

Gold prices could reach $2,000 by the end of the year, strategist says

Key Points
  • Gold prices are set to “reach $2,000 by the end of the year,” predicts David Roche, president and global strategist at London-based Independent Strategy.

    「年末までにゴールドが$2,000になる仕掛けができている、」とDavid Roche が予想する、彼はロンドンを拠点とするIndepnedent strategy の社長だ。
  • Roche recommends investors hold gold in their portfolios, alongside some European fixed income and U.S. Treasurys.


GP: Gold and Silver Casting at the Perth Mint 190620An employee arranges one kilogram gold bars at the Perth Mint Refinery in Perth, Australia, on Aug. 9, 2018.Carla Gottgens | Bloomberg | Getty Images

Gold prices can continue to climb even after they hit a multi-year high last week, a global investment strategist said Monday.


In fact, prices are set to “reach $2,000 by the end of the year,” predicted David Roche, president and global strategist at London-based Independent Strategy.
Spot gold prices hit $1,422.85 on June 25, their highest in more than six years. Last week, gold futures also were at their highest since August 2013, reaching $1,417.70.

実際、「年内に$2、000になる仕掛けができている」、とDavid Roshe は予想する、彼はロンドン拠点のIndependent Strategyの社長だ。6月25日にゴールドスポット価格は$1,422.85になった、6年ぶりの高値だ。先週、ゴールド先物は、2013年8月以来の高値となり、$1,417.70だった。

Gold prices have been on an upward trend amid recent expectations of a Federal Reserve interest rate cut and heightened geopolitical concerns — conditions that might weigh on the stock market, according to Roche.



The Fed has no tolerance for pain, says strategist
“I actually believe financial markets are now poised to crumble like a sand pile,” he told CNBC’s “Squawk Box. ”

FEDは疼痛限界に達しているわけではない、とストラテジストは言う「私は本当に金融市場は今や崩れる直前の砂上の楼閣だと信じている、」と彼はCNBCで語った「Squawk Box.」。

However, gold prices went down slightly on Monday, potentially responding to the United States’ announcement on Friday that it had recorded stronger-than-expected nonfarm payrolls. That report tempered investors’ expectations of a Fed rate cut.


Despite that, Roche projected gold prices would continue going up, partly because international trade tensions will add to the negative sentiment of stock market investors.


“I think the trade conflict with the United States is a much far, wider-reaching, global conflict, which will undermine growth expectations in equity markets,” he said.


Given that outlook, Roche recommended investors hold gold in their portfolios, alongside some European fixed income and U.S. Treasurys.







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