
In at least one important way, President Trump's decision to browbeat the Fed into pausing its program of interest-rate hikes is paying off bigly for America's most vulnerable corporate borrowers.


The Fed's decision to 'pause' interest rate hikes comes as nearly one-third of the entire $1.2 trillion US high-yield market is slated for maturity over the next four years. That's a record proportion, according to a team of strategists at Barclays led by Bradley Rogoff, and compares with a post-2000 average of just 20%. And after the historic market 'freeze' late last year where not a single high-yield bond was issued, corporate America has apparently got the message: Now is the time to strike while the iron is hot. The more speculative-grade the rating, the more important it is for companies to act now to refinance that debt.

$1.2Tにもなる米国高金利債権の1/3が今後4年で満期を迎えようとするなかで、FEDが金利引き上げを「中断」することを決めた。Bradley RogoffをリーダーとするBarclaysのストラテジストによると、この割合はとても大きなもので、比較として示すと、2000以降での平均満期割合はわずか20%にすぎなかった。そして昨年遅くに歴史的なこの市場の「凍結」が生じ、まったく高金利債権は発行されなかった、米国全体が明らかにこういうメッセージを発している:今こそ、鉄は熱いうちに打て、ということだ。周囲で投機的企業格付が増えるほどに、多くの企業にとってはいまいそいで債務の借り換えをすることがさらに大切になる。

Though many companies have years to plan on refinancing (almost none will pay off their debt tabs entirely), many are choosing to refinance now, while rates are low, and demand for higher-yielding debt is high. Junk bonds tanked last week as markets shunned risky assets, but this didn't dampen buyers' appetite: Last week was the biggest week for issuance in nearly two years, with junk issuers selling $12 billion. So far this year, more than $80 billion of bonds that listed refinancing in the prospectus have been issued. That has accounted for more than 70% of the issuance so far this year, according to Bloomberg.



And while credit analysts at some of the bigger fund managers insist that this is 'healthy', they seem to have neglected the fact that the president has effectively given corporations a green light to continue on their debt binge by effectively putting off their day of reckoning until the Democrats take back control of the White House.


The message is unequivocal: With so many companies teetering on the brink of being downgraded into speculative-grade territory, junk issuers hoping for the best possible rate need to act fast.

"Companies are extending maturities out, and that’s healthy," said Scott Roberts, head of high-yield debt at Invesco Ltd. Refinancing is a better use of debt than buying back shares, he added. "I’ve seen frothy before and this is not it."
「企業は満期を先延ばししようとしている、そしてこれは健全な行為だ、」とScott Robertsは言う、彼はInvesco Ltdの高金利債権主任だ。自社株買いを行うよりも債務借り換えは良いことだ、と彼は付け加える。「私はこれまで市場のアブク(泡)をみてきたが、この行為はそういうものではない。」

"I feel good about this high-yield market and we are trying to push issuers to take advantage of it," said Richard Zogheb, global head of debt capital markets at Citigroup Inc. "Investors are so excited now that the underlying rate environment is more dovish, and that’s really good news for high-yield borrowers."
「この高金利市場はなかなか良いものだと私は感じている、そして私どもは有利な環境を利用するよう発行元を後押ししている、」とRichard Zoghabは言う、彼はCigigroup Incの債務資金市場国際主任だ。「いま投資家はとても熱狂している、背景にある金利環境がとても緩和的だからだ、そしてこれは高金利の借り手にとっても良いニュースだ。」

Companies that backed out of their issuance plans late last year during the sudden market drought are beginning to realize that 'market conditions' probably aren't going to get much better than they are now.

"We had half a dozen companies that were planning to go as early as nine or 10 months ago, then the market started weakening and we never got to the point where we could do those deals," said John Gregory, head of leveraged-finance syndicate at Wells Fargo & Co., referring to when junk bond prices fell late last year. "Now we’re finally getting to that point."

「9か月か10か月前にはこういう借り換えをしようという企業は半ダースほどしかなかった、いまや市場が弱くなり始め、我々は今後こういうことができる機会が無いだろう、」とJohn Gregoryは言う、彼はWells Fargo &Coのレバレッジドファイナンスシンジケートの主任だ、昨年遅くのようにジャンクボンド価格が下落したときのことに言及しているのだ。「今こそとうとう借り換えを行うときだ。」

What's more, floating-rate leveraged loans have become less attractive thanks to the Fed's capitulation, creating something of a perfect storm for the junk-bond market, which is great for heavily indebted companies hoping to lock in the lowest possible interest rate.

"I can’t remember when $5 billion worth of deals came in one day," said Matt Eagan, a portfolio manager at Loomis Sayles & Co.

「私はこれまで一日で$5Bもの取扱をした記憶がない、」とMatt Eaganは言う、彼はLoomis Sayles &Co.のポートフォリオマネジャーだ。

"The market is generally wide open for issuers," said Jenny Lee, co-head of leveraged loan and high-yield capital markets at JPMorgan Chase & Co. "We’re advising issuer clients to look harder at doing high-yield bonds."
「市場はそのような借り換え債務発行を広く受け入れている、」とJenny Leeは言う、彼はJPMorgan Chase のレバレッジドローン&高金利資金市場部門の共同代表だ。「私どもは発行元顧客にこうアドバイスしている、高金利債権発行は今後難しくなる、と」。

Even if borrowers truly can't afford it, the longer they can delay their day of reckoning, the greater the chance that the Fed takes care of their obligations for them when the central bank inevitably pivots to buying corporate debt - as former Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen recently suggested - during QE4.

たとえ借り手がそういうことを実際にできないとしても、最後の審判の日を先延ばしするほどに、FEDが彼らの返済義務の面倒を見てくれる可能性は高まる、中央銀行は必ずや方針転換して企業債務を買うようになるだろうーー全FED議長 Janet Yellenが最近示唆していることだーーQE4が待っている。






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