
It's not just "tinfoil blogs" who (for the past 11 years) have been warning that a monetary reset is inevitable and the only viable fallback option once trust and faith in fiat is lost, is a gold standard (something which even Mark Carney hinted at recently): central banks are joining the doom parade now too.

それは単なる「まゆつばブログ」ではない、そういうブログはもう11年も金融システムリセットが不可避だと警告を出し続けていた、かつては信頼されていた管理通貨は信頼を失い退場せざるを得ず、金本位制への回帰を言い続けていた(最近ではMark Caneyがそのヒントを出している):複数の中央銀行が今や「最後の審判の日パレード」に参加し始めている。

An article published by the De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), or Dutch Central Bank, has shocked many with its claim that "if the entire system collapses, the gold stock provides a collateral to start over."

De Nederlandshce Bank(DNB)もしくはDutch Central Bankの論文によると、彼らの主張が多くの人にショックを与えた「もし全金融システムが崩壊すると、ゴールド備蓄がシステム再起動の担保となる。」というものだ。

While gloomy predictions of a monetary reset are hardly new, they have traditionally been relegated to the fringe of mainstream financial thought - after all, as Mario Draghi stated on several occasions in recent years, the mere contemplation of a "doomsday scenario" is enough to create the self-fulfilling prophecy which materializes it. As such, it is stunning to see a mainstream financial institution open up about the superior value of limited supply, non-fiat, sound money assets. It is also hypocritical given the diametrically opposed Keynesian practices regularly engaged in by central banks and official institutions worldwide: after all, just a few months back, the IMF published a paper bashing Germany's adoption of the gold standard in the 1870s as the catalyst for instability in the global monetary system.

金融システムリセットという陰鬱な予想は取り立て目新しいものではないが、そういう主張は主流派金融戦略からは疎まれていたーー結局の所、たとえばMario Draghiがここ数年何回か言及したが、単なる「最後の審判シナリオ」というのは自己実現的になるに十分だ。それはそれとして、既存の金融組織が供給に限界のある、非管理通貨、正貨資産の優れた価値に言及するのは驚くべきことだ。中央銀行が日常的に行うケインズ的政策に真っ向から反する偽善的行為でもある:とうとう、ほんの数ヶ月前のことだが、IMFがこういう論文を出した、1870年にドイツが金本位制を受け入れたことを激しく非難するのだ、金本位制が世界金融システムに不安定を引き起こすきっかけになったと主張する。

Fast forward to today, when the Dutch Central Bank is admitting not only did gold not destabilize the monetary system, but it will be its only savior when everything crashes.


The article, as loosely translated and titled “Goud van DNB” (“Gold from DNB”) states:


"If things go wrong, prices may fall. But, crisis or not, a gold bar always holds value." This makes it the opposite of "shares, bonds and other securities" all of which have inherent risk.


Photo of gold bars from the DNB's article "Goud van DNB."
According to the IMF's latest data, the DNB holds 615 tons (15,000 bars) of gold mainly in Amsterdam, with other stores in the U.K. and North America; the value of this gold reserve is over €6 billion ($6.62 billion). Calling gold the “trust anchor,” the article details briefly why the hard asset is so important to wealth building and the global economy, claiming: "Gold is... the trust anchor for the financial system. If the whole system collapses, the gold stock provides a collateral to start over. Gold gives confidence in the power of the central bank's balance sheet."

IMFの最新データによると、DNBドイツ中央銀行は615トンのゴールドを保有している、主にアムステルダムに保管している、他には英国と北米だ;このゴールド備蓄の価値は$6.62Bだ。ゴールドを「trust anchor 信用起点」と呼ぶ、この記事では簡単にどうして資産構築と世界経済に対してハードアセットがそれほど重要であるか述べている、こういう具合だ:「ゴールドは・・・金融システムに対する trust anchor だ。もし全システムが崩壊したら、ゴールド備蓄が再出発の担保となる。中央銀行のバランスシートの力に対する信頼を与えるのがゴールドだ。」

Why this sudden admission of what goldbugs have been saying for years? Perhaps it has to do with the fact that on October 7, the bank announced it would soon be moving a large part of its gold reserves to "the new DNB Cash Center at military premises in Zeist."


Almost as if the Netherlands is preparing for the grand reset, and is moving its most valuable asset to a "military" installation just for that purpose.

それはまるでオランダが the grand reset に備えているかのようだ、そして最も価値のある資産を「軍隊」監督下に移動している。

As bitcoin.com tongue-in-cheek points out, "DNB is no stranger to playing along with the Keynesian, inflationary games of the global monetary system. A system which, according to some, is now more a Ponzi scheme based on force and blind faith than sound economic principle. That notwithstanding, the centralized financial powers of the world know the real score, and that’s why hard assets like gold are hoarded and locked down while everyday, individual residents of these geopolitical jurisdictions are encouraged to spend and spend, going further into debt to prop up ultimately unsound national economies."

bitcoin.comが皮肉を持って指摘する、「ドイツ中央銀行はケインズ主義から逸脱しているわけではない、世界金融システムのインフレゲームを推し進めている。このシステムはいまやさらなるPonzi 構図(ねずみ講)に向かわざるを得ない、そして正当性のある経済原則には目をつむらざるを得ない。それにもかかわらず、世界の中央集権金融パワーはことの真相をよく理解している、どうしてゴールドのようなハードアセットを厳重保管しなければならないかもを、一方で毎日のように個人はさらなる消費を求められる、債務を積みまして非正統国家経済が弾けるまでだ。」

It is hardly a coincidence that in its preparation for monetary doomsday, the Dutsch Central Bank is also set to begin cracking down on crypto exchanges and wallets, stating that "firms offering services for the exchange between cryptos and regular money, and crypto wallet providers must register with De Nederlandsche Bank."

金融審判の日への備えと同期はしていないが、オランダ中央銀行は暗号通貨交換所や暗号通貨wallets への取締を始めた、始まりは「暗号通貨交換所や暗号通貨wallet提供組織はDe Nederlandsche Bankへの登録を義務化する。」ものだ。

While the push for greater KYC/AML transparency is a growing global trend, and is hardly surprising in a world in which trillions in assets reside in "tax-evading" offshore jurisdiction, the remarkable aspect of this latest crackdown against crypto - which many see as a modern, more efficient form of "gold" - is the fact that invasive regulations and restrictions by central banks can be seen as yet another means of stockpiling precious assets. This time, not gold bars, but bitcoin and crypto.


As for the timing of the "great monetary reset", which other central banks have already quietly hinted at themselves amid massive repatriation of physical gold from the New York Fed to various European central banks such as Germany and Austria, we are confident that the trust-keepers of the current establishment - such as other central banks and the IMF - will be kind enough to provide ample advance notice to the citizens of the "developed" world to exchange their fiat into hard assets. Or, then again, perhaps not.

「great monetary reset」と期を同じくして、他国中央銀行もすでに密かに自国金塊をNew York Fedから幾つかの欧州各国の中央銀行に回帰させている、たとえばドイツとかオーストラリアだ、ZeroHedgeはこう確信している、他国中央銀行やIMFのような既存のイスタブリッシュ達のtrust-keeper は「先進国」の市民に対して管理通貨をハードアセットに交換するように知らしめるだろう。まあ、いつもの繰り返しだが、そうではないかもしれない。






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