


社会主義は市場の機能が無いために malinvestment で機能不全を引き起こします。ソ連は建国70年で終焉を迎えました。中国がどうなるか注視しています。

Back in the days of the Fed's QE, much of thinking analyst world (the non-thinking segment would merely accept everything that the Fed did without question, after all their livelihood depended on it), was focused on how massive, and shocking, the Fed's direct intervention in capital markets had become. And while that was certainly true, what we showed back in November 2013 in "Chart Of The Day: How China's Stunning $15 Trillion In New Liquidity Blew Bernanke's QE Out Of The Water" is that whereas the Fed had injected some $2.5 trillion in liquidity in the US banking system, China had blown the US central bank out of the water, with no less than $15 trillion in increases to Chinese bank assets, all at the behest of a juggernaut of new credit creation - be it new yuan loans, shadow debt, corporate bonds, or any other form of debt that makes up China's broad Total Social Financing aggregate.

FEDがQEを行っていた頃、思慮深いアナリストは(何も考えない人たちは疑問を持つことなくFEDのすることをすべて受け入れていた、結局彼らの生計はFEDに依存しているにすぎない)、それが如何に大きいか、またショッキングな出来事であるかに注目していた、FEDが直接資本市場に介入してきたわけなので。そしてそれはたしかに本当だったが、ZeroHedgeは2013年11月にこういう記事を示した「Chart of the Day: 中国はなんと$15Tの新規流動性を投入しBernankeのQEを打ちのめした」、FEDの流動性注入はわずか$2.5Tだったが、中国は米国中央銀行を打ちのめして、なんと$15Tもの流動性注入を行っった、圧倒的な新規与信生成によるものだったーー新たな人民元貸付、シャードー債務、企業債権、そのたあらゆる方法を駆使して中国の幅広い「社会融資総量 Total Social Financing」を積み上げた。

Now, almost six years later, others are starting to figure out what we meant, and in an Op-Ed in the FT, Arthur Budaghyan, chief EM strategist at BCA Research writes about this all important topic of China's "helicopter" money - which far more than the Fed, ECB and BOJ - has kept the world from sliding into a depression, and yet is blowing the world's biggest asset bubble.

あれから6年が経ち、他の人達もZeroHedgeが指摘したことに同調し始めた、そしてフィナンシャルタイムのOp-Edで、Arthur Budaghyan、BCAリサーチの新興市場主任ストラテジストが中国の「ヘリコプター・マネー」につういて重要な記事を書いたーーこの額はFED,ECBそしてBOJを遥かに超えるものでーー世界不況を回避させたが、一方で世界最大の資産バブルを引き起こしている。

Budaghyan picks up where we left off, and notes that over the past decade, Chinese banks have been on a credit and money creation binge, and have created RMB144Tn ($21Tn) of new money since 2009, more than twice the amount of money supply created in the US, the eurozone and Japan combined over the same period. In total, China’s money supply stands at Rmb192tn, equivalent to $28 TRILLION. Why does this matter? Because Chine money's supply is the size of broad money supply in the US and the eurozone put together, yet China’s nominal GDP is only two-thirds that of the US.

BudaghyanはZeroHedgeの指摘を引き継ぎ、この10年の出来事を解説している、中国の銀行は与信創生のお祭り騒ぎをつづけ、2009年以来でなんと$21Tを生み出した、この額はなんと同時期に米国、欧州、日本を合わせたマネーサプライの倍にもなる。全体では、中国のマネーサプライは$28Tにもなる。どうしてこれが問題かって?それは中国のマネーサプライはその規模が米国と欧州を合わせた広義のマネーサプライ broad money supplyよりも大きいのだ、それにも関わらず、中国の名目GDPは米国のわずか2/3に過ぎない。

This, as the BCA analyst explains, is a major problem.


Below we repost his latest FT Op-Ed, which explains why - as we said in the 2019 year ahead post  - we remain confident that the spark for the next global financial crisis will be in China.


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China’s ‘helicopter money’ is blowing up a bubble, authored by Arthur Budaghyan is chief emerging market strategist at BCA Research, and first published in the FT.

中国の「ヘリコプターマネー」がバブルを膨らませている、著者 Arthur Budaghyan BCAリサーチ主任新興市場ストラテジスト、FTでの最初の記事。
The escalation of the trade conflict between the US and China has raised the likelihood of greater stimulus by Beijing to prop up the economy. While China’s excessive debt isn’t news, investors must wake up to the reality of “helicopter money” — enormous money creation by Chinese banks “out of thin air”.

While this sugar rush may provide short and medium-term cover for investors, the long-term effects will exacerbate China’s credit bubble. China, like any nation, faces constraints on frequent and large stimulus, and its vast and still rapidly expanding money supply will produce growing devaluation pressures on the renminbi.

When a bubble emerges we are often told that this bubble is different. Many economists justify China’s credit and money bubble and continuing stimulus by pointing to the nation’s high savings rate. But this narrative is false. At its root is the idea that banks are channelling or intermediating deposits into loans. This is not how banks operate.
When a bank expands its balance sheet, it simultaneously creates an asset (say, a loan) and a liability (a deposit, or money supply). No one needs to save for this loan and money to be originated. The bank does not transfer someone else’s deposits to the borrower; it creates a new deposit when it lends.

In all economies, neither the amount of deposits nor the money supply hinge on national or household savings. When households and companies save, they do not alter the money supply.

Banks also create deposits/money out of thin air when they buy securities from non-banks. As banks in China buy more than 80 per cent of government bonds, fiscal stimulus also leads to substantial money creation. In short, when banks engage in too much credit origination — as they have done in China — they generate a money bubble.

Over the past 10 years, Chinese banks have been on a credit and money creation binge. They have created Rmb144tn ($21tn) of new money since 2009, more than twice the amount of money supply created in the US, the eurozone and Japan combined over the same period. In total, China’s money supply stands at Rmb192tn, equivalent to $28tn. It equals the size of broad money supply in the US and the eurozone put together, yet China’s nominal GDP is only two-thirds that of the US.
この10年で、中国の銀行群は与信創生マネー創生のお祭り騒ぎだった。2009年以来で彼らは$21Tの新規マネーを創生した、同じ期間の米国、欧州、日本のマネーサプライ総額の二倍にもなる。総額として、中国マネーサプライは$28Tにもなる。この額は米国欧州を合わせたbroad money supply 広義マネーサプライと同規模だ、ただし中国の名目GDPは米国の2/3しかない。

In a market-based economy constraints are in place, such as the scrutiny of bank shareholders and regulators, which prevent this sort of excess. In a socialist system, such constraints do not exist. Apparently, the Chinese banking system still operates in the latter.


There are clear downsides. Helicopter money discourages innovation and breeds capital misallocation, which reduces productivity growth. Slowing productivity and strong money growth ultimately lead to rising inflation — the dynamics inherent to socialist systems.

Air show in Tianjin, China shows off China's helicopters. Getty Images.
In the long run, more stimulus in China will entail more money creation and will heighten devaluation pressures on the renminbi. As we all know, when the supply of something surges, its price typically drops. In this case, the drop will take the form of currency devaluation.


As it stands, China’s money bubble is like a sword of Damocles over the nation’s exchange rate. Chinese households and businesses have become reluctant to hold this ballooning amount of local currency. Continuous helicopter money will increase their desire to diversify their renminbi deposits into foreign currencies and assets. Yet, there is no sufficient supply of foreign currency to accommodate this conversion. China’s current account surplus has almost vanished.
As to the central bank’s foreign exchange reserves, at $3tn they are less than a ninth of the amount of renminbi deposits and cash in circulation. It is inconceivable that China can open its capital account in the foreseeable future.

If China chooses the path of unrelenting stimulus, investors should recognise the long-term negative outlook for the renminbi. Continuous stimulus will beef up investment returns in local currency terms, but currency depreciation will substantially erode returns in US dollars or euros in the long run.
The investment implications go beyond Chinese markets. Market volatility over the past few months as the talk of stimulus picked up has given us a peek into the future. As the renminbi has depreciated by 12 per cent since early 2018, the pain has reverberated across Asian and other emerging markets. The MSCI Asia and MSCI EM equities indices have each fallen 24 per cent in dollar terms since their peak in January 2018. Long-term pressures could play out even more dramatically.

投資は中国市場を通り過ぎる。刺激策にも関わらず、ここ数ヶ月の市場のボラティリティ を見るとすでに相場はピークを迎えている。2018年始め以来すでに人民元は12%減価している、その痛みはアジアやその他の新興国に響き渡っている。MSCIアジアとMSCI EM株式指数は2018年1月のピーク以来どるべーすですでに24%下落している。長期的な圧力はさらに劇的なものになるだろう。

Fortunately, Chinese authorities recognise these issues. Yet they face an immense task of stabilising growth while containing credit and money expansion. This will be hard to achieve in an economy that has become addicted to credit creation.







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