
Yesterday we reported that in the aftermath of the failure of China's Baoshang Bank (BSB), and its subsequent seizure by the government - the first takeover of a commercial bank since the Hainan Development Bank 20 years ago - the PBOC appeared to panic and injected a whopping 250 billion yuan via an open-market operation, the largest since January.

昨日ZeroHedgeが記事を書いた、中国のBaoshang Bank(BSB)倒産と国有化の後遺症ーー20年前のHainan Development Bank 海南開発銀行 倒産以来の国有化ーーこれでPBOCはパニック状態になりなんと250B人民元を公開市場操作で注入した、今年1月以来最大のものだった。

And while the bank first failure of a Chinese bank resulted in some notable turmoil in China's interbank market, where the issuance of Negotiable Certificates of Deposit was partially frozen as overnight funding rates spiked, dragging prices of both corporate and sovereign bonds briefly lower, we warned that "Baoshang is just the tip of the iceberg."

中国のインターバンク市場が停滞するなかで銀行倒産が生じ、一夜物金利がスパイク急上昇するなかで、Negotiable Certificates of Depositが部分的に凍結された、これが企業債権と中国債をともに短期的に押し下げた、ZeroHedgeはこれを見てこう警告した「Baoshangは氷山の一角に過ぎない」と。

According to UBS analyst Jason Bedford, who in 2017 was the first to highlight Baoshang’s troubles, there are several other banks that have “identical leading risk indicators” to Baoshang. Hengfeng Bank, Jinzhou Bank Co. and Chengdu Rural Commercial Bank all failed to publish their latest financial statements, have a large portion of their balance sheets invested in “loan-like investment assets” and are subject to negative local media coverage.

UBSのアナリストJason Bedfordによると、彼は2017年に最初にBaoshangの抱える問題に注目した人物だ、「Baoshangと同様のリスク指標を持つ銀行がいくつかある」。これらの銀行はまだ最新決算を開示していない、Hengfeng Bank, Jinzhou Bank Co. そしてChengdu Rural Commercial Bankだ、バランスシートのかなりの部分は「ローンに見せかけた投資資産」だ、そして現地のメディアはこの状況をマイナスと捉えて報道している。

To be sure, storm clouds had been gathering above for quite some time. Here is a quick primer on how BSB was unique, and why it was especially at risk, courtesy of Barclays.

BSB is a city commercial bank (Figure 1), with a AA+ credit rating from Dagong Credit Rating Group. However, it has faced more problems and financial difficulties than banks with a similar credit rating. BSB has not published its annual report since 2016, which to us suggests significant asset quality stress. Its ratio of 90-day overdue loans to NPL stood at ~180% in 2016, versus an average of ~110% for similar sized banks. Meanwhile, its key stakeholder (~30%), Tomorrow Group, has been under an anti-graft investigation with its founder Xiao Jianhua missing since 2017.
BSBは商業都市銀行であり(Figure 1),格付けはAA+だった。しかしながら、同格の銀行よりももっと多くの財政問題を抱えていた。BSBは2016年以来決算開示をしていない、ということは極端に手持ち資産の質に疑念をもたせるものだった。90日以上返済が遅れている不良債権の割合は2016年に180%もあった、一方同規模の銀行の平均は110%程度だ。 それと同時に最大株主(約30%)がTomorrow Groupだ、この会社は反汚職捜査の対象だった、創業者のXiao Jianhuaは2017年以来行方不明だ。
It has been a notably aggressive player in China’s interbank market, with ~40% of its funding from wholesale sources, compared with a ~25% average for smaller regional banks, and ~20% for all banks in April 2019 (see Figure 2). As a result, BSB has been hit hard by the deleveraging drive and tightening of the interbank funding channels.

当行は中国のインターバンク市場で積極的だったことがよく知られている、 荒売上の40%をここに投じている、一方で平均的な小規模地方銀行では25%程度だ、そして2019年4月時点での中国全銀行平均では20%しかない。(Figure2 )。

Most of the above was already well-known, at least in the aftermath of the BSB collapse. What investors are far more curious about is i) will the failure become systemic, and ii) who will fail next.

ここで書かれていることは広く知れ渡っている、少なくともBSB倒産後には。投資家がもっとも懸念しているのは i)この倒産が金融システム全体に波及するか そして ii)次の倒産はどこか、ということだ。

Addressing the first question, Barclays analyst Jian Chang writes that the bank doesn't expect the BSB takeover to cause a systemic crisis (many would disagree). The reason: the bank's total assets/outstanding loans/deposits only accounted for 0.23%/0.18%/0.14% of China’s whole banking system (as of Q3 2017, the latest available data on BSB), and the PBoC is committed to “keeping eye on the liquidity situation of medium-to-small banks, and make use of various tools such as OMOs to ensure reasonably ample liquidity in the system and maintain stability in the money market rates”.

最初の疑念に対して、バークレー銀行のアナリストJian Changはこう書いている、当行の見解ではBSB国有化は金融システム危機を引き起こさないと見ている(多くの人はこれに合意しないだろう)。その理由は:BSBの全資産/全ローン/預金額は中国の銀行システム全体のわずか 0.23%/0.18%/0.14%に過ぎない(BSBの直近開示データ2017Q3に基づく)、そしてPBoCはこう宣言している「中小銀行の流動性に注意しており、OMOのような各種手法でシステムの流動性を確保する、そして金利安定化に務める」と。

That said, Barclays admits that the takeover of BSB "highlights the difficulties and challenges facing some medium-to-small sized banks arising from China’s deleveraging campaign of the past several years and a slowing economy." Specifically, during the first phase of “deleveraging the financial system” (August 2016 - October 2017), interbank lending, a major funding source facilitating the aggressive expansion of medium/small banks before, was significantly tightened. Then as the financial deleveraging extended to the real economy (Nov 17 – May 18), the resulting rise in corporate delinquency and defaults added to banks’ credit risks. Then, during the period of policy easing since the second half of 2018, banks’ asset quality has not been helped by the regulator’s push for more SME lending, "as the NPL ratio of urban commercial banks as a whole rose notably by ~30bp to 1.9% in Q1 19, from 1.6% Q2 18, while their bad-loan provision ratio declined by 30pp to ~180% over the same period (Figures 3-4)."

ということで、バークレイ銀行はBSBの国有化をこう解釈している「ここ数年の中国政府の債務削減キャンペーンと景気減速で中小銀行の中には困難が生じている銀行もあることを顕在化せさた」。特に「金融システムの債務削減」の第一フェーズ(2016年8月−2017年10月)においては、かつては中小銀行が積極的に拡大してきた銀行間貸出が大きく引き締められた。その後この金融業界での債務削減が実経済にも拡張された(2018年11月−2018年5月)、結果として企業の返済不能や倒産が銀行の与信リスクを増やした。そして、2018年後半以降は緩和的政策になり、資産の質を監督当局から問われなくなり、小規模銀行の貸出を拡大した、「都市商業銀行の不良債権率は2018Q2の1.6%から30BP増えて2019Q1には1.9%になった、bad loan provision ratio 不良債権引当率(?)は30パーセントポイント減って同じ期間に180%になった(Figure 3-4)。」

As such, Barclays expects more "exits" (read "failures") of smaller banks or NBFIs (Non-bank financial institutions) either through takeovers or M&A with bigger parties, most likely with some regional significance (eg. urban or rural commercial banks. However, in keeping an optimistic outlook, Barclays does not view a few more bank failures as a systemic risk, "as the total >130 urban and >1300 rural commercial banks only account for ~10% of the banking sector."


Meanwhile, the analyst notes the regulators’ efforts to help banks replenish their capital through various channels (eg. the recently introduced perpetual bonds which are a form of quasi QE) as "indicated by the government’s attempts to prevent systemic risks from materializing before they become too great to contain."


Furthermore, the official remarks (listed below) suggest that, even if some FIs are allowed to "experiment" with bankruptcy, this would only go forward in a controlled and manageable manner (ie. mainly through mergers and restructuring) to ensure the government’s bottom line of no systemic risks being created.


Below is a list of selected comments by a Chinese official, in this case Xiao Yuanqi, the Chief Risk Officer of the CBIRC, in February 2019, which help understand the regulators’ thinking on smaller FIs, NPL risk exposure, and planned resolutions:

下に示すのは中国当局コメントの一部だ、2019年2月にCBIRCの主任リスク担当、Xiao Yuanqiが述べたもので、小規模金融機関に対する監督当局の考え方を理解できる、さらには不良債権リスクやその解決法に言及している:

  • He said that regulators will continue encouraging smaller and private players to join the market to expand access to credit for SMEs, meanwhile they will also work out measures to contain risks associated with smaller financial institutions (FIs).

  • While some institutions will be allowed to experiment with bankruptcy, regulators will mainly use mergers and restructuring to defuse risks and force unqualified players out of the market.

  • The authorities will also encourage lenders to step up efforts to offload their non-performing loans (NPLs). The banking sector has disposed of CNY3.48trn of bad loans over the past two years, according to CBIRC data, but commercial banks still have CNY2trn of NPLs on their balance sheets.

  • Improving the supply of financing will involve shifting “inefficient” credit from industries suffering from overcapacity to areas with greater needs, such as SMEs in innovative and strategic sectors. Poorly performing companies with little prospect of improvement will be guided to exit the market through reorganization or bankruptcy.

Finally, for those curious which banks are most likely to follow in Baoshang's footsteps, and fail next, Barclays has compiled a list of regional banks that have delayed publishing 2018 reports, the biggest red flag suggesting an upcoming solvency "event."







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