Martin Armstrong: 人類由来気候変動の証拠はない


Martin Armstrong: No Evidence Of Human-Induced Climate Change

Authored by Martin Armstrong via,
Climate has ALWAYS changed from decade to decade.
There were major swings (volatility) during the 1930s. You had the dust bowl during the summer and in 1936 you had record cold. The 1936 North American cold wave, which also hit Japan and China, still rank among the most intense cold waves in the recorded history of North America. You cannot blame this on soccer moms driving the kids around town burning fossil fuels. Cars were a luxury in the 1930s still.


There is just no evidence of human-induced climate change. There is nobody willing to call them out on this nonsense with just showing the dramatic swings in temperature over the centuries.


Here is a piece that appeared in the Weekend Australian on the covert issues behind the curtain.

この記事はWeekend Australinに掲載されたもので、このテーマに隠されたことを題材にしている。

It’s a well-kept secret, but 95 per cent of the climate models we are told prove the link between human CO2 emissions and catastrophic global warming have been found, after nearly two decades of temperature stasis, to be in error.


It’s not surprising.


We have been subjected to extravagance from climate catastrophists for close to 50 years.


In January 1970Life magazine, based on “solid scientific evidence”, claimed that by 1985 air pollution would reduce the sunlight reaching the Earth by half. In fact, across that period sunlight fell by between 3 per cent and 5 per cent. In a 1971 speech, Paul Ehrlich said: “If I were a gambler I would take even money that ­England will not exist in the year 2000.”

1970年1月には、Life magazineでは、「確実な科学的証拠」に基づき、大気汚染で太陽光が遮られ1985年には半減すると主張した。実際、この期間地上での太陽光エネルギーは3%から5%減少した。1971年のスピーチで、Paul Ehrlichはこういった:「もし賭けをするなら、私は2000年には英国はもはや存在しない方に賭ける」と。

Fast forward to March 2000 and David Viner, senior research scientist at the Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, told The Independent, “Snowfalls are now a thing of the past.” In December 2010, the Mail Online reported, “Coldest December since records began as temperatures plummet to minus 10C bringing travel chaos across Britain”.

時が経ち2000年3月には、David Viner,East Anglia大学の気象研究部門の研究者、がインデペンデント誌にこう述べた、「いまや降雪はもう昔話となってしまった」。2010年12月には、the Mail Onlineがこう伝えた、「観測史上極寒の12月でマイナス10度まで下落し英国全体が混乱状態になり始めた」。

We’ve had our own busted predictions. Perhaps the most preposterous was climate alarmist Tim Flannery’s 2005 observation: “If the computer records are right, these drought conditions will become permanent in eastern Australia.” Subsequent rainfall and severe flooding have shown the records or his analysis are wrong. We’ve swallowed dud prediction after dud prediction. What’s more, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which we were instructed was the gold standard on global warming, has been exposed repeatedly for ­mis­rep­resentation and shoddy methods.

我々自身がとんでもない様相をしてきた。たぶん最もナンセンスなのは気候警鐘で有名なTim Flanneryの2005年の観測だ:「もしコンピュータ上の記録が正しいなら、このような洪水多発状況は東部オーストラリアでは今後恒久的になるだろう」。その後の実際の降雨や洪水の状況を見ればわかるが彼の分析はまったく間違っていた。我々はこれまで馬鹿げた予想を繰り返し聞かされてきた。そのうちでも更にひどいのがIPCCの予想であり、我々はこれを教育されてき、地球温暖化の鉄則としてきた、しかしこれが間違っておりお粗末なものであることが繰り返し露見している。

Weather bureaus appear to have “homogenised” data to suit narratives. NASA’s claim that 2014 was the warmest year on record was revised, after challenge, to only 38 per cent probability. Extreme weather events, once blamed on global warming, no longer are, as their frequency and intensity decline.
Why then, with such little evidence, does the UN insist the world spend hundreds of billions of dollars a year on futile climate change policies? Perhaps Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the UN’s Framework on Climate Change has the answer?

気象関連当局は筋立てにそうように「どれもにたような」データを提供する。NASAは2014年が史上最高の温かい年だったと主張する、しかし詳しく効くと、その可能性はわずか38%だということだ。極端な気象がかつては温暖化のせいだと言われてきた、しかし全くそうではない、その頻度も強度も弱まっているのが実際だ。どうしてだろう、ほとんど証拠もないにもかかわらず、国連は無用な気候変動政策に数百ビリオンドルの予算を使うのだろう?たぶんChristiana Figueres,国連気候変動枠組みの上級秘書がその答えを知っているだろう?

In Brussels last February she said, “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years since the Industrial Revolution.”

In other words, the real agenda is concentrated political authority. Global warming is the hook.


Figueres is on record saying democracy is a poor political system for fighting global warming. Communist China, she says, is the best model. This is not about facts or logic. It’s about a new world order under the control of the UN. It is opposed to capitalism and freedom and has made environmental catastrophism a household topic to achieve its objective.


Figueres says that, unlike the Industrial Revolution, “This is a centralised transformation that is taking place.” She sees the US partisan divide on global warming as “very detrimental”. Of course. In her authoritarian world there will be no room for debate or ­disagreement.


Make no mistake, climate change is a must-win battlefield for authoritarians and fellow travellers. As Timothy Wirth, president of the UN Foundation, says: “Even if the ­(climate change) theory is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.”
Having gained so much ground, eco-catastrophists won’t let up. After all, they have captured the UN and are extremely well funded. They have a hugely powerful ally in the White House. They have successfully enlisted compliant academics and an obedient and gullible mainstream media (the ABC and Fairfax in Australia) to push the scriptures regardless of evidence.

誤解してはいけないが、気候変動は権威主義者やその同調者たちにとっては必勝の戦場なのだ。国連基金の議長 Timothy Wirthによるとこういう具合だ:「たとえ地球温暖化理論が間違っていても、我々は経済と環境に関して正しい行動をとらければならない」。これだけ勢いを得ても、eco-catastrophists は納まりそうにない。結局の所、彼らは国連を取り込み、十分なほど潤沢な資金を得ている。彼らはホワイトハウスへの絶大な影響力も持つ。彼らはまた自らの主張の言いなりになる学者たちの取り込みにも成功した、さらには従順で騙されやすい主要メディアも取り込んだ(オーストラリアではABCやFairfaxだ)、彼らはまるで聖書を読むかのように証拠などなくとも信じ込んでくれる。

They will continue to present the climate change movement as an independent, spontaneous consensus of concerned scientists, politicians and citizens who believe human activity is “extremely likely” to be the dominant cause of global warming. (“Extremely likely” is a scientific term?)
And they will keep mobilising public opinion using fear and appeals to morality. UN support will be assured through promised wealth redistribution from the West, even though its anti-growth policy prescriptions will needlessly prolong poverty, hunger, sickness and illiteracy for the world’s poorest.


Figueres said at a climate ­summit in Melbourne recently that she was “truly counting on Australia’s leadership” to ensure most coal stayed in the ground.
Hopefully, like India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Tony Abbott isn’t listening. India knows the importance of cheap energy and is set to overtake China as the world’s leading importer of coal. Even Germany is about to commission the most coal-fired power stations in 20 years.

最近メルボルンで開かれた気候サミットでFigueresはこういった、「オーストラリアのリーダーシップは本当に重要だ」この国では石炭はまだ多量に地下に放置したままだ、と。願わくば、インドの首相Narrendra Modiと同様に、Tony Abbottもこれを聞く耳を持たないでほしい。安価なエネルギー源が如何に重要かをインドはよく知っている、そして中国を上回る世界最大の石炭輸入国だ。たとえドイツが今後20年で石炭火力発電を停止させようともだ。

There is a real chance Figueres and those who share her centralised power ambitions will succeed. As the UN’s December climate change conference in Paris approaches, Australia will be pressed to sign even more futile job-destroying climate change treaties.


Resisting will be politically difficult. But resist we should. We are already paying an unnecessary social and economic price for empty gestures. Enough is enough.







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