

ただし債務先進国の日本では、家計300兆円、非金融法人400兆円、政府1300兆円とGDPの400%程度の債務を積み上げてもまだ問題が顕在化しません。今も毎年政府債務は30兆円増え続けており、一方GDPはほとんど増えていません。多分海外の政策立案者はこれを先例 or 目安として見ているような気がします。


When it comes to estimating China's total outstanding debt, there has long been confusion about the real number with most putting the debt/GDP at around 250%, while the IIF in 2017 calculated China's debt load as high as 300% of GDP (which means that by now it is substantially higher).


Then, last year, China watchers added another 40% of debt/GDP to the total when, as S&P calculated, China’s local governments had accumulated 40 trillion yuan ($6 trillion) - or even more - in off-balance sheet, or Local government financing vehicles (LGFV) debt, an amount Bloomberg has dubbed China's "hidden debt bomb", suggesting the already record surge in defaults in 2018 is set to accelerate further.

昨年になり、中国ウオッチャーはさらに政務/GDPを40%追加した、S&Pの試算では、中国の地方政府は40T人民元($6T)以上の簿外債務があるとみている、Local government financing vehicles LGFV の形を取ることもある、この債務をブルームバーグは「中国の隠れ債務爆弾」と揶揄する、すでに2018年の倒産は急増しているが、これがさらに加速することを示唆している。

"The potential amount of debt is an iceberg with titanic credit risks," S&P credit analysts wrote in October 2018, with much of the build-up related to local government financing vehicles, which don’t necessarily have the full financial backing of local governments themselves.


Local government debt has quickly emerged, together with "shadow banking" debt, as one of the main risks for China's economy, because with the national economy slowing, and as a result of a crackdown on shadow lending and a Beijing quota for issuance of local-government bonds not enough to fund infrastructure projects to support regional growth, authorities across the country have resorted to LGFVs to raise financing, according to S&P. That’s left LGFVs “walking a tightrope” between deleveraging and transforming their businesses into more typical state-owned enterprises, S&P warned.

「シャドーバンキング」債務と相まって地方政府債務がすぐに中国経済の主要リスクの一つとなった、というのも同国経済減速とシャドー貸出規制の結果だ、北京政府は地方政務債券発行に制限を加え、その結果地方の成長を支えるのに十分なインフラプロジェクトを維持できない、国中の当局は資金を得るのにLGFVを利用する、とS&Pは伝える。この状況はLGFVは「綱渡りをしている」、債務削減をしながらビジネスを国有企業に移管しているというわけだ、とS&P は警告する。

So fast forward 6 months, when in China's ongoing attempt to contain the soaring financial risks from its debt bubble, Beijing - seemingly content with the progress it has made on containing shadow debt - is re-focusing on the "hidden debt" owed by local governments, as officials seek to reduce repayment pressures amid falling tax revenues.


And with Beijing adding pressure on local authorities to become more transparent with their liabilities, Bloomberg reports that provinces and cities from Jiangsu in the east to Qinghai in the west are looking for means to pay-off or restructure their implicit borrowings, which include trillions in "off the books" funding via financing vehicles. Some authorities are seeking cheap refinancing from the nation’s largest policy lender, the China Development Bank, and others are selling off state-owned assets such as office buildings and housing.


Efforts to deleverage the "hidden time bomb" of 40 trillion in local government debt have gained urgency after the government recently pledged to cut taxes by two trillion yuan ($300 billion), further draining local coffers and adding to the possibility of missed repayments. Meanwhile, the lack of official estimates of the total local government debt load - S&P's CNY40 trillion estimate is just that - which usually carries higher rates than on-book ones, makes the issue even trickier.

政府が最近2T人民元($300B)の減税を実行したため、地方政務の40Tにもおよぶ「隠れ時限爆弾」解消が急務となっている、地方政府の金庫は更に減り続け、返済不能の可能性が増している。それと同時に、全地方政府債務負荷を公式に把握していないわけでーーS&Pの CNY40Tは単に推測に過ぎないーー大抵の場合簿内債務よりも金利が高く、問題解決を難しくしている。

There is a more pressing reason behind the rush to deleverage: as Nomura's China economist Lu Ting said, the motive is “just that the problem can’t be delayed anymore,” as in many places fiscal revenues and gross domestic product aren’t enough to cover the interest and principals.

さらに債務解消にはもっと喫緊の理由がある:ノムラ中国のLu Ting が言うには、その原因は「もう問題を先送りできない」ことにある、多くの地方政府で財政収入やGDPが利払いや元本返済に足りないのだ。

In other words, China may be just months ahead of its own Minsky Moment.


With official probes now taking place to quantify the local debt, so far they’ve shown that hidden debt in some places exceeds the on-book borrowing, a lawmaker of the National People’s Congress Zhu Mingchun said over the weekend, according to Bloomberg.

地方政府債務を当局が公式調査しているが、それによると帳簿上の債務よりも簿外債務の方が多い場合もある、と人民大会議員のZhu Mingchunは週末にブルームバーグに伝えた。

Meanwhile, payments due for local-government financing vehicle debt are soaring and could reach 2.3 trillion yuan this year, according to estimates by Industrial Securities Co, which notes that local authorities will have to carry that burden at a time of slowing revenue growth due to tax cuts and shrinking receipts from land sales.

同時に、地方政府の満期返済額は急増しており今年2.5T人民元にもなる、Industrial Securites Coの見積もりだ、当社によると減税と土地販売が減る中で財政収入が減りつつあり、地方政府は借り換えで返済を先延ばしせざるを得ないだろうという。

One possible solution is massive restructuring of the debt: in one case in December, the CDB led a group of commercial lenders in a swap of 260.7 billion yuan of implicit debt borrowed by Shanxi province to build highways. The debt was restructured with a tenor of up to 25 years, allowing the local authorities to save 3 billion yuan in interest payments every year, according to Shanxi Transportation Holdings Group. As Bloomberg notes, asset sales are also being used. For example, a district in the northeastern city of Shenyang is planning to sell more than 38,000 square meters of offices and government-built housing to repay maturing debt.

一つの解法が巨額の債務再編成だ:12月の一例では、CDBが民間貸し手の260.7B人民元をスワップした、高速道路を作るための山西省の隠れ債務だ。債務は25年返済に借り換えとなった、地方政務は毎年の利払いを3B人民元削減できる、と山西省Transportation Holdings Groupが言う。ブルームバーグによると、資産売却も利用されている。例えば、瀋陽省の北西地区でオフィスと住宅38,000平方メートルを債務返済のために売却しようとしている。

Of course, since in China everything is in some state of being a bubble, officials are simply using “the healthier part of the balance sheet of the public sector to address some of the hidden issues,” but they have to make sure the risky loans won’t get out of control again in the future, because by that time the balance sheet would be less capable of absorbing them, according to Grace Ng, a China JPMorgan economist.

とうぜんのことながら、中国ではすべてのものが何らかのバブル状態であり、当局は単に「公共部門のバランスシートの健全な部分で隠れ債務に対処しようとしている」、しかしながら彼らも自ら自覚せねばならないが危険ローンというのは将来に渡ってコントロールできるわけではない、というのもやがてバランスシートが縮小して危険ローンを吸収できなくなる、と中国モルガン・スタンレーのエコノミストGrace Ngは言う。

China is also taking advantage of the current euphoria involving local capital markets: a financing platform in the eastern province of Jiangsu, where the CDB is involved in some cases of debt restructuring, sold a 270-day bond last week with a coupon of 4.8 percent, 150 basis points lower than a similar note the company issued in January. On Monday, a financing and investment company owned by a city in Shanxi province was upgraded to AA+ from AA by China Chengxin International Credit Rating Co., which cited the better outlook for capital quality.

地方金融市場の現在のeuphoria を中国政府は有利に利用している:江蘇省西部地域での金融機関、当地ではCDBが債務再編を行っている、ここで先週270日債権を4.8パーセントクーポンで売却した、1月に発行された同様の債権よりも150BPも低い。山西省のある市が持つ金融投資会社は月曜にAAからAA+に格上げとなった、China Chengxin International Credit Rationg Coによるものだ、今後の見立ても良好と格付けしている。

"The bigger worry is the moral hazard issue,” said Zhu Ning, a professor of finance at Tsinghua University and the author of “China’s Guaranteed Bubble.” “Implicit government guarantees still lie at the core of so many problems."
And nowhere is the problem of moral hazard greater than in China, whose financial sector is approaching double the size of its US peer even as China's GDP is years behind catching up with America's. Which makes Beijing's choice relatively easy: keep kicking the can, or watch as the long-overdue Minsky Moment finally arrives and topples the biggest house of financial cards ever constructed.

「大きな懸念は、モラルハザードだ」とZhu Ningは言う、彼は清華大学の金融学教授だ、そして彼はこういう本を書いている「中国のバブルはお墨付き」。「問題の核心は政府の暗黙の保証にある」。そして中国ほどにモラルハザードがひどい国はない、同国の金融セクターは米国の同セクターの倍の規模になろうとしている、一方で中国のGDPは米国に大きく遅れており追いかけている。北京政府の選択は相対的に安易なものだ:先送り、もしくはもうすでに満を持したミンスキモメント到来を見守るだけ、そしてかつてないほど大規模に築き上げたハウス・オブ・カードが崩れ落ちるだけだ。






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