Authored by Jesse Colombo via,
Last week, I wrote a detailed piece in which I explained that U.S. recession risk was rising quite rapidly and that the
coming recession is likely to be far more severe than most economists
expect because there are so many dangerous new bubbles inflating
currently and because the global debt burden is much worse today than it
was before the Great Recession. In the current piece, I will
show more warning signs of the coming recession as well as discuss
reliable recession indicators to keep an eye on as we get closer to the
The first chart is of the New York Fed’s
recession probability model, which is warning that there is a 27%
probability of a U.S. recession in the next 12 months. The last time
that recession odds were the same as they are now was in early-2007,
which was shortly before the Great Recession officially started in
December 2007. This recession indicator has underestimated the
probability of recessions in the past several decades (it never rose
higher that 42% in 2008, when we were already in a recession), so the
probability of a U.S. recession in the next 12 months is likely even higher than 27%.
まず最初はNew York FEDの景気後退確率モデルだ、ここでは今後12か月で米国景気後退入りの確率は27%と警告している。この景気後退入り確率が現在と同様だったのは2007年始めのことだ、あの金融危機が公式に認定される2007年12月の少し前のことだ。過去何十年かを振り返るとこの景気後退入り確率は過小評価している(2008年でも42%を超えることはなかった、すでに景気後退入りしているにもかかわらずだ)、というわけで今後12か月以内に米国が景気後退入りする確率は27%よりももっと高い。
The New York Fed’s recession probability model is based on the
10-year and 3-month Treasury yield spread, which is the difference
between 10-year and 3-month Treasury rates. In normal economic
environments, the 10-year Treasury yield is higher than the 3-month
Treasury yield. Right before a recession, however, this spread inverts
as the 3-month Treasury yield actually becomes higher than the 10-year
Treasury rate – this is known as an inverted yield curve. As
the chart below shows, inverted yield curves have preceded all modern
recessions. The 10-year and 3-month Treasury spread inverted in May,
which started the recession countdown clock.
New York FEDの景気後退確率モデルは10Y3Mイールドカーブスプレッドに基づいている。通常の経済環境ならば、10年債の金利は3ヶ月もの金利よりも高い。しかしながら景気後退直前になると、このスプレッドが反転し3ヶ月物の金利のほうが10年物よりも高くなるーーこれはイールドカーブ反転として知られる。下のチャートでも分かるが近年のすべての景気後退前にイールドカーブが反転している。この5月に10Y3Mイールドカーブが反転した、ということは景気後退へのカウントダウンが始まったということだ。
The Leading Economic Index (LEI), which is comprised of
economic indicators that lead the overall economy, has been slowing
down quite rapidly in recent months. When the year-over-year growth rate
of this index drops into negative territory, recessions typically occur
shortly after. While the current LEI slowdown hasn’t dipped into
negative territory yet, anyone who is interested in monitoring the risk
of a recession should keep an eye out for that scenario.
Leading Economic Index(LEI 経済先行指標)、景気全体を先行する各種経済指標から産出される指標、これがここ数か月急激に下落している。この指標がYoYでマイナス領域になると、すぐその後に景気後退を引き起こす。現在のLEIはまだマイナス領域までなっていないが、景気後退リスクに興味のある人はこの指数に注目すべきだ。
The Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI), which is comprised of 85 indicators of
national economic activity, has been contracting in recent months.
Sharp contractions of the CFNAI’s 3-month moving average typically
signal imminent recessions. The CFNAI’s contraction isn’t quite at
recessionary levels just yet, but if it drops it -0.5 or even lower,
that will provide further confirmation that a recession is imminent.
Chicago FED National Activity Index(CFNAI)、この指数は米国経済活動を示す85の指数から算出される、これもここ数か月収斂している。このCFNAIの3か月移動平均が急落すると景気後退が迫っている。今の所CFNAI下落を見る限りまだ景気後退が差し迫ってはいない、しかしこれが−0.5下落すると、景気後退が差し迫ることになる。
In May, the U.S. Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index fell to its lowest level since September 2009:
South Korean exports, which are seen as a barometer for the health of the global economy, have been falling in recent months:
It’s not surprising that South Korea’s exports are falling as global trade plummets:
Major appliance shipments collapsed 17% in April, which is a recession warning sign:
One popular indicator that is used to monitor recession risk, the University of Michigan Consumer Expectations Index,
shows no sign of an imminent recession – quite the opposite, actually.
Just beware when it starts to drop very sharply like it did before the
last several recessions.
U.S. building permits and housing starts are
popular economic indicators that are used to monitor recession risk.
Right now, they are not warning of an imminent recession, thankfully.
But if building permits and housing starts weaken significantly in the
near future, it will provide further confirmation that a recession is
One of the most basic recession indicators is the stock market itself.
When the stock market experiences a bear market (a decline of 20% or
more), that is typically a sign that the economy is rolling over into a
recession. For now, the stock market is not warning of a recession, but
beware that it can unravel very quickly due to how inflated it currently is.
Corporate earnings growth is another valuable recession indicator to
watch. Corporate earnings growth drops significantly and turns negative
when the economy rolls over into a recession. After growing at a nearly
20% annualized rate in 2017 and 2018, Q1 2019 earnings growth hit a wall,
growing only 1.5%. If corporate earnings start to contract in the next
few quarters, that would confirm that a recession is near.
As I have explained in
the past, sub-4% unemployment is a sign that the economic cycle is
quite mature and that a recession is not far off. The U.S. unemployment
rate has been under 4% since early-2018. When the unemployment rate
abruptly increases from such low levels, that is a tell-tale sign that a
recession has started.
Though technically not a recession indicator, it is worth paying attention to the high-yield bond spread as
a measure of how much stress there is in the credit market. The spread
tends to increase leading up to and during recessions as investors
jettison riskier high-yield bonds in favor of less risky Treasury bonds.
Credit market stress is still low at the moment, but can change on a
In the past year or so, Goldman Sachs’ Bear Market Risk Indicator has been has been at its highest level since the early-1970s:
The high probability of a recession and bear market in the next year
or so is very concerning because of how inflated the U.S. stock market
currently is. The Fed’s aggressive inflation of the U.S. stock market in
the past decade caused stocks to rise at a faster rate than their
underlying earnings, which means that the market is extremely overvalued
right now. Whenever the market becomes extremely overvalued, it’s just a
matter of time before the market falls to a more reasonable valuation
again. As the chart below shows, the U.S. stock market is nearly as
overvalued as it was in 1929, right before the stock market crash that
led to the Great Depression.
Another indicator that supports the “higher volatility ahead” thesis
is the 10-year/2-year Treasury spread. When this spread is inverted, it
leads the Volatility Index by approximately three years. If this
historic relationship is still valid, we should prepare for much higher
volatility over the next few years. A volatility surge of the magnitude
suggested by the 10-year/2-year Treasury spread would likely be the
result of a recession and a bursting of the massive asset bubble created
by the Fed in the past decade.
How Are Gold And Money Supply Related? by Tyler Durden Sun, 06/14/2020 - 13:00 Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk, M2 Money Supply is surging. Will gold follow? M2マネーサプライが急増している。ゴールドはこれを追従するだろうか? Let's investigate an alleged relationship between gold and M2, a measure of money supply in the US. よく言われるM2(米国のマネーサプライ指標)とゴールドの関係について調べてみよう。 "There’s a clear correlation between the annual growth rate in M2 money supply and the price of the yellow metal. " 「M2の年率増加速度とゴールド価格の間には明らかな相関がある。」 Clear Correlation? 明らかな相関? The Tweet claims something different than my lead chart depicts. So let's investigate the above idea in other time frames. このツイートの主張は私が示す最初のチャートが示すものとは異なる。というわけでこのtweetの主張を別の時間フレームで見てみよう。 Gold vs Rate of Change in M2 Money Supply ゴールド vs M2マネーサプライの変化率 If we look at longer time frames, the rate of increase in M2 theory falls flat on its face....
Amazonで買物をしてContrarianJを応援しよう この長文記事をRay Dalioが発表し、ゴールドは$1400から$1420へと急騰しました。GLD保持高に変化はないのでたぶん先物ポジションが進んでいます。 Ray Dalio Warns A "New Paradigm" Is Coming: "Buy Gold, Sell Stocks" by Tyler Durden Wed, 07/17/2019 - 14:44 Authored by Ray Dalio via LinkedIn, One of my investment principles is: 私の投資原則はこういうものだ: Identify the paradigm you’re in, examine if and how it is unsustainable, and visualize how the paradigm shift will transpire when that which is unsustainable stops. 現在のパラダイムを認識し、それがどの程度持続可能かどうか判断する、そしてパラダイムシフトがどのように起きるか、そしてその着地点を思い描く。 Over my roughly 50 years of being a global macro investor, I have observed there to be relatively long of periods (about 10 years) in which the markets and market relationships operate in a certain way (which I call “paradig...