 30%
depreciations of CAD and GBP TWI respectively. What is clear is that
with 15 months left until the 2020 Presidential election, any
depreciation in USD is unlikely to have a material impact on the US
trade balance. The US current account deficit continued to deteriorate
until 1987, two years after the Plaza Accord.
What to expect in the coming months? 今後数ヶ月はどうなる?
Ironically, the Osaka G20 Summit held earlier this year reiterated
its commitments from March 2018 to refrain from FX intervention:
"Flexible exchange rates, where feasible, can serve as a shock
absorber. We recognize that excessive volatility or disorderly movements
in exchange rates can have adverse implications for economic and
financial stability. We will refrain from competitive devaluations, and
will not target our exchange rates for competitive purposes".
We say ironically, because the latest G20 Communiqué is
effectively the antithesis of the 1985 Plaza Accord and along the with
the US Administration's strong USD policy are two initial challenges
that it faces were it to intervene. Here, BofA would focus
strongly on the Administrations' commentary around both areas as signs
that it is moving toward a more interventionist approach.
One way that this could be formalized is firming up the commitments
around the US Treasury FX Manipulation Report, which is due for release
in October, even though we already know that China will be declared a
manipulator. At present, BofA sees bilateral negotiation as the only
recourse the US has if it labels a country as a currency manipulator.
There is one other possibility: the US could revise the framework around
the FX Manipulation Report so it includes a new metric that
takes into account the relative monetary policy stance of foreign
central banks as a de facto signal that they have a policy of benign
neglect toward their currency. Either the country in question
reverses course on its monetary policy, or the US Authorities reserve
the right to intervene to weaken the USD to create a "level playing
And since not a single foreign central bank will concede to such a
requirement in a time when the global race to the bottom, as the name
suggest is "global", the US will have free reign to finally unleash hell
on the dollar.
Finally, we remind readers of an unorthodox - if highly efficient -
method to devalue the dollar that was proposed by bond trading legend,
and MOVE index creator, Harley Bassman back in 2016 when he worked for
PIMCO - the Fed buying gold.
Before all is said and done and the central banks' reign of terror is
finally over, we are certain that this dramatic step will also be
現在のCPI推移をみるとFEDの言う2%目標に収まりそうにはありません。実際現在の金利政策はまだ緩和的で、政府の大判振る舞いもあり、M2はコロナ騒動以前のトレンドを大きく超えたまま漸増し始めています。大統領選挙もあり、パウエルは今後利上げはないと言明しており、利下げ期待が高まっています。 In Gold We Trust 2024(20ページ目)では1970年代のインフレ推移と現在2024年のインフレ推移を重ね、もっと大きなインフレがこれから来そうだと示唆しています。 https://ingoldwetrust.report/in-gold-we-trust-report/?lang=en 当時は数年間でゴールド価格は7倍になりました。直近のCPIのピーク値と比べると、今回は次のピーク、今後数年、でゴールドが5倍程度になることが期待されます。 ミシガン大学の調査ではインフレがFED目標の2%に落ち着くと期待されず、最近では期待値が増え始めています。
Global Warming Fraud Exposed In Pictures by Tyler Durden Tue, 10/01/2019 - 12:25 Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk, Climate change alarmists have convinced the public something must be done now. The reports are easily debunked as fraud ... 気候変動主張者たちは今行動を実行せねばと確信している。その手の報告書はでたらめだということが簡単に解る・・・・ My Gift To Climate Alarmists 気候変動活動家への贈り物 Tony Heller does an amazing job of showing how the fraud takes place in his video entitled My Gift To Climate Alarmists. Tony Heller は素晴らしい仕事をした、このビデオを見ると彼らの主張が如何にでたらめかということがよく分かる、そのタイトルは My Gift To Climate Alarmists。 The video is only 12.51 minutes long. このビデオはわずか12.51分しかない。(訳注:画像・動画がいっぱいで英語がわからなくても理解できる) Cherry Picking 例を上げると Heatwaves increasing since 1960 熱波発生は1960年以降増えているという Arctic ice declining since 1979 北極海氷は1979年以来減っているという Wildfires increa...