
Did the coronavirus get more deadly? The death rate, explained.

Trump says Covid-19 isn’t that deadly. Here’s what we know.


Ambulance staff wearing protective masks and suits bring in a patient to a hospital in Tehran, Iran, on March 2, 2020.
Fatemeh Bahrami/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

In early march, before the death toll from the coronavirus outbreak had climbed to more than 4,500 people (as of March 11), the World Health Organization — for the first time — released a Covid-19 case fatality rate (CFR).
It was not a modest estimate.


“Globally, about 3.4 percent of reported COVID-19 cases have died,” said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus at a press briefing last Tuesday. 

「世界的に見て、武漢肺炎患者の3.4%が死んでいる」、とWHO事務局長Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesusが先週火曜の記者会見で述べた。

The rate describes the proportion of deaths among confirmed cases. It was greater than the previous coronavirus CFR estimate (2 percent in China), far higher than the seasonal flu (which kills 0.1 percent of those infected on average), and even worse than the Spanish flu pandemic (which killed an estimated 2 to 3 percent of those infected).


It’s no surprise that, very quickly, media around the world interpreted the news as evidence that the disease is deadlier than feared, and Twitter was buzzing with speculation about Covid-19’s real death rate. The number spread so far so fast, even President Trump took to Fox News on March 5 to try and tamp down the worry: “I think the 3.4 percent number is really a false number. Now, this is just my hunch, but based on a lot of conversations ... personally, I’d say the number is way under 1 percent.”

すぐに世界中のメディアがニュースを拡散させた、この病気は恐れていたよりもさらに凶悪だという証言を得たためだ、Twitterでは武漢肺炎の本当の致死率でバズった。まず最初に広まったのはトランプがFox Newsに3月5日に語ったものだ、皆の懸念を鎮めようとした:「私は3.4%という数値は本当にデタラメだと思う。多くの専門家との議論で感じるのは、致死率は1%以下だ。」

In the end, the 3.4 percent figure appears to have sowed more confusion than clarity. While a WHO spokesperson called the number “the current global ‘snapshot,’” it misled some: It was delivered without context, omitting key factors that determine a disease’s severity. In reality, we still don’t know Covid-19’s precise death rate — but we do have some guesses based on models that are more sophisticated than just dividing the deaths by cases.


Epidemiologists and disease modelers studying Covid-19 told Vox a more reliable global case fatality rate is about 1 percent — but there’s still a lot we have to learn about the disease. And even when we better understand how deadly this virus is, it’s likely to look pretty different country to country.


What we know about how deadly the coronavirus is


One key piece of information we still need is how many people in a population have the virus. That’s the denominator in the CFR equation.


When Tedros made his remarks, the WHO had recorded 3,112 deaths and 90,869 cases. Dividing the deaths by the cases, you get 3.4 percent. But that denominator is actually pretty fuzzy. So far, many countries — even those with sophisticated health systems, like the US — have struggled to get adequate testing up and running. And, to date, much of the focus has been on checking people who traveled to affected countries, not the broader population.


That means, in many places, health authorities are only picking up a subset of the sick — and perhaps the most severe cases, given that roughly 80 percent of people with Covid-19 have a mild case. (Remember: The sickest are usually the ones who show up at doctor’s offices and hospitals, while there may be hundreds or thousands of others with the virus who never show symptoms or don’t bother going to see a doctor. That’s why the CFR can often look much worse in the early days of an outbreak.)


Some of the countries that have done more widespread testing appear to have relatively fewer deaths in the case mix. In South Korea, for example, where thousands of people are tested every day, they’ve picked up more than 7,500 people with the virus. Among those, 54 have died. If we use the WHO’s method of calculating the CFR — and don’t take into account the potential problem of underestimating the number of mild cases out there — a crude case fatality estimate hovers under 1 percent.


Contrast that with the US: At least 26 people have died and there are currently more than 750 known cases. That’s a crude CFR of 3.4 percent. This doesn’t mean the virus is deadlier in the US; it’s more likely, once again, an artifact of undertesting or some other factor simply dividing deaths by cases doesn’t account for. (We know that, before CDC removed its testing numbers from its website on March 2, fewer than 500 Americans had been checked for the virus.)


“When we see systems that are able to account for not only the really sick, but also those who have infection and are outpatients, the CFR is more accurate and drops considerably,” said Isaac Bogoch, a professor at the University of Toronto.
There are other problems with the 3.4 percent CFR: Global estimates hide regional variation that’ll likely emerge because of variations in health system capacity.

"本当に病気になった人だけでなく不感性患者をも計数できるシステムを採用できるなら、致死率はもっと性格でかなり低下する、」とIsaac Bogochは言う、彼はトロント大学教授だ。致死率3.4%には別の問題もある:世界的な予想ということは地域的な変動を見えなくしてしまう、国によって医療システムの受け入れ許容度は異なるのだ。

Consider the death rate of the 2014-’16 Ebola epidemic. The disease was far deadlier in West Africa, where it hit some of the poorest countries, than it was in America, where nearly every person who fell ill had access to state-of-the-art treatment.


As of February 20, the WHO also reported lots of regional disparities in the disease’s deadliness even within China: 3.8 percent on average but 5.8 percent in Wuhan, Hubei province (where the virus first emerged), and 0.7 percent in other areas in China. (A WHO spokesperson acknowledged these regional differences and said we’re likely to see something similar “in different countries and outbreaks.”)


One final consideration: CFRs do change over time. That’s exactly what happened in China, as you can see in this figure from the WHO. Even the first and hardest-hit province, Hubei, saw its death rate tumble as public health measures were strengthened and clinicians got better at identifying and treating people with the disease:


Death rates over time in China, by region.
Case fatality ratio (reported deaths among total cases) for Covid-19 in China over time and by location, as of February 20, 2020.

As this pandemic threat wears on, we may also see more deaths — which could cause the CFR to increase if those mild cases don’t appear. “It takes a long time to die” from Covid-19, said University of Toronto epidemiologist David Fisman. “We estimate the length of stay in cases who died in ICU in China to be 28 days on average — three days in hospital and 25 days in ICU.”

このパンデミック脅威が進むに連れ、さらなる死者を見ることになるかもしれないーーもし不感性患者が見つからないなら致死率はさらに増えるかもしれない。武漢肺炎では「市に至るまでには随分と時間がかかる」とトロント大学疫学専門家David Fismanは言う。「中国では患者がICUで亡くなるまでに要する時間は平均28日だーー一般病棟で3日そしてICUで25日だ。」

But most experts anticipate the more we test for Covid-19, the more mild cases we’ll find. “To get a [true] rate, you need the deaths — which you can more reliably pick up — and you need cases, which you can less reliably pick up,” Lawrence Gostin, a global health law professor at Georgetown University, summed up. “It’s not irresponsible to come out with that [3.4 percent] number, but it should have been more clearly interpreted as not being reliable, or at least mention it’ll vary in regions.”

しかし経験の深い専門家が懸念するのは武漢コロナ検査が更に増えるにつれ、より多くの不感性患者が見つかると考えている。「より正確な致死率を得るには、更に多くの死者を得る必要があるーー死亡患者ではより確実に感染を把握できるーーそして把握の難しい感染者も計数できる、」とLawrence Gostinは要約する、彼はジョージタウン大学の世界衛生法専門家だ。「3.4%という数字を取り上げるのは決して無責任というわけではない、しかしこの数値はそれほど信頼できるものではないということにも言及すべきだ、もしくは少なくともこの数字は国によって大きく異ることに言及すべきだ。」

A better way to calculate the Covid-19 death rate


Visualization of Covid-19 with transmission electron microscopy.

The ideal way to arrive at an accurate CFR involves a survey of the populations affected to find out who has antibodies for the virus, including folks who didn’t even know they had it, said Maia Majumder of Boston Children’s Hospital. That’ll give experts the denominator, or the real case toll, in the CFR equation. “Until we’ve done [that] — and I’m sure it’ll happen sometime in the future — there are going to be some people that have mild infections or are asymptomatic infections that we’re not picking up.”

正確な致死率を把握する理想的な方法はこのウイルスに対する抗体を持つ人数を調査することだ、その際は自覚症状もない人も均等に調査する必要がある、とMaia Majumderは言う、彼はボストン小児病院勤務だ。こういう調査をするなら致死率計算時の正確な母数を把握できるだろう。「この調査を行うまではーーそういう調査が将来行われると確信しているがーー不感性患者を把握することはできないだろう。」

As it stands, no such serology test has been completed, though China has approved at least two, and Singapore says it’s already using an experimental test to check for antibodies in patients there.


In the meantime, we have disease modelers that can give us a provisional portrait of Covid-19’s deadliness, accounting for things like the delay in the reporting of deaths and potential uncounted cases.


In a new but not-yet-peer-reviewed preprint out of Switzerland’s University of Bern, researchers did just that, using data on the outbreak from China’s CDC. They came up with an overall CFR of 1.6 percent — suggesting Covid-19 is less deadly than SARS, which had a CFR of around 10 percent. It’s also less than the WHO’s estimate.


Importantly, the researchers also found a wide variation across the age spectrum: Less than 1 percent of people in their 20s die from the virus, they estimated, while the rate shoots up to 18 percent for 80-year-olds.


Christina Aminashaun/Vox

“This 1.6 percent [figure] is based on a lot of assumptions we feel comfortable with, but it’s not hard data,” Julien Riou, a Bern research fellow and author on the paper, emphasized. “It’s more [an attempt] to correct the biases we know about.” It’s also based solely on China’s data — and, again, the outbreaks in other countries will likely play out differently.

「彼らが見積もった1.6%という数字は、合理的と思われる仮定に基づいている、しかしこれは確実な数字ではない、」とJulien Riouは強調する、彼はベルンの研究者でその論文の共同著者だ。「さらに修正が必要なことは我々も把握している」。さらに言えばこの結論は中国のデータに飲み基づいているーーそして繰り返しになるが、他の国での流行は全く違うものになるだろう。

So these figures are not only likely to change within China and outside over time — once we have better data, they’re going to look different depending on how strong a country’s health system is. But it’ll be a while before we know the true number of cases and have a better understanding of the deaths. Until then, when you see case fatality rates floating around, ask what they’re based on.






「ニューパラダイム」が来つつ在る:「ゴールドを買え、売るのは株式だ」とRay Dalioは警告する
