
A large and fast-melting glacier in Greenland is growing again, according to a new NASA study. The Jakobshavn (YA-cob-shawv-en) glacier on Greenland's west coast had reportedly been retreating by around 1.8 miles and thinning by nearly 130 feet annually in 2012.

May 30, 2012, photo shows an iceberg in or just outside the Ilulissat fjord that likely calved from the Jakobshavn glacier in west Greenland. (Ian Joughin/Associated Press)
According to a study published in Monday's peer-reviewed Nature Geoscience, however, the glacier began growing at about the same rate over the past two years. That said, the authors of the study swear it's temporary.

月曜に出版された、査読付き学術雑誌Nature Geoscienceによると、その氷河が過去二年成長している、成長速度はこれまでの減少速度と同じだ。この論文の著者はこれは一時的なものだと断言する。

"At first we didn't believe it," said lead author Ala Khazendar who works at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). "We had pretty much assumed that Jakobshavn would just keep going on as it had over the last 20 years."

「最初は信じられなかった、」と筆頭著者のAla Khazendarは言う、彼はNASAジェット推進研究所で働いている。「我々はJakobshvenは過去20年と同じ傾向だと仮定していた。」
Jakobshavn glacier (photo: Google Earth)
Co-author Josh Willis said that while this is "good news" on a temporary basis, it's still "bad news" over the long term because it means that ocean temperatures are a larger factor in the growth and melting of glaciers than previously thought.
"In the long run we’ll probably have to raise our predictions of sea level rise again," says Willis, pointing to inevitable doom from man-made global warming.
"That was kind of a surprise. We kind of got used to a runaway system," said Jason Box, a Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland ice and climate scientist who was not involved in the study.

共著者のJosh Willisはこう言う、一時的にはこれは「良いニュース」だ、しかし長期的に見るとこれは「悪いニュース」だ、というのもこれまで考えられていた以上に氷河の盛衰は海水温度に依存している。「長期的には、たぶん海面上昇予想を増やさざるを得ないだろう、」とWillis は言う、人間活動による温暖化は回避不能だと指摘する。「この結果は驚きだった。我々はまだある種の助走段階にあった、」とJason Boxは言う、彼はデンマークの気候研究所に所属しており、グリーンランド氷河と気候研究者だ、彼はこの研究には参加していなかった。

Think of the ocean temperatures near Greenland like an escalator that’s rising slowly from global warming, Khazendar said. But the natural North Atlantic Oscillation sometimes is like jumping down a few steps or jumping up a few steps. The water can get cooler and have effects, but in the long run it is getting warmer and the melting will be worse, he said.


Four outside scientists said the study and results make sense.
University of Washington ice scientist Ian Joughin, who wasn’t part of the study and predicted such a change seven years ago, said it would be a “grave mistake” to interpret the latest data as contradicting climate change science.
この研究に参加していない4人の科学者はこれは意味のある発見だという。ワシントン大学の氷床研究者 Ian Joughin、彼はこの研究に参加していなかったが数年前にこのことを予想していた、彼が言うには 気候変動科学の矛盾をしめす「決定的な」最新データだという。
What’s happening, Joughin said, is “to a large extent, a temporary blip. Downturns do occur in the stock market, but overall the long term trajectory is up. This is really the same thing.” -AP

Of course, what will they say if and when the sun enters a Maunder Minimum in 2020? The last time there was a prolonged solar minimum, it lead to a mini ice-age which was scientifically known as the Maunder minimum
SHTFplan.com's Mac Slavo wrote last November that sunspots have been absent for most of 2018 and Earth’s upper atmosphere is responding, says Phillips, the editor of spaceweather.com.

当然のことながら彼らが言わんとする所は、もし太陽が2020年にマウンダーミニマムに入ったらということだ。前回太陽黒点減少が長引いたとき、小氷河期となった、科学者はマウンダーミニマムと読んでいるSHTFplan.com でMac Slaoが昨年11月に記事を書いた、2018年に太陽黒点はほとんどなくなり、地球成層圏はこれに反応している、とspaceweaher.com編集者のPhillipsは言う。

Data from NASA’s TIMED (Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics) satellite shows that the thermosphere (the uppermost layer of air around our planet) is cooling and shrinking, literally decreasing the radius of the atmosphere. This reduction of solar activity could result in a global cooling phase.

“The thermosphere always cools off during Solar Minimum. It’s one of the most important ways the solar cycle affects our planet,” said Mlynczak, according to The New American

「ソーラーミニマムのときは地球熱圏はいつも寒冷化する。ソーラーサイクルが地球に与えるもっとも重要な効果だ、とThe New American誌による。

The new NASA findings are in line with studies released by UC-San Diego and Northumbria University in Great Britain last year, both of which predict a Grand Solar Minimum in coming decades due to low sunspot activity.

NASAの新たな発見はUC-San DiegoとNorthumbria universityが昨年Great Britainで発表した研究にも合致する、両研究機関はGrand Solare Minimumが今後数十年続くと予想している、太陽黒点数低下に伴うものだ。

Both studies predicted sun activity similar to the Maunder Minimum of the mid-17th to early 18th centuries, which coincided to a time known as the Little Ice Age, during which temperatures were much lower than those of today.







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