
One of the most-followed belwethers for global growth just flashed another death-knell warning for the green-shoot-ers.


South Korea’s gross domestic product unexpectedly shrank in Q1, dropping 0.3% QoQ (against expectations of a 0.3% rise).

This is the biggest contraction in a decade as declining investment and exports take a toll on Asia’s fourth-largest economy.

South Korea is highly exposed to slowing in global growth and the technology sector, which have combined to crimp the nation’s GDP in recent quarters, and Band of Korea Governor Lee Ju-yeol blamed weakening exports, particularly of semiconductors, and slowing business investment for the growth downgrade.

韓国は世界経済やテクノロジーセクターの減速に敏感で、これらが相重なり最近数四半期のGDPを抑えている、韓国政府のLee Ju-yeolによれば、輸出、特に半導体に問題がある、そして投資が減り成長が鈍化している、という。
As growth has slowed recently, the government unveiled a supplementary package of 6.7 trillion won ($5.9 billion) comes on top of a main budget that is already a record and a hefty increase from last year. However, the extra budget may push up GDP by 0.1 percentage points and create just 73,000 new jobs, according to the government.

最近の成長鈍化対策として、政府は6.7T won($5.9B)の追加刺激策を実行した、すでに既存予算も記録的なレベルであり昨年から大幅増加している。しかしながら、追加予算もGDPを0.1%押し上げ、新規雇用を73,000程度生み出す程度だと政府は見ている。
It might still be "quite challenging for South Korea’s GDP growth to achieve the government’s 2.6-2.7 percent forecast," said Krystal Tan, economist at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group in Singapore. "Unless a stronger-than-expected recovery in the export sector materializes in the coming months, a bigger extra budget would probably be needed to push growth into that band."

「政府予想ではGDPが2.6−2.7%成長だが、とても難しそうだ」と見られている、とKrystal Tanは言う、彼はシンガポールを拠点とするAustralia &New Zealand Banking Groupのエコノミストだ。「今後数ヶ月で予想以上の輸出回復がなければ、更に大きな追加予算を必要とするだろう。」

Of course, none of this is a problem for semiconductor company's stocks - which are at a record high, despite collapsing earnings expectations...







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