米国大手銘柄2018Q4ファンダメンタルズ by Zeal 中半

Operating cash flows are also important, showing how much capital companies’ businesses are actually generating.  Using cash to make more cash is a core tenet of capitalism.  Unfortunately many companies are now obscuring quarterly OCFs by reporting them in year-to-date terms, lumping in multiple quarters together.  So the Q4’18 OCFs shown are mostly calculated by subtracting Q3’18 YTD OCFs from full-year ones.


Next are the actual hard quarterly earnings that must be reported to the SEC under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.  Lamentably companies now tend to use fake pro-forma earnings to downplay real GAAP results.  These are derided as EBS profits, Everything but the Bad Stuff!  Certain expenses are simply ignored on a pro-forma basis to artificially inflate reported corporate profits, often misleading traders.

その次は実際の会計収益でありGAAPに基づく。嘆かわしいことに、現在では企業は本当のGAAP収益を軽視してフェイク収益を好む傾向にある。これらはEBS収益とバカにされる、Everything but the Bad Stuff というわけだ!フェイク収益ではある種の経費を無視して人工的に企業収益を水増しする、これがトレーダーの誤解を招く。

While we’re also collecting the earnings-per-share data Wall Street loves, it’s more important to consider total profits.  Stock buybacks are executed to manipulate EPS higher, because the shares-outstanding denominator of its calculation shrinks as shares are repurchased.  Raw profits are a cleaner measure, again effectively neutralizing the impacts of stock buybacks.  They better reflect underlying business performance.

私どももWall Streetの好むEPSを拾い上げるが、もっと大切なのは全収益だ。自社株買いはEPSを高めに操作するために行われる、というのも流通株数が減るからだ。生の利益は明白な指標であり、自社株買い効果を相殺する。生の利益がビジネスパフォーマンスをよりよく反映している。

Finally the trailing-twelve-month price-to-earnings ratios as of the end of Q4’18 are noted.  TTM P/Es look at the last four reported quarters of actual GAAP profits compared to prevailing stock prices.  They are the gold-standard metric for valuations.  Wall Street often intentionally conceals these hard P/Es by using the fictional forward P/Es instead, which are literally mere guesses about future profits that often prove far too optimistic.

最後に、2018Q4末でのTTTMPERを示す。TTM PERとは直近4四半期のGAAP利益と株価を比べたものだ。これは株価バリュエーションの黄金率だ。Wall Streetは意図的にこのPERを隠すために予想PERを用いる、これは文字通り推測に過ぎずあまりに楽観的であることが知られている。

These are mostly calendar-Q4 results, but some big US stocks use fiscal quarters offset from normal ones.  Walmart, Home Depot, and Cisco have quarters ending one month after calendar ones, so their results here are current to the end of January instead of December.  Oracle uses quarters that end one month before calendar ones, so its results are as of the end of November.  Offset reporting ought to be banned.

多くは暦年Q4決算だ、しかし大手米国株の内いくつかは会計年度が暦年と異なることがある。Walmart、Home DepotそしてCiscoは暦より会計年度が遅れている、そのためこれらに関しては12月末ではなく1月末までのものだ。Oracleは暦より一月早く期末となる、そのため決算は11月末のものだ。こういう例外は本来禁止されるべきだと私は思う。

Reporting on offset quarters renders companies’ results way less comparable with the vast majority that report on calendar quarters.  We traders all naturally think in calendar-quarter terms too.  Decades ago there were valid business reasons to run on offset fiscal quarters.  But today’s sophisticated accounting systems that are largely automated running in real-time eliminate all excuses for not reporting normally.


Stocks with symbols highlighted in blue have newly climbed into the ranks of the SPX’s top 34 companies over the past year, as investors bid up their stock prices and thus market caps relative to their peers.  Overall the big US stocks’ Q4’18 results looked impressive, with good sales and profits growth.  But that masks a sharp slowdown from prior quarters that will be exacerbated as the corporate-tax-cut transition year ends.


2018 was a banner year for corporate earnings because of Republicans’ massive corporate tax cuts.  The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was signed into law on December 22nd, 2017 to go into effect on January 1st, 2018.  Its centerpiece was slashing the US corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%, which naturally boosted reported profits.  But 2018’s four quarters were the only ones that would experience anomalous TCJA growth.


Q4’18 was the last quarter comparing year-over-year growth between a pre-TCJA quarter and post-TCJA quarter.  That major discontinuity distorted corporate-earnings growth.  Profits soared last year not just because companies were doing better, but because they were paying taxes at much-lower rates.  But starting in Q1’19, that TCJA-transition boost is gone forever.  Normal same-tax-regime YoY comparisons will return.


But before we get to all-important corporate earnings and resulting valuations, let’s work our way through these tables.  Thanks to the SPX’s brutal 14.0% plunge in Q4, this leading broad-market stock index lost 6.2% last year.  The biggest and best US companies fared a little better, with the collective market cap of the top 34 sliding 5.2% YoY.  These elite corporations had average market-cap losses running 3.6% YoY.


That certainly isn’t calamitous, but the deceleration is neck-snapping!  In the prior four quarters starting in Q4’17, the SPX’s top 34 components saw enormous average YoY market-cap gains of 29.2%, 14.6%, 23.5%, and 24.2%.  Make no mistake, Q4’18 saw a massive and ominous stock-market inflection.  The severe near-bear correction’s selling pressure was even heavier in smaller SPX stocks below the top 34.


That pushed the top 34’s share of the SPX’s total weighting to 43.7%, a big increase from Q4’17’s 41.8%.  The more capital concentrated in fewer stocks, the riskier the entire stock markets become.  Big down days driven by company-specific news in highly-weighted individual stocks can drag down the entire stock markets.  A great example occurred in mighty Apple just after Q4 ended, when it warned on weak Q4 sales.


For years Apple had been the largest US stock by market cap, commanding the highest ranking in the SPX and SPY.  Just after 2019’s first trading day closed, Apple cut its Q4 revenue guidance by 7.7% from its own midpoint given 2 months earlier.  The next day AAPL stock collapsed by 10.0%, which pummeled the entire SPX 2.5% lower in its worst loss so far this year.  When a top US stock sneezes, markets catch a cold.







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