米国大型銘柄2019Q3ファンダメンタルズ by Zeal

Big US Stocks’ Q3’19 Fundamentals
Adam Hamilton     November 8, 2019     3165 Words

The US stock markets have surged to all-time-record highs, fueled by extreme Fed easing.  It jawboned about rate cutting, slashed rates, and birthed a new large-scale Treasury monetization campaign!  All this has left traders hyper-complacent, assuming the upside will continue indefinitely.  But are these lofty stock levels fundamentally-justified?  The big US stocks’ just-reported Q3’19 results illuminate this key question.


Four times a year publicly-traded companies release treasure troves of valuable information in the form of quarterly reports.  Required by the US Securities and Exchange Commission, these 10-Qs and 10-Ks contain the best fundamental data available to traders.  They dispel all the sentiment distortions inevitably surrounding prevailing stock-price levels, revealing corporations’ underlying hard fundamental realities.

The deadline for filing 10-Qs for “large accelerated filers” is 40 days after fiscal quarter-ends.  The SEC defines this as companies with market capitalizations over $700m.  That easily includes every stock in the flagship S&P 500 stock index (SPX), which contains the biggest and best American companies.  The middle of this week marked 37 days since the end of Q3, so almost all the big US stocks have reported.

The SPX is the world’s most-important stock index by far, with its components commanding a staggering collective market cap of $26.2t at the end of Q3!  The vast majority of investors own the big US stocks of the SPX, as some combination of them are usually the top holdings of nearly every investment fund.  That includes retirement capital, so the fortunes of the big US stocks are crucial for Americans’ overall wealth.

The huge ETFs that track the S&P 500 dominate the increasingly-popular passive-investment strategies as well.  The SPY SPDR S&P 500 ETF, IVV iShares Core S&P 500 ETF, and VOO Vanguard S&P 500 ETF are the 3 largest ETFs in the world.  This week they reported colossal net assets running $279.7b, $193.3b, and $122.6b respectively!  The big SPX companies overwhelmingly drive the entire stock markets.

S&P500を追跡する巨額のETFが最近一般的になりつつあるパッシブ投資戦略の主流だ。SPY, IVV,VOOは世界三大ETFだ。今週時点で時価総額は、$279.7B,$193.3Bそして$122.6Bになる!SPX上位銘柄は株式市場全体を支配している。
Q3’19 was choppy, but the SPX didn’t stray far from record highs.  July saw 8 of them from a big Fed-driven rally.  In early June the Fed chairman started talking rate cuts.  That dovishness was confirmed in mid-June when top Fed officials’ collective outlook for the rate trajectory shifted from hiking to cutting.  The FOMC delivered at the end of July, cutting by 25 basis points for the first time since December 2008!


The SPX surged 2.9% in July alone leading into that cut, hitting those record closes.  But Jerome Powell pooped in traders’ easy-money punchbowl that day, calling that cut a “midcycle adjustment” and not “the beginning of a lengthy cutting cycle”.  Denied their perpetual-easing drug, traders revolted to hammer the SPX 6.1% lower over the next couple weeks.  That scared the Fed into backtracking, leading to more cutting.

SPXは7付きだけで2.9%も急騰した、金利引下げのためだ、これが月末に記録的な終値となった。しかしJerome Powellがその日緩和マネーパンチボールでトレーダーを戸惑わせた、彼は金利引下げは「景気サイクル途上の調整」にすぎず「引き下げサイクル入ではない」と主張したのだ。恒久的緩和という麻薬を否定され、トレーダーはこれに反抗してその後2週でSPXを6.1%叩きのめした。これがFEDを震え上がらせ、前言撤回となった、さらなる金利引下げとなったのだ。

The FOMC cut another 25bp at its next meeting in mid-September, and Powell’s “midcycle adjustment” turned into 3 25bp cuts in just 3.0 months by the end of October!  That and the Fed panicking to launch its fourth large-scale quantitative-easing campaign to monetize Treasuries recently pushed the SPX to even more record highs.  But within Q3 proper it averaged 2957.8, the highest ever witnessed!  Traders loved that.


Every quarter I analyze the top 34 SPX/SPY component stocks ranked by market cap.  This is just an arbitrary number that fits neatly into the tables below, but a dominant sample of the SPX.  As Q3 waned, these American giants alone commanded fully 43.9% of the SPX’s total weighting!  Their $11.5t collective market cap exceeded that of the bottom 438 SPX companies.  Big US stocks’ importance cannot be overstated.


I wade through the 10-Q or 10-K SEC filings of these top SPX companies for a ton of fundamental data I feed into a spreadsheet for analysis.  The highlights make it into these tables below.  They start with each company’s symbol, weighting in the SPX and SPY, and market cap as of the final trading day of Q3’19.  That’s followed by the year-over-year change in each company’s market capitalization, an important metric.


Major US corporations have been engaged in a wildly-unprecedented stock-buyback binge ever since the Fed forced interest rates to the zero lower bound during 2008’s stock panic.  Thus the appreciation in their share prices also reflects shrinking shares outstanding.  Looking at market-cap changes instead of just underlying share-price changes effectively normalizes out stock buybacks, offering purer views of value.
米国大企業は前代未聞の buyback 大流行だ、というのも2008年の株式混乱以来FEDは金利をほとんどゼロにしたためだ。しかるに流通株数が減り株価は上昇する。株価ではなく時価総額を見ることでbuybackの効果を相殺できる、本当の企業価値を見ることができる。

That’s followed by quarterly sales along with their YoY change.  Top-line revenues are one of the best indicators of businesses’ health.  While profits can be easily manipulated quarter to quarter by playing with all kinds of accounting estimates, sales are tougher to artificially inflate.  Ultimately sales growth is necessary for companies to expand, as bottom-line profits growth driven by cost-cutting is inherently limited.

Operating cash flows are also important, showing how much capital companies’ businesses are actually generating.  Corporations must be cash-flow-positive to survive and thrive, using their existing capital to make more cash.  Unfortunately many companies now obscure quarterly OCFs by reporting them in year-to-date terms, lumping multiple quarters together.  So if necessary to get Q3’s OCFs, I subtracted prior quarters’.

営業利益も重要だ、企業が本業でどれだけ稼げるかを示している。企業は生き残り成長するあめには営業利益が必須だ、既存の資本を利用してさらなる利益を生み出すのだ。残念なことに多くの企業は四半期OCFを隠していることが多い、年初来で開示し複数四半期を合算しちえる。そのため必要に応じてQ3 OCFを得るために、私は前四半期のデータを差し引き計算する。

Next are the actual hard quarterly earnings that must be reported to the SEC under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.  Lamentably companies now tend to use fake pro-forma earnings to downplay real GAAP results.  These are derided as EBS profits, Everything but the Bad Stuff!  Certain expenses are simply ignored on a pro-forma basis to artificially inflate reported corporate profits, often misleading traders.

その次はSECが開示を求めるGAAP会計利益だ。嘆かわしいことに、最近企業はGAAP決算を軽視して形式的な偽収益を利用する傾向にある。こういう決算はEBS収益と揶揄される、Everything but the Bad Stuff というわけだ!企業収益をよく見せるためにある種の費用を無視して形式的な利益を見せるのだ、これでトレーダーが誤解することが度々だ。

While I’m also collecting the earnings-per-share data Wall Street loves, it is more important to consider total profits.  Stock buybacks are executed to manipulate EPS higher, because the shares-outstanding denominator of its calculation shrinks as shares are repurchased.  Raw profits are a cleaner measure, again effectively neutralizing the impacts of stock buybacks.  They better reflect underlying business performance.

Wall Streetが大好きなEPSを私も収集するが、もっと大切なのは全収益だ。EPSを大きくするために buybacksが行われる、というのも流通株数が減るからだ。生の収益はもっと透明性がある、自社株買いの効果を相殺している。これを見ることで本業のパフォーマンスを判断できる。

Finally the trailing-twelve-month price-to-earnings ratios as of the end of Q3’19 are noted.  TTM P/Es look at the last four reported quarters of actual GAAP profits compared to prevailing stock prices.  They are the gold-standard valuation metric.  Wall Street often intentionally conceals these real P/Es by using fictional forward P/Es instead, which are literally mere guesses about future profits that almost always prove too optimistic.

最後にTTM PERを示す。TTM PERは直近4四半期のGAAP実績収益を株価と比べたものだ。これはバリュエーション指標としては絶対的なものだ。Wall Streetは意図的にこの本当のPERを隠し、フィクションでしかない将来PERを利用する、これは文字通り将来の収益を想像したにすぎず、たいてい楽観的なことが判明するものだ。
These are mostly calendar-Q3 results, but some big US stocks use fiscal quarters offset from normal ones.  Walmart, Home Depot, and Cisco have lagging quarters ending one month after calendar ones, so their results here are current to the end of July instead of September.  Pepsi, Oracle, and Nike report on quarters ending one month before calendar ones, so their results below are as of the end of August.

この表の結果はほとんどが暦のQ3だ、ただし米国大型銘柄の中には会計四半期が暦四半期とずれているものがある。Walmart, Home Depot、そしてCiscoは一月遅れのために決算は9月でなく7月末のものだ。Pepsi, Oracle そしてNikeは一月早いために、決算は8月末のものだ。
Reporting on offset quarters renders companies’ results way less comparable with the vast majority that report on calendar quarters.  We traders all naturally think in calendar-quarter terms too.  Decades ago there were valid business reasons to run on offset fiscal quarters.  But today’s sophisticated accounting systems that are largely automated running in real-time eliminate all excuses for not reporting normally.

Stocks with symbols highlighted in blue have newly climbed into the ranks of the SPX’s top 34 companies over the past year, as investors bid up their stock prices and thus market caps relative to their peers.  The big US stocks reported mixed Q3’19 results overall, with modest sales growth but shrinking profits.  This is a serious problem with these elite companies still collective trading near dangerous bubble valuations.


Before we start, these year-over-year comparisons need to be adjusted slightly.  Disney’s fiscal year ends at the end of calendar Q3.  Companies finishing fiscal years have 60 days after quarter-ends to complete their way-longer, far-more-complex, and audited 10-K annual reports to file with the SEC.  Disney hadn’t reported anything on Q3’19 yet as of the data cutoff for this essay, Wednesday’s close.  So it is excluded.

The entire S&P 500 finished Q3’19 up 2.2% from the end of Q3’18.  That’s not much, but remember the SPX collapsed right after that.  It plummeted 19.8% largely in Q4’18 in a severe near-bear correction.  That was driven by Fed tightening, its since-abandoned quantitative-tightening campaign ramping up to full speed and the Fed’s 9th rate hike of its also-forsaken normalization.  Marginal new highs after that are a big deal.

The top 34 SPX companies’ collective market capitalizations grew by 1.3% YoY to $11,490.6b as of the end of Q3.  Ex-Disney, their total revenues climbed a healthy 2.4% YoY to $1002.3b.  Sales growth at their massive scales is always impressive.  But all of that came in 3 of the 4 market-dominating mega-cap tech stocks, Microsoft, Amazon, and Alphabet.  Their total revenues soared an incredible 20.2% higher YoY!

SPX上位34銘柄の全時価総額はYoYで1.3%増えQ3末に$11.490.6Bになった。Disneyを除くと、全売上はYoYで2.4%増え$1002.3Bとなり健全だった。売上成長がこれだけの規模になるのはいつも驚くものだ。しかしこの増加はわずか3社のみによるものだ、Microsoft, AmazonそしてAlphabetだ。この三社の合計売上は急増しなんとYoYで20.2%にもなる!
Troublingly the rest of the top 34 ex-Disney saw their total revenues slump a slight 0.0%.  So all the top-line revenue growth among elite American companies came in just a few tech giants.  If the US economy was booming as record-high stock markets imply, the rest of these market-leading companies would also be seeing higher sales.  Even mighty Apple has seen its revenue growth flag, with iPhone demand saturated.

That bifurcation between mega-cap tech and everything else was even more pronounced in operating-cash-flow-generation terms.  Overall these top 34 saw their total OCFs collapse a stunning 23.6% YoY to $188.9b!  That was despite MSFT, AMZN, and GOOGL actually growing their OCFs by 4.9% YoY.  But the rest of the top 34 without Disney suffered a shocking 28.3% YoY decline in total operating cash flows!

Traders universally believe these are the best of times, deep into a record US economic expansion with record-high stock markets.  But the rising tide of economic growth lifts all boats, not just a handful.  If the vast majority of elite American companies are struggling to boost revenues and falling way behind in OCF generation, what’s going to happen in the next recession?  The Fed can’t delay that inevitable reckoning forever.


The hard-GAAP-earnings front revealed another serious crack in the euphoric everything-is-awesome narrative fueled by record-high stock markets.  Overall SPX-top-34 profits in Q3’19 without Disney fell 2.6% YoY to $148.9b.  That trio of mega-cap techs actually dragged down that average, falling 4.9% YoY despite their torrid sales growth.  The rest of the top 34 ex-Disney saw corporate earnings slide 2.2% from Q3’18.

The big US stocks’ overall Q3’19 results certainly look like these elite companies are teetering on the very edge of entering an earnings recession.  That has incredibly-bearish implications given the lofty prevailing valuations.  Companies are doing their damnedest to mask that their profits look to have peaked and are rolling over.  They’ve massively stepped up their manipulative stock-buyback campaigns to obscure profits.

Consider some examples.  Database and cloud-computing giant Oracle earned $2137m in net income in its latest fiscal quarter ending August 31st.  That was down a considerable 5.7% YoY.  Yet in earnings-per-share terms which is all companies report now, Q3’19 EPS of $0.64 climbed a strong 10.3% over the Q3’18 results!  There were no unusual income-statement items distorting those results in either of these quarters.

Despite earning that $2137m, ORCL spent a staggering $5005m during that quarter buying back its own stock!  It and other elite US companies are magically conjuring rising EPS from falling absolute profits with enormous stock buybacks.  Oracle certainly isn’t alone.  Home Depot’s actual earnings slumped 0.8% YoY in its latest quarter, yet it still reported strong 3.9% EPS growth.  Merck came in at -2.5% and +1.4%.

収益が$2137Mにもかかわらず、同じ四半期にORCLはなんと$5005Mも buybacks を行った!他の米国企業も同様に、収益が減る中で巨額 buybacksにより魔法のようにEPSを増やしている。Oracleだけではないのだ。Home Depotの収益はYoYで0.8%下落したが、EPSはなんと3.9%も増えている。Merckの場合は−2.5%と1.4%だ。
The deception inherent in artificially goosing EPS growth through stock buybacks isn’t even the primary issue here.  Way more important for the stock-market outlook is why absolute earnings are falling with everything so favorable.  And how near-bubble priced-for-perfection valuations are very unforgiving of any earnings weakness.  The record-high stock markets’ already-flimsy fundamental underpinning is rotting.

Based on the FOMC’s actions, what the Fed does and when, a strong-if-not-ironclad case can be made that all it cares about is stock-market fortunes


Remember just 10.6 months ago in mid-December the Fed raised rates for the 9th time in that hastily-abandoned hiking cycle.  The SPX plummeted 7.7% in just 4 trading days on that, and was staring into the vicious jaws of a long-delayed bear.  So the Fed panicked.

The day of that 9th rate hike, top Fed officials were predicting 3 more rate hikes including 2 more in 2019!  Yet the FOMC did a colossal about-face since, actually cutting 3 times in 3 months this year.  The reason things changed so radically on that SPX near-bear correction is the wealth effect.  Americans spend more when stock markets are high, boosting confidence.  And consumer spending drives over 2/3rds of the US economy.

So top Fed officials know the overdue stock bear their extreme easing has so far warded off is going to drag the US into a severe recession.  As the SPX itself falls 20%, 30%, even 50%, Americans will grow scared and pull in their horns.  And 50% losses are par for the course in major bears inevitably following major bulls.  The last two SPX bears ending in October 2002 and March 2009 saw 49.1% and 56.8% losses!

If revenues and earnings growth among the biggest and best US companies are already flagging even with record-high stock markets, imagine how they will collapse when consumer spending wanes.  Weaker sales and profits are problematic for stock prices anytime, but much more so now given the sky-high valuations spawned by the Fed’s extreme easing.  The elite top-34 SPX companies are trading near bubble levels! 

Over the past century-and-a-quarter or so, stock-market valuations as measured by trailing-twelve-month price-to-earnings ratios have averaged about 14x earnings.  That’s historical fair value.  Double that at 28x is formal bubble territory, which virtually guarantees a severe bear will follow.  As of the end of Q3’19, these 34 elite big US stocks commanding 43.9% of the SPX’s market cap reported average TTM P/Es of 25.9x!

過去125年を振り返り、TTM PERで見る株式市場のバリュエーションは平均で14xだった。これが歴史的なフェアバリューと言える。これを倍にした28xは公式にバブル域とみなされている、こうなるとその後深刻なベア相場がほぼ決まりだ。2019Q3においてこれら上位34銘柄のTTM PERは25.9xだった、これらの銘柄でSPX時価総額の43.9%になる!

That is perilously close to 28x, dangerously-expensive.  These stellar valuations prove the Fed-sparked and -fueled monster 30.9% SPX surge since late December’s near-bear low wasn’t justified by underlying corporate profits.  It was entirely a sentiment thing, pure greed as the flow of traders’ easy-money drugs resumed in a big way.  Ominously weakening earnings will force prevailing valuations even higher from here!

With lower profits in price-to-earnings ratios’ denominators, valuations will climb if stock prices remain flat.  So today’s near-bubble valuations could easily become bubble valuations in coming quarters, multiplying the downside risks in the stock markets.  And that earnings-stock-prices loop can easily become a vicious circle.  The less consumers spend, the more profits decline.  The more earnings fall, the more stocks sell off.

And due to the wealth effect, the farther stocks fall the less consumers are comfortable spending.  This all feeds on itself, eventually snowballing into a severe recession or even a depression.  That’s what the Fed is so scared of.  The next bear market is going to bring this whole Fed-conjured illusion of easy-money prosperity crashing down, with dire political implications for the Fed’s independence if it is rightly blamed.


Again Q3’19 was the best of times for stock markets.  The SPX rallied to a bunch of new all-time closing highs, making for its highest average quarter ever.  Straddling Q3 the FOMC stunningly reversed its future rate bias from hiking to cutting, made 3 rate cuts in 3 months, injected vast amounts of new money trying to stabilize malfunctioning overnight-funding markets, and launched QE4!  That makes for epic easing.

If the big US stocks’ earnings couldn’t grow in even these extremes, and sales were flat outside of a few mega-cap techs, the SPX is in a world of trouble.  A stock-selloff-driven recession will hammer market-darling techs too, as their businesses are heavily dependent on other businesses spending.  As corporate sales and profits deteriorate, companies will reduce spending on advertising and cloud services to cut costs.


Excessive valuations after long bulls always eventually spawn proportional bear markets.  And we are way overdue for the next one.  At its latest all-time-record high earlier this week, this current monster SPX bull up 355.0% in 10.7 years ranks as the 2nd-largest and 1st-longest in all of US stock-market history!  This Fed-amped secular uptrend can’t persist near bubble valuations as corporate earnings roll over to shrinkage.

Bear markets are necessary to maul stock prices sideways to lower long enough for profits to catch up with lofty stock prices.  These fearsome beasts are nothing to be trifled with, yet complacent traders mock them.  Seeing big US stocks’ prices cut in half or worse is common and expected in major bear markets.  And odds are the current near-bubble valuations in US stock markets will soon look even more extreme.

Cash is king in bear markets, since its buying power grows.  Investors who hold cash during a 50% bear market can double their holdings at the bottom by buying back their stocks at half-price.  But cash doesn’t appreciate in value like gold, which actually grows wealth during major stock-market bears.  When stock markets weaken its investment demand surges, which happened last December as the SPX sold off hard.

ベア相場ではCash is kingだ、購買力が増えるのだから。50%のベア相場になると、投資家は半値で株を買い株数を倍にできる。しかし現金はゴールドのように価値を増やさない、ゴールドは大きな株式ベア相場では実際に価値を増やす。株式市場が弱まると、投資需要が急増するのだ、これは昨年12月のSPX急落でみたことだ。
While the SPX plunged 9.2% that month, gold rallied 4.9% as investors flocked back.  The gold miners’ stocks which leverage gold’s gains fared even better, with their leading index surging 10.7% higher.  The last time a major SPX selloff awakened gold in the first half of 2016, it soared up 30% fueling a massive 182% gold-stock upleg!  Investors are even more interested in gold now after its decisive bull breakout in late June.

Absolutely essential in bear markets is cultivating excellent contrarian intelligence sources.  That’s our specialty at Zeal.  After decades studying the markets and trading, we really walk the contrarian walk.  We buy low when few others will, so we can later sell high when few others can.  While Wall Street will deny this coming stock-market bear all the way down, we will help you both understand it and prosper during it.

ベア相場で絶対的に大切なことは優れたコントラリアン情報源を持つことだ。それこそZealが特化しているものだ。何十年化市場を研究しまたトレードしてきて、私どもは実際コントラリアンの道を歩んできた。他人が買えない安値で私どもは買い込み、他人が売れない高値で売り抜けることができる。Wall Streetはなんとしてでも今来ようとしているベア相場をなんとしても否定するだろう、しかし私どもは皆さんの状況理解と成長をてだすけできる。

We’ve long published acclaimed weekly and monthly newsletters for speculators and investors.  They draw on my vast experience, knowledge, wisdom, and ongoing research to explain what’s going on in the markets, why, and how to trade them with specific stocks.  As of Q3 we’ve recommended and realized 1142 newsletter stock trades since 2001, averaging annualized realized gains of +18.6%!  That’s more than double the long-term stock-market average.  Subscribe today and take advantage of our 20%-off sale!


The bottom line is the big US stocks’ just-reported Q3’19 results certainly don’t justify these record-high stock prices.  Revenue growth mostly stalled out last quarter, while earnings declined.  That happened with the best stock-market levels ever witnessed, and incredibly-extreme Fed easing.  Stock prices were stretched so far beyond underlying earnings that elite American companies are trading near bubble valuations.

This is a precarious situation at best, and dangerous at worst.  The hyper-easy Fed is running low on stock-market-goosing ammunition, with only 6 rate cuts left between here and zero.  Can these lofty, expensive stock markets keep levitating without the Fed?  Probably not with corporate fundamentals deteriorating even when everything is awesome.  A valuation mean reversion lower, or bear market, is coming.


Adam Hamilton, CPA     November 8, 2019     Subscribe






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