中規模金鉱株2018Q4ファンダメンタルズ by Zeal 後半

The mid-tier gold miners continue to prove all-important production growth is doable off smaller bases.  With a handful of mines or less to operate, mid-tiers can focus on expanding them or building a new mine to boost their output beyond depletion.  But the majors are increasingly failing to do this with the super-high production bases they operate at.  As long as the majors are struggling, it’s prudent to avoid them.


GDXJ investors would be better served if this ETF contained no major gold miners producing over 250k ounces a quarter on average.  They still command nearly 1/5th of its weighting, which could be far better reallocated in mid-tiers and juniors.  If VanEck kept the major gold miners in GDX where they should be, it could give GDXJ much-better upside potential.  That would make this ETF more popular and successful.


In gold mining, production and costs are generally inversely related.  Gold-mining costs are largely fixed quarter after quarter, with actual mining requiring about the same levels of infrastructure, equipment, and employees.  So the higher production, the more ounces to spread mining’s big fixed costs across.  Thus with sharply-higher YoY production in Q4’18, the GDXJ top 34 should’ve seen proportionally-lower costs.


There are two major ways to measure gold-mining costs, classic cash costs per ounce and the superior all-in sustaining costs per ounce.  Both are useful metrics.  Cash costs are the acid test of gold-miner survivability in lower-gold-price environments, revealing the worst-case gold levels necessary to keep the mines running.  All-in sustaining costs show where gold needs to trade to maintain current mining tempos indefinitely.


Cash costs naturally encompass all cash expenses necessary to produce each ounce of gold, including all direct production costs, mine-level administration, smelting, refining, transport, regulatory, royalty, and tax expenses.  In Q4’18 these top-34-GDXJ-component gold miners that reported cash costs averaged $698 per ounce.  That was up a sharp 10.8% YoY, and considerably worse than the GDX top 34’s $655 average.


Those were the highest GDXJ cash costs seen since at least Q2’16, when I started this research thread.  But even $698 is far lower than prevailing gold prices, showing the mid-tier gold miners face no existential threat.  And GDXJ’s high cash costs last quarter aren’t righteous anyway, as they were skewed higher by an extreme outlier.  One of the new GDXJ companies Buenaventura reported crazy cash costs of $1627 per ounce!


Excluding that wild anomaly, the rest of the GDXJ top 34 averaged cash costs of $662 which was right in line with Q3’18’s $663.  They’d be even lower without Sibanye-Stillwater, a troubled South-African major gold miner that saw cash costs soar 30.1% YoY to an ugly $1167.  If that too is excluded the overall average falls to $642.  So for the most part the mid-tier gold miners’ cash costs remain really low relative to gold.


Way more important than cash costs are the far-superior all-in sustaining costs.  They were introduced by the World Gold Council in June 2013 to give investors a much-better understanding of what it really costs to maintain gold mines as ongoing concerns.  AISCs include all direct cash costs, but then add on everything else that is necessary to maintain and replenish operations at current gold-production levels.


These additional expenses include exploration for new gold to mine to replace depleting deposits, mine-development and construction expenses, remediation, and mine reclamation.  They also include the corporate-level administration expenses necessary to oversee gold mines.  All-in sustaining costs are the most-important gold-mining cost metric by far for investors, revealing gold miners’ true operating profitability.


The GDXJ top 34 reporting AISCs averaged $932 per ounce in Q4’18, which was also up a sizable 7.1% YoY.  That was also barely the highest seen since at least Q2’16, contradicting the big production growth these miners achieved.  But once again this was heavily skewed by extreme outliers, including both BVN and SBGL.  Hecla also reported a stunning 52.3% YoY surge in its gold AISCs to a nosebleed $1582 per ounce!


Both BVN and SBGL reported sharply-lower YoY production, helping explain their huge cost surges.  HL’s is more temporary, as it expects 2019 gold AISCs to average a still-high-but-much-lower $1250.  Without these abnormal situations, the rest of the GDXJ top 34 averaged excellent AISCs of just $863 per ounce.  That would be down 0.8% YoY, and is close to the GDX majors’ $837 average also excluding BVN and HL.


Yet even at that skewed artificially-high $932 per ounce, the elite GDXJ gold miners have great potential to enjoy surging profits and hence stock prices.  Gold was relatively weak last quarter, averaging $1228 which was 3.8% lower YoY.  That implied the mid-tier gold miners as an industry were earning $296 per ounce.  That’s still a 24% profit margin, proving Q4’18’s major GDXJ lows weren’t fundamentally righteous.


Gold is faring much better in this almost-over Q1’19, averaging $1303 which is up a big 6.1% quarter-on-quarter.  Assuming GDXJ-top-34 AISCs are flat, these elite mid-tier gold miners are earning around $371 per ounce this quarter.  That implies enormous 25.3% QoQ profits growth!  We won’t know for sure until after Q1’s earnings season, near mid-May.  But the mid-tiers’ fundamentals should’ve greatly improved.


Bigger profits driven by higher gold prices are sure to attract investors back to the still-beaten-down gold-stock sector in a big way.  The gold miners will stand out even more with earnings growth expected to be scarce in the general stock markets this year.  If gold continues marching higher on balance as it ought to, and GDXJ average AISCs retreat as BVN and HL get anomalous costs under control, GDXJ profits will soar.


The GDXJ top 34’s hard accounting results in Q4’18 were mixed, but way better than GDX on all fronts.  These elite mid-tier gold miners reported total sales of $7.4b last quarter, up a strong 12.1% YoY.  That is right in line with their 12.8% YoY total gold production growth.  That huge 53.8% YoY surge in their silver output helped offset the 3.8% YoY decline in average gold prices.  The mid-tier gold miners’ revenues are strong.


Compare that to the GDX top 34, which saw sales plunge 10.3% YoY in Q4 due to 3.9%-lower merger-adjusted gold output.  Those strong GDXJ-top-34 revenues kept operating-cash-flow generation solid, totaling $2.2b which was down 9.2% YoY.  That again crushed the majors in the GDX top 34, which saw OCFs plummet 30.4% YoY.  The divergence between how mid-tiers and majors are faring these days is gaping.


The elite GDXJ mid-tier gold miners also invested in growing their production, so their collective total cash on hand slid 14.3% YoY to $5.9b.  The GDX majors saw a similar 14.6% YoY decline in their cash, yet they certainly didn’t spend enough to offset their depleting mines.  The only real blemish on the GDXJ top 34’s Q4 results came in hard GAAP profits.  Their aggregate bottom line collapsed to a $732m loss last quarter!


That was far worse than Q4’17’s $26m loss.  Much of this was due to big non-cash impairment charges, writedowns of the carrying value of gold mines and deposits due to lower gold prices and forecasts.  If gold miners expect lower gold prices going forward, they have to flush the resulting expected economic losses through current-quarter results when those impairments are perceived.  That hammered overall results.


Honestly the Q4’18 impairments seemed pretty unnecessary, with average gold prices merely down 3.8% YoY.  2018’s full-year average gold price actually rose 0.8% YoY.  Major impairments usually happen in years gold plunges sharply, like 2013’s brutal 27.9% plummeting.  Something like that really changes the economic assumptions underlying gold mines.  But gold only slumped 1.6% last year, which is utterly trivial.


Some of the bigger impairment charges came from First Majestic Silver and Osisko Gold, which wrote off $168m and $166m.  This primary silver miner and gold-royalty company aren’t even mid-tier gold miners.  And the perpetually-troubled South African majors Gold Fields and Sibanye-Stillwater which have long tainted GDXJ reported big half-year losses implying $169m and $98m in Q4.  These alone total $601m of losses.

大きな欠損を計上したのはFirtst Majestic Silver の$168MとOsisko Gold の$166Mだ。前者の銀鉱山会社と、ゴールド権利管理会社は中規模鉱山に属さない。そしてずっと問題を抱えている南アフリカの大手Gold FieldsとSibanye-StillwaterはGDXJの決算を長年痛めている、Q4における半期損失が $169Mと$98Mになる。この2銘柄だけで$601Mの損失だ。

That accounted for nearly 5/6ths of the GDXJ top 34’s total GAAP losses last quarter.  While many of the elite mid-tier gold miners reported small losses, the great majority of the surge in losses came from a handful of stocks.  Overall the GDXJ GAAP profits looked relatively decent compared to the majors.  GDX’s top 34 reported a staggering $6.0b in accounting losses in Q4’18!  The mid-tiers are thrashing the majors.


GDXJ’s mostly-mid-tier component list of great gold miners is really faring well, especially compared to the struggling large gold miners.  Investors looking to ride this gold-stock bull should avoid the world’s biggest gold producers and instead deploy their capital in the mid-tier realm.  The best gains will be won in individual smaller gold miners with superior fundamentals, plenty of which are included within GDXJ.


Despite being the world’s leading gold-stock ETF, GDX needs to be avoided.  The major gold miners that dominate its weightings are struggling too much fundamentally, unable to grow their production.  Capital will instead flow into the mid-tiers, juniors, and maybe a few smaller majors still able to boost their output and thus earnings going forward.  None of this is new, but the major and mid-tier disconnect continues to worsen.


Again back in essentially the first half of 2016, GDXJ skyrocketed 202.5% higher on a 29.9% gold upleg in roughly the same span!  While GDX somewhat kept pace then at +151.2%, it is lagging GDXJ more and more as its weightings are more concentrated in stagnant gold mega-miners.  The recent big mergers are going to worsen that investor-hostile trend.  Investors should buy better individual gold stocks, or GDXJ.


One of my core missions at Zeal is relentlessly studying the gold-stock world to uncover the stocks with superior fundamentals and upside potential.  The trading books in both our popular weekly and monthly newsletters are currently full of these better gold and silver miners.  Mostly added in recent months as gold stocks recovered from deep lows, our unrealized gains are already running as high as 74% this week!


If you want to multiply your capital in the markets, you have to stay informed.  Our newsletters are a great way, easy to read and affordable.  They draw on my vast experience, knowledge, wisdom, and ongoing research to explain what’s going on in the markets, why, and how to trade them with specific stocks.  As of Q4 we’ve recommended and realized 1076 newsletter stock trades since 2001, averaging annualized realized gains of +16.1%!  That’s nearly double the long-term stock-market average.  Subscribe today for just $12 per issue!


The bottom line is the mid-tier gold miners are thriving fundamentally.  They are still rapidly growing their production while majors suffer sharp output declines.  The mid-tiers are holding the line on costs, which portends strong leveraged profits growth as gold continues grinding higher on balance.  The performance gap between the smaller mid-tier and junior gold miners and larger major ones is big and still mounting.


Investors and speculators really need to pay attention to this intra-sector disconnect.  Gold and its miners’ stocks should power far higher in coming years as the lofty general stock markets roll over.  But the vast majority of the gains will be concentrated in growing gold miners, not shrinking ones.  This means the mid-tier and junior gold miners will far outperform the majors.  The smaller miners have superior fundamentals.


Adam Hamilton, CPA     March 22, 2019     Subscribe




「ニューパラダイム」が来つつ在る:「ゴールドを買え、売るのは株式だ」とRay Dalioは警告する

