金鉱株2018Q4ファンダメンタルズ by Zeal 中半

GDX’s holdings grew much more concentrated over this past year, with the top 34’s total weighting rising from 90.5% in Q4’17 to 94.1% in Q4’18.  That is partially due to increased merger-and-acquisition activity driven by big gold miners trying to replace depleting production.  For years many have proven unable to replenish mined gold organically, leaving buying other companies the only option to maintain mining tempos.


Production has always been the lifeblood of the gold-mining industry.  Gold miners have no control over prevailing gold prices, their product sells for whatever the markets offer.  Thus growing production is the only manageable way to boost revenues, leading to amplified gains in operating cash flows and profits.  Higher production generates more capital to invest in expanding existing mines and building or buying new ones.


Gold-stock investors have long prized production growth above everything else, as it is inexorably linked to company growth and thus stock-price-appreciation potential.  But for some years now the     major gold miners have been struggling to grow production.  Large economically-viable gold deposits are getting increasingly harder to find and more expensive to exploit, with the low-hanging fruit long since picked.


More and more gold-industry experts believe peak gold is nearing, after which global mine production will start declining.  For many years now new deposit discoveries and mine builds have failed to keep pace with depletion at existing mines.  So production growth is slowing.  According to the World Gold Council’s latest fundamental data, global mine production only edged 0.8% higher in 2018 compared to 5.3% in 2013!


GDX’s major gold miners are the biggest in the world, with access to many billions of dollars of capital to expand their operations.  Yet even with those vast resources by his sector’s standards, the top 34 have still failed to grow their production.  In Q4’18 they collectively produced 9.7m ounces of gold, plunging a colossal 7.5% YoY from Q4’17’s 10.5m!  That is shockingly bad, and the root of the major gold miners’ problems.


Total world gold production per the WGC merely slipped 0.9% YoY last quarter.  Incidentally that was just the second YoY quarterly decline in the past 32 quarters, adding more fuel to peak-gold theories.  Across all of them growth averaged 2.5% YoY.  Seeing the top 34 GDX gold miners’ production plunge at 8.3x the world rate in Q4’18 is very concerning.  Many major gold miners are stagnating, retarding GDX’s potential.


Just over half of GDX’s top 34 gold miners, fully 18 of them, suffered average production declines of 8.9% YoY!  The worst in terms of impact came from GDX’s largest component Barrick Gold.  GOLD’s gold mined fell 5.8% YoY in Q4’18, representing 1/10th of the total drop among the GDX top 34.  Barrick is so desperate to buy production to offset its serious depletion that it recently purchased major gold miner Randgold.

GDX上位34銘柄の内なんと18銘柄で、平均生産量低下がYoY8.9%にもなる!最悪なのがGDX最大銘柄のBarrick Goldだ。GOLDの産金量は2018Q4にYoY5.8%下落した、これはGDX上位34銘柄全下落のうちの1/10にもなる。Barrickは生産量増加のために最近Randgoldを買収した。

That deal completed on January 1st, 2019, so GOLD’s Q4’18 results don’t yet reflect it.  Randgold mined 374.6k ounces last quarter, which was actually up an impressive 9.9% YoY.  That helps explain some of the big production drop among the GDX top 34.  Randgold’s production was included in the GDX top 34 in Q4’17, but of course its stock no longer exists this week when I downloaded GDX’s current component list.


Adding Randgold’s Q4’18 production in cuts the GDX top 34’s production decline to 3.9% YoY.  Going the other way and instead removing it from Q4’17’s total leaves the top 34’s mined gold down 4.4% YoY.  But that’s still much worse than that overall 0.9% YoY decline in global gold mine production last quarter.  As I explained in depth in a mid-February essay, gold-stock mega-mergers won’t solve this depletion problem.


Before Q4’18, Randgold suffered 4 quarters in a row of falling production averaging declines of 7.4% YoY.  Barrick’s quarterly production has fallen for 6 quarters in a row, averaging hefty 13.4%     YoY drops!  Merging depleting major gold miners together doesn’t magically boost their collective production.  It just masks production declines for a single year, the first 4 quarters comparing post-merger results with pre-merger ones.


Once those great cross-merger YoY comparisons pass, the relentless depletion in both companies’ gold mines will quickly become apparent again.  The larger any gold miner, the harder it is to grow and even just maintain production levels.  Because exploration budgets largely collapsed since 2013 when gold plunged and crushed gold stocks, the global pipeline of bigger economic gold deposits to mine has mostly dried up.


GDX’s top-two components have always been Barrick Gold and Newmont Gold.  This week together they accounted for 19.5% of its total weighting and a whopping 28.0% of the top 34’s total Q4’18 gold mined!  Had Barrick’s and Randgold’s merger been consummated in Q4, GOLD’s production would’ve soared over 1.8m ounces.  Newmont didn’t want Barrick to surpass it, so in January it announced it was buying Goldcorp.

GDXの上位2社はずっとBarrick Gold とNewmont Goldだった。今週時点でこの二社を合わせるとGDX全体の時価総額の19.5%になり、2018Q4GDX上位34銘柄の産出量の28.0%を占める!BarrickとRandgold合併がQ4に行われたわけで、GOLDの生産量は1.8mオンスを超えるだろう。NewmontはBarrickに追い越されるのを望まず、1月になりGoldcorp買収を発表した。

GG produced 630k ounces of gold in Q4, which will be added onto Newmont’s production going forward once this deal is done.  Had Newmont and Goldcorp been together in Q4’18, this gold-mining behemoth would’ve produced nearly 2.1m ounces!  Those levels are staggering, and will really increase these two mega-miners’ dominance over this sector and GDX.  These mergers’ pro-forma impact on GDX is massive.


Using Q4’s numbers, Newmont and Barrick would’ve accounted for a colossal 38.8% of the GDX top 34’s entire gold mined including Randgold.  Their collective weighting in this leading gold-stock ETF would shoot over a quarter.  So the overall GDX future performance will be more dominated by Newmont and Barrick than ever before.  If they can’t grow production from such stratospheric levels, they’ll retard GDX’s upside.


With gold deposits increasingly harder to discover, and taking even longer to get permitted and brought into production at ever-higher costs, the biggest gold miners are going to find it impossible to even maintain their outputs.  Any production growth is going to come from smaller gold miners, and their stocks will soar to reflect it.  Unfortunately the impact on GDX will be muted, since its weightings are tyrannized by the giants.


Kirkland Lake Gold has been one of the best-performing gold stocks over this past year.  In 2018 its stock rocketed 69.9% higher as GDX fell 9.3%!  The reason investors flocked to KL is it has rapidly grown its gold output, which soared 38.8% YoY in Q4’18.  That greatly boosted its sales, operating cash flows, and profits.  More gold produced spreads out the big fixed costs of mining across more ounces, amplifying earnings.

Kirkland Lake Goldは昨年の最良金鉱株の一つだ。2018年には株価は69.9%も上昇した、一方でGDXは9.3%下落だった!投資家がKLに殺到したのはその生産量を急激に増やしているからだ、2018Q4にYoYで38.8%も増やした。急激に規模を大きくしている、営業利益や会計利益でだ。ゴールド生産量が増えるほどに生産固定費を多量のゴールドで割り算することになる、これが収益を増加させる。






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