


Whistling Past The $70 Trillion Debt Graveyard 07-26-19

Written by Lance Roberts | Jul, 27, 2019

Last week, we discussed the setup for a near-term mean reversion because of the massive extension above the long-term mean. To wit:

“There is also just the simple issue that markets are very extended above their long-term trends, as shown in the chart below. A geopolitical event, a shift in expectations, or an acceleration in economic weakness in the U.S. could spark a mean-reverting event which would be quite the norm of what we have seen in recent years.”

This analysis is what led us to take action for our RIAPRO subscribers last week (30-Day Free Trial), as we added a 2x-short S&P 500 index fund to Equity Long-Short Account to hedge our longs (GOOG, CRM, NVDA, EMN, IVV, RSP) against a potential mean reversion.

この分析は先週のRIAPRO(30日無料体験可能)購読者向けの分析だ、私どもは2xショートS&P500指数を買い増した、私どものロングポジション(GOOG,CRM,NVDA,EMN,IVV、RSP)をヘッジするための株式Long-Short Accountに対してだ、平均回帰対策となる。
“This morning, we are adding a small 2x S&P 500 short position to the trading portfolio to hedge our core long positions against a retracement over the next few weeks. We will remove the short if the market can regain its footing and move higher, or the market sells off and reaches oversold conditions.”

This is the purpose of hedging, as it reduces volatility over time, which inherently reduces the risk of emotionally based trading mistakes.


My friends at Polar Futures Group laid out the same concerns on Friday:

Polar Futures Groupの私の友人も同様の懸念を金曜に示した:
“The mean reversion trade: For the past few weeks I’ve been musing that the “irresistible force” that has moved all markets has been the aggressive repricing of future interest rate expectations since last November. We’ve had a HUGE rally in the bond market, MASSIVE flows into bond funds, record levels (>$13.7T) of negative yielding bonds, inverted yield curves, even Greek bonds trading through Treasuries…as markets anticipate a recession and much more Central Bank largess…which might just take us into MMT and/or never-never land where the Central Banks just buy all the bonds and that’s that. I’ve thought that this irresistible force may have gone too far too fast and was due for a “set-back” which would precipitate mean reversion trades across markets.
「平均回帰トレード: ここ数週私は思いにふけっていた、昨年11月以来すべての市場が今後の金利動向を巡って「不可抗力的」に再評価を迫られているということだ。債券市場では極端なラリーがあった、巨額の資金が債券市場に流入し、記録的な量(>$13.7T)がマイナス金利になった、イールドカーブは反転し、ギリシャ国債までが米国債よりも買い込まれた・・・市場は景気後退入りを懸念し、中央銀行の寛容さを期待している・・・MMTのような議論で盛り上がるし,中央銀行がすべての債権を買い取ってしまうようなありえない議論まででてくる。私はこの不可抗力があまりに大きく動きが早いことに思いを馳せ、これは「後戻り」が近いのではないかと考えるようになった、ということは多くの市場で平均回帰となるのではと。

The core concepts of the mean reversion trades I’m considering are as simple as, 1) the public buys the most at the top (thank you, Bob Farrell,) and 2) when they’re yelling you should be selling, and 3) positioning risk leaves some markets especially vulnerable.”

私の考える平均回帰トレードのコア概念とは、1) 多くの人は天井で買い込む( Bob Farrellのようなチアリーダーのためだ)そして2) 彼らが大声を上げているときにはあなたは売るべきだ、そして 3) 脆弱な市場でのポジションリスクを低減する。」

They are exactly right.


While the market is rallying in anticipation of more Central Bank easing, especially following the recent announcement by the ECB of lower rates and more QE, the markets are momentarily detached from weaker earnings growth, weaker economic growth, and a variety of other market-related risks.


However, in the very short-term, the market is grossly extended and in need of some correction action to return the market to a more normal state. As shown below, while the market is on a near-term “buy signal” (lower panel) the overbought condition, and near 9% extension above the 200-dma, suggests a pullback is in order.


As we have noted over the last few weeks, the very tight trading range combined with negative divergences also does not historically suggests continued bullish runs higher without some type of corrective action first.


All of this supports why we trimmed our long positions slightly last week and increased our cash holdings for the time being.


Our models still suggest a likely correction over the next two months as we move past the Fed. Such is particularly the case if the Fed signals their “rate cut” may be “one and done” for the time being.

私どもの経済モデルでは今後二ヶ月の内に調整が起きやすいことを示唆しており、過去のFEDの動きの後と同様の行動を取った。もしFEDが「金利引下げ」が「one and done 一時的」というシグナルを発したときには特に当てはまる。

But for now, we are going to opt to “wait and see” what happens.

しかし今の所、何が起きようと「wait and see 様子見」しようとしている。

The $70 Trillion Dollar Graveyard


On Thursday, Congress passed the spending bill we discussed last week:

“A divided House on Thursday passed a two-year budget deal that would raise spending by hundreds of billions of dollars over existing caps and allow the Government to keep borrowing to cover its debts, amid grumbling from fiscal conservatives over the measure’s effect on the federal deficit.

「上院で意見が別れていた法案を木曜に承認した、 二年越しの予算交渉だ、既存の歳出上限を数百Bドル増やすというもので、政府は引き続き債務を増やすことができる、連邦債務増加に懸念を示す財政保守派には不満が残るものだ。
65 Republicans joined the Democratic majority in the 284-149 vote, with 132 Republicans voting against the bill, despite President Trump’s endorsement and pressure from key outside groups, including the Chamber of Commerce, to avoid a potentially catastrophic default on the Government’s debt.” 
共和党の65人が民主党多数派に賛同し、投票結果は284−149だった、共和党の132人は反対票を投じた、 トランプは支援するが院外からの圧力を受けている、たとえば商工会議所だ、彼らは政府債務の潜在的な壊滅的デフォルトを回避したいと思っている。

I highlighted the last sentence in red because it is an outright “LIE” used to convince Americans that out of control spending must be done. 


The reality is that “interest payments on the debt” are part of the MANDATORY spending in our budget along with social security, medicare, etc. Currently, about $0.75 of every dollar of tax revenue goes to mandatory spending. For the last few months the Government has been at its statutory debt limit, and “surprise” we didn’t default on our debt. Why? Because there is enough revenue currently coming in to cover the mandatory spending.


As I noted specifically last week,

In 2018, the Federal Government spent $4.48 Trillion, which was equivalent to 22% of the nation’s entire nominal GDP. Of that total spending, ONLY $3.5 Trillion was financed by Federal revenues, and $986 billion was financed through debt.

In other words, if 75% of all expenditures is social welfare and interest on the debt, those payments required $3.36 Trillion of the $3.5 Trillion (or 96%) of revenue coming in.”

Do some math here.
The U.S. spent $986 billion more than it received in revenue in 2018, which is the overall ‘deficit.’ If you just add the $320 billion to that number you are now running a $1.3 Trillion deficit.

The U.S. will not default on its debt. 


This is particularly the case since we no longer have any budgetary controls.
Importantly, the spending increase of $320 billion is on top of the annual 8% automated budget increase and the preexisting deficit. My original projection above is too conservative by $500 billion, or more.


But that’s not the real story.


The crux of that article was focused on the roughly $6 Trillion of unfunded liabilities of U.S. pension funds which Congress is now drafting a piece of legislation for entitled the “Rehabilitation For Multi-employer Pensions Act.”
As noted in that article, while Congress is preparing a bailout for U.S. pension funds, there is a $70 Trillion pension problem globally which is not being addressed. 

その記事の大切な点は、米国年金基金に約$6Tの不足があるということだ、議会は今いくつかの法案を準備している「Rehabilitation For Multi-employer Pensions Act 複数使用者向け年金改革行動基準」。この記事に書いてあるように、議会は米国年金基金を救済しようとしているが、世界的に見ると$70Tの年金基金問題が存在する。

“According to an analysis by the World Economic Forum (WEF), there was a combined retirement savings gap in excess of $70 trillion in 2015, spread between eight major economies…


However, this isn’t the $70 Trillion graveyard we are addressing today.  


From CNN:

“America’s debt load is about to hit a record. The combination of cheap money and soaring debt helped fuel the decade-long economic expansion and bull market, but America’s gluttony of loans could work against it if its fragile economic balance shifts.

「米国債無負荷は記録的な額になりつつある。チープマネーと急騰する債務が10年もの長きにわたる景気拡大とブル相場を生み出した、しかし脆弱な経済バランス転換を見ると、米国の 借金暴飲暴食はこれに水を指すかもしれない。
In the first quarter of 2019, the United States’ total public- and private-sector debt amounted to nearly $70 trillion, according to research by the Institute of International Finance. Federal government debt and liabilities of private corporations excluding banks both hit new highs.”


Oh…you are talking about THAT $70 Trillion. 


The chart below is Total U.S. Credit Market Debt (including Student Loans) which is currently running just a smidgen over $74 Trillion.The last time there was even a hint of deleveraging was during the “Financial Crisis.” 


Corporate debt is a problem. 


The wonderful website “HowMuch” put the corporate debt bubble into a graphic to help us visualize the potential for widespread defaults during the next economic and market downturn.


The problem with corporate debt is the amount of debt which is at risk of default during the next economic recession. (This isn’t an “IF,” it’s a “WHEN” statement.)


Let’s start with a note from Michael Lebowitz:

まず最初にMichael Levowitxの記事から議論を始めよう:
“The graph shows the implied ratings of all BBB companies based solely on the amount of leverage employed on their respective balance sheets. Bear in mind, the rating agencies use several metrics and not just leverage. The graph shows that 50% of BBB companies, based solely on leverage, are at levels typically associated with lower rated companies.”

「下のグラフにBBB格付け企業のバランスシート上のレバレッジ量をしめす。 注意してほしいが、格付会社は各種計測手法を採用しており単にレバレッジだけで判断しているわけではない。このグラフを見てのとおりBBB企業の50%が、レバレッジだけで判断すると、もっと格下に相当している。」
“If 50% of BBB-rated bonds were to get downgraded, it would entail a shift of $1.30 trillion bonds to junk status. To put that into perspective, the entire junk market today is less than $1.25 trillion, and the subprime mortgage market that caused so many problems in 2008 peaked at $1.30 trillion. Keep in mind, the subprime mortgage crisis and the ensuing financial crisis was sparked by investor concerns about defaults and resulting losses.”


The reason BBB-rated debt is so plentiful is due to the Fed’s ultra-low interest rate policy over the last decade. Near zero rates, and easy credit terms, has seduced companies into taking on debt to fund operations, dividends, and stock buybacks. The consequence is we are now seeing corporate debt exceeding the levels of the global financial crisis.


The real risk is that over the next 5-years more than 50% of the junk-bonds and leveraged-loans (which is sub-prime debt for corporations) is maturing and must be refinanced.


Let that sink in for a minute.


A weaker economy, recession risk, falling asset prices, or rising rates could well lock many corporations OUT of refinancing their share of this $4.88 trillion debt. Defaults will move significantly higher, and much of this debt will be downgraded to junk.


But it isn’t just corporate debt, that’s a problem.


Whistling Past The $246+ Trillion Graveyard

“According to the latest IIF Global Debt Monitor released today, debt around the globe hit $246 trillion in Q1 2019, rising by $3 trillion in the quarter, and outpacing the rate of growth of the global economy as total debt/GDP rose to 320%.

This was the second-highest dollar number on record after the first three months of 2018, though debt was higher in 2016 and 2017 as a share of world GDP. Total debt was broken down as follows:

  • Households(家計): 60% of GDP
  • Non-financial corporates(非金融企業): 91% of GDP
  • Government(政府) 87% of GDP
  • Financial Corporations(金融機関): 81% of GDP
And while the developed world has some more to go before regaining the prior all time leverage high, with borrowing led by the U.S. federal government and by global non-financial business, total debt in emerging markets hit a new all time high, thanks almost entirely to China.”

This is why Central Banks, from the ECB to the Federal Reserve, are terrified of an economic recession or downturn. As I said previously, “debt is the ‘weapon of mass destruction'” 


Given that global debt is 320% of global GDP, a deleveraging cycle will be too large for Central Banks to contain.


The deleveraging cycle WILL occur, all that Central Banks can do is hope to extend the current cycle long enough that “maybe” economic growth will catch up with the problem and lower the risk.

デバレッジングサイクルは必ず来るだろう、世界中の中央銀行ができることは現在のサイクルをできるだけ引き伸ばすことだけで 、「もしかすると」その引き伸ばし期間に経済成長が追いつき問題やリスクを低減できるかもしれない。
The irony is that it is the Central Banks on actions (lowering interest rates to zero and flooding the system with liquidity) which has inflated the debt bubble.


But that’s everyone else’s problem, right.


As noted above, the U.S. is currently running a debt-to-GDP ratio of roughly 350% so we are certainly not immune to the risk of a global “debt contagion.” 


We can look at this a bit differently. The economy currently requires $3.50 of NEW debt just to generate $1 of new growth.  


The problem with the exceedingly high debt levels is that since economic growth is a function of debt-supported spending, there is a finite limit to how much debt can be absorbed. As “HowMuch” showed, 10-years after the financial crisis, individuals are more levered today than they were then. (Notice the doubling of auto and student loan debt in particular.)


The Real Crisis Is Coming


As I noted this past week, the real crisis comes when there is a “run on pensions.” With a large number of pensioners already eligible for their pension, and a near $6 trillion dollar funding gap, the next decline in the markets will likely spur the “fear” that benefits will be lost entirely. 


The combined run on the system, which is grossly underfunded, at a time when asset prices are dropping, credit is collapsing, and shadow-banking freezes, the ensuing debacle will make 2008 look like mild recession. 


It is unlikely Central Banks are prepared for, or have the monetary capacity, to substantially deal with the fallout.


As David Rosenberg previously noted:

David Rosenbergはかつてこう書いた:
“There is no way you ever emerge from eight years of free money without a debt bubble. If it’s not a LatAm cycle, then it’s energy the next, commercial real estate after that, a tech mania years after, and then the mother of all of them, housing over a decade ago. This time there is a huge bubble on corporate balance sheets and a price will be paid. It’s just a matter of when, not if.”

Never before in human history have we seen so much debt.  Government debt, corporate debt, shadow-banking debt, and consumer debt are all at record levels. Not just in the U.S., but all over the world.


If you are thinking this is a “Goldilocks economy,” “there is no recession in sight,” “Central Banks have this under control,” and that “I am just being bearish,” you would be right.

もし皆さんが現状を「Goldilocks economy 適温経済」と考えているなら、「景気後退など視野無い無いだろう」、そして「中央銀行がうまく処理する」と思い「私は本少し弱気なだけだ、」と感じているだろう、もしかするとあなたが正しいかもしれない。

But that is also what everyone thought in 2007.


If you need help or have questions, we are always glad to help. Just email me.
See you next week.







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