


Step aside Baoshang Bank and Bank of Jinzhou, it's time for Chinese bank bailout #3.

Baoshang Bank とBank of Jinzhouに続き今度は3度目となる中国の銀行救済だ。

Last month, when reporting on the imminent failure of yet another Chinese bank in the inglorious aftermath of Baoshang Bank's late May state takeover, we dusted off a list of deeply troubled Chinese financial institutions that had delayed their 2018 annual reports...

先月のことだ、5月のBaoshang Bank国有化の後遺症としてさらなる中国の銀行トラブルが迫っていることを明らかにし、ZeroHedgeは深刻な問題を抱える銀行リストを示した、2018年決算開示が遅れている銀行だ・・。

... and noted that the #2 bank on this list, Bank of Jinzhou recently met financial institutions in its home Liaoning province to discuss measures to deal with liquidity problems, and in a parallel bailout to that of Baoshang, the bank was in talks to "introduce strategic investors" after a report that China’s financial regulators are seeking to resolve its liquidity problems sent its dollar-denominated debt plunging.

・・・そしてこの表の2番めの銀行、Bank of Jinzhouが最近遼寧省の金融機関と流動性問題に関して会合を持った、そしてBaoshangと同様の救済となった、ドル建て債権急落による流動性問題を解決する中国金融監督当局と「戦略的投資家を導入」する議論を行った。

Just a few days later, that's precisely what happened, when in late July, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), the country’s largest lender by assets, China Cinda Asset Management and China Great Wall Asset Management, two of China’s four largest distressed debt managers, said on Sunday they would take stakes in Bank of Jinzhou.

その数日後、そのとおりにことは進んだ、7月遅くに、中国工商銀行ICBC、中国最大の貸し手だ、China Cinda Asset ManagementとChina Great Wall Asset Management,この2社は中国4大不良債権処理会社のうちの2つだ、日曜にこれらの会社がBank of Jinzhouを吸収することを開示した。

To be sure, there was some token debate over the semantics: was this bailout a nationalization or a state-bank funded takeover:


“For Baoshang Bank, the government took a state takeover, while for Bank of Jinzhou, the government introduced some state-owned strategic investors,” said Dai Zhifeng, analyst with Zhongtai Securities Co; in reality both were government rescues, only in the latest case Beijing used state-owned bank intermediaries.
“The latter approach is more market-oriented and showcased the determination of regulators to resolve problematic banks, while injecting confidence into the market,” Dai said, although when stripped of all the pig lipstick, what just happened in China is that another major bank, one with $100 billion in assets, just collapsed and received a government-backed rescue.

「Baoshang Bankの場合は政府による接収だった、一方Bank of Jinzhouの場合は、政府が戦略的国有企業投資家を募った、」とDai Zhifengは言う、彼はZhongtai Securities Coのストラテジストだ;現実にはどちらも政府による救済だった、直近ケースに限り、北京政府は国有銀行による仲介を選択した。「後者のほうが市場高感度が高い、そして監督当局が問題銀行救済に関するショーケースとなる、市場の信頼が得やすい、」とDai は言う、しかしながらお化粧を剥がすと、今中国で起きていることは、もう一つの大手銀行、っさんが$100Bを超える大規模銀行、これが倒産し政府の救済を受けた。

The bigger problem, and the reason why Chinese bank stocks have tumbled ever since the Baoshang Bank bailout, is that investors (and depositors) were worried that now that Beijing has started down the path of bank bailouts, it was unclear where it would stop.

より大きな問題、そしてBaoshang Bank 救済以来どうして中国の銀行株が下落しているかというと、投資家(そして預金者)は北京政府が銀行救済から手を引き始めたのではないかと懸念していることだ、どの時点で止めるかは明らかではない。

And so, fast forward to this week when overnight, the SCMP reported that China’s sovereign wealth fund has taken over Heng Feng Bank - the bank at the very top of the list shown above, one with roughly $200 billion in assets -  a troubled lender linked to fugitive financier Xiao Jianhua, in the third case in as many months of the state exerting its grip over wayward financial institutions.

というわけで今週の出来事を巻き戻して見ると、SCMP中国南方新聞がこういう記事を書いた、中国国家資産ファンドがHeng Feng Bankを吸収したーー当行は上に示したリストの最上段にある、資産規模は$200Bにもなるーー逃亡者であるXiao Jianhua関連企業に貸し出しをしていた、予測不能な金融機関を把握しようと何ヶ月も努力してきた結果の3度目の救済だ。

According to the report, Central Huijin Investment, a subsidiary of the China Investment Corporation that acts as the Chinese government’s shareholder in the country’s four biggest banks, emerged as a strategic investor in Heng Feng, according to a brief report overnight by Shanghai Securities News, published by state news agency Xinhua.

この記事によると、Central Huijin Investment、ここはChina Investment Corporationの子会社であり、China Investment Corporationは政府株主として機能し、中国4大銀行の株主となっている。この会社がHeng Fengの戦略的投資家として現れた、上海証券報の昨夜の短い記事がこう伝える、出版元は政府通信社新華社通信だ。
The investment was a breakthrough in Heng Feng’s debt restructuring led by the Shandong provincial government, the state-owned newspaper said, without citing a source or providing financial details. Huijin’s investment would increase Heng Feng’s capital adequacy, improve the troubled bank’s management and enhance its operational capability, the paper said.

この投資がHeng Fengの債務再構築の突破口となる、山東省政府主導で実行される、と国有新聞社が伝えた、情報元及び資金注入の詳細については述べられなかったHuijingの投資はHeng Fengの資本を増強するだろう、問題銀行の運用を改善し、処理能力を増強するだろう、と同紙は述べた。

In short, a 3rd Chinese bank in as many months received an implicit (or explicit) state bailout, and with the dominoes now falling, it's just a matter of time before most if not all of the banks shown in the list above collapse.

簡単に言うと、何ヶ月もをかけて3番目の銀行が間接的(or 直接的)政府救済を受けた、そして今やドミノが動き始めている、上の表の銀行の全てとは言わないがその多くが倒産するのは時間の問題だ。

Some more details on bailout #3:


Heng Feng, based in Yantai city, was founded in 1987. It operated 18 branches and 306 sub-branches across the country. It is among more than a dozen city-level and rural lenders that had been put on notice by the authorities for a shake-up, as regulators step up their programme of cleaning up financial malfeasance and profligate lending.

Heng Feng,煙台州を拠点とする、は1987年に設立された。全国に18の支店と306の準支店を持つ。この大改革に関して通告を受けた市政府や地方の貸し手は1ダースを上回る、当局は金融不正や放漫貸し出しを一掃することになる。

It’s also the second of several banks in Xiao’s financial empire to be put under state ward, after the May 24 nationalisation of Baoshang Bank in Inner Mongolia’s Baotou city. As we reported back in May, Xiao’s Tomorrow Group, which owned 89% of Baoshang, had misappropriated large sums from the bank, triggering serious credit risks that prompted the government to step in, the central bank said. Xiao himself had not been seen in public since he was persuaded to return to mainland China from Hong Kong on the eve of the 2017 Lunar New Year to help with investigations into his financial affairs. Like so many other former oligarchs, he simply disappeared somewhere deep inside China's "corrections" apparatus.

当行は、Xiaoが築いた金融帝国のなかで二番手の銀行となるがこれが国家監視のもととなる、一番手は5月24日に国有化された、内モンゴルBaotou市のBaoshang Bankだった、XiaoのTomorrow Groupは、Baoshangの89%を所有しており、巨額資金を不正利用していた、これが深刻な与信リスクを引き起こし政府介入を引き起こした、と中央銀行は述べた。2017年春節大晦日の夜に、金融事件の操作に協力するために香港から中国本土に戻されてから公共の場に出たことがない。他の多くの太子党オルガリッヒ同様、中国のどこかの「矯正施設」の奥深くに消え失せただけだ。

As the SCMP notes, at its apex, Tomorrow Group owned stakes via proxies in hundreds of Chinese listed companies, including at least 10 banks, the China Banking & Insurance Regulatory Commission said on June 9.

SCMPが記すには、最盛期には、Tommorrow Groupは代理組織を通じて数百の中国上場企業を部分所有していた、少なくとも10銀行を含む、と中国銀行保険管理委員会は6月9日に述べた。

It all ended with a bang, however, with the Baoshang Bank  seizure in late May.
Then, as we reported two months later, Baoshan was joined on July 29 by Bank of Jinzhou, which received the backing of three Chinese financial institutions, including Industrial & Commercial Bank of China. ICBC put 3 billion yuan (US$436 million) into Bank of Jinzhou, and assigned at least four senior executives to manage it. Cinda Asset Management and Great Wall Asset Management would also pour funds into Bank of Jinzhou.

しかしながら、5月お足のBaoshang Bank差し押さえは大成功で終わった。その後ZeroHedgeは二ヶ月後7月29日にBank of JinzhouがBaoshanの仲間入りしたことを記事にした、この際に中国の3金融機関の保証を受けている、そのうちの一つが中国工商銀行ICBCだ。ICBCはUS$436MをBank of Jinzhouにつぎ込んだ、そして4人の役員も派遣した。Cinda Asset ManagementとGreat Wall Asset ManagementもBank of Jinzhouに資金を注入した。

The change in strategy, where Beijing was now openly seizing or bailing out insolvent banks - Baoshang was the Chinese government’s first nationalisation of a private bank since 1998 - led to a collective collapse in the stock prices of China’s listed banks, driving their valuations to record lows, amid fears that the shakeout would affect more lenders, and that the largest and best capitalized institutions would be called upon to bail them out.


That's precisely what is happening right now, and unfortunately it's about to get worse for a simple reason that was all the rage back in 2015 - namely the soaring amount of Chinese NPLs, a number which has been drastically massaged by the banks, regulators and politicians, to make China's banking system appears safer than it was (see "
CLSA Just Stumbled On The Neutron Bomb In China's Banking System"). As the SCMP notes, the level of non-performing loans among local lenders licensed to operate within city of urban centres were at 1.9% of their total lending at the end of March, worse than their larger peers, according to CBIRC data. The real number is likely orders of magnitude higher.


These local, city banks were also the least capitalised among all bank categories, with 12.6% capital adequacy ratio, compared with 18.3% in foreign banks.


It gets even worse when one looks at China's rural commercial banks, which are licensed to serve villages and smaller towns, and which had 4.1% of their lending classified as bad loans, CBRC data showed. That compared with the 1.1 per cent average among larger nationwide commercial banks, and 0.8 per cent among foreign banks, the data showed. None of those numbers is remotely close to reality, and with China's economic growth now sliding, it is just a matter of time before things get far worse.


Incidentally, just days before the Heng Feng rescue, JPMorgan correctly downgraded China's banks due to increasing pressure for banks to support growth agenda as macro risk escalates:

ちなみに言うと、Heng Fengが救済されたちょうど前日に、JPMorganがまさに中国の銀行群を格下げした、マクロリスクが高まるという成長報告を受けて銀行への圧力が高まると見てのことだ:
The J.P. Morgan economics team revised down its GDP growth forecast for 2020 by 0.1ppt due to the recent sharp turn in Sino-U.S. trade negotiations. But even prior to that, declining PPI and industrial profits growth, suggesting declining debt-servicing ability and weakening cash flow for Corporate China, increase the risks that banks will be asked to support macro growth at the potential expense of profitability. Recent official PBOC comments on an accelerating interest rate liberalization process are illustrative of such rising risks.

J.Pモルガンのエコノミクスチームは2020年のGDP成長を0.1ポイント下方修正した、最近の米中貿易交渉の行方をみてのことだ。しかしこれ以前に置いても、PPIや産業利益成長は下落しており、債務返済能力悪化を示唆している、そして中国企業全体の営業利益が弱まっている、 潜在的な収益性に関してマクロ成長からして銀行のリスクはましている。最近のPBOCの金利自由化に関する公式発表を見てもそういうリスク増加を示唆している。

Additionally, JPM cautioned investors to stay away from Chinese banks as, "(1) we cut our NIM and earnings estimates to factor in potential NIM compression due to interest rate  liberalization; (2) banks’ re-rating path comes to a halt, at least for now, due to the re-leverage of Corporate China leading to debt concerns; and (3) rising concerns of failed small banks contaminating the balance sheets of large banks may lead to de-rating pressure on large banks."

加えてい言うならば、JPMは投資家に中国の銀行に近づかないよう警告を発している、「(1) 我々はNIM(Net interest margin 利ざや)と収益予想を下方修正した、金利自由化で利ざやは圧縮される;(2)銀行の再格付けが機能停止している、少なくとも現在のところ、中国企業全体で再貸し出しによる債務懸念がある;そして(3)中小銀行破綻で大手銀行のバランスシートが汚染されている懸念が増している、これが大手銀行の再格付け圧力となるかもしれない。(訳注:これにはもっと根源的な懸念があります。一党独裁政治体制で果たして西欧のように格付けに信頼がおけるかどうかです。)。」

It now appears that Beijing has indeed picked a model where concern (3) is especially valid, as large banks will be brought in to bail out smaller, insolvent ones (think JPMorgan and Bear Stearns), in the process "contaminating" their balance sheets, as what until now was a localized financial weakness diffuses across the entire banking sector.

現在明らかになっているのは、北京政府はたしかに懸念(3)を取り上げ有効性をもたせようとしている、大手銀行に中小を救済させるだろう、破綻銀行救済だ(JPMorganとBear Stearnsを思い起こすと良い)、このプロセスで彼らのバランスシートに「汚染」が生じる、まだ今のところは、局所的な金融システムの脆弱性は金融システム全体に拡散している。

But what may be worst for China, is that it as of this moment its options to boost the economy are severely limited following the latest inflation data which was "the worst of both worlds", as PPI prices posted their first decline in 3 years, while CPI jumped to 16 month highs as food prices continued to soar.


This, as Bloomberg's Kyoungwha Kim wrote, is "an ominous sign for equities because it underscores the difficulties the PBOC faces if it wants to boost policy stimulus", or as we summarized it last night:

ブルームバーグのKyoungwha Kimが言うには、この状況は「株式には不吉な予兆だ、というのもPBOCは困難に直面している、経済刺激策を取ろうにも取れないのだ」、ZeroHedgeが昨夜まとめたことだ:

The bottom line: Trump now appears to be winning the trade war with China, whose economic contraction is accelerating and between slowing trade, sliding corporate profits (PPI), rising inflation (CPI), a devaluing Yuan, a record debt load, and now a sudden crisis in its banking sector, Beijing has found itself paralyzed and with zero credibly options how to kickstart the economy.


The only thing that's left is for China to admit that this is indeed the case, so sit back, relax and watch as bank after bank on the list above fails and China's financial cancer spreads across the country with the $40 trillion in assets (which is certainly not bad news for either gold or bitcoin).







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