Peter Schiff: 次の暴落は管理通貨システムを打ちのめすだろう


Peter Schiff appeared on RT Boom Bust on Tuesday (Sept. 17) to talk about interest rates, gold and the dollar. Peter said the fiat currency system may not survive the next recession.

Peter Schffは9月17日にRT Boom Bustで金利、ゴールドそしてドルについて語った。Peterが言うには、次の景気後退で管理通貨は生き残れないだろう、と。

The conversation started focusing on the repo operations conducted by the Federal Reserve early in the week, Peter said the financial media and Wall Street are being much too complacent about what’s going on.

議論はまずFEDによる今週始めのREPO公開市場操作から始まった、Peterが言うには、金融メディアもWall Streetも今市場で起きていることにあまりに安心しすぎている。

Their instinct is to sweep it under the rug as no big deal, but I think it really is a harbinger of what’s to come.”
「彼らは静かに気付かれないようにことを進めている、しかし 私はこれはこれから起きることの予兆と見ている。」

Peter noted that the Fed has been artificially suppressing interest rates, particularly since the 2008 financial crisis.

And by keeping interest rates artificially low, they have created a bubble that’s much bigger than the one that popped in 2008. And what happened this morning is you could see the air coming out of that bubble, because the market is trying to bring interest rates higher because we have no real savings in this country. We have enormous debt. Everybody is levered up to the max — government, the private sector, business, consumers — because rates have been so low, we’ve borrowed so much money. The market wants interest rates to be higher but the Fed doesn’t want that to happen because the road back to normal interest rates is a very bumpy one because it’s going to take us right through another financial crisis. So, the Fed is trying to keep interest rates artificially low and they almost lost control of it this morning. “

In effect, the Fed created about $50 to $70 billion out of thin air to supply the liquidity that the market needed.

But what happens next time? What happens if we need $100 billion? What happens if we need a trillion? Because eventually, we will. Eventually, the Fed has to choose between destroying the dollar and allowing the market to bring interest rates to a level that makes sense for an economy with this much debt. Then all hell breaks loose because we have a much worse financial crisis than the one we had in ‘o8.”

Peter said as far as the Federal Reserve goes, we are heading toward a recession, but the cure for what ails us is not cutting interest rates. He said we need to go through the recession and higher rates are part of the cleansing process.

But the Federal Reserve has no stomach for doing what’s right, so, they will cut interest rates becuase that’s what the addicts on Wall Street demand. So, we’re not going to have a real recovery. We’re just going to try to maintain this bubble.

しかしFEDには正しい処方を実行する気概はない、Wall Streetの中毒症状に応じて金利引下げを行うだろう。というわけで本当の回復を実現することはないだろう。我々はこのバブルを単に弾けないよう維持しようとしている。」

Peter reiterated what he’s been saying for months. The Fed will go back to zero. It might even go negative. It will launch another round of QE. But it won’t work this time.


They also discussed what Peter has called a very violent move in the bond market. Peter said the real problem is in the long end of the market where 30-year yields are barely above 2%.


Who in their right mind would loan the US government money for 30 years — you’re not getting your money back for 30 years — at 2% coupons for the next 30 years, waiting to get repaid?”


Peter touched on recent charges brought against JP Morgan employees relating to the manipulations of the gold price. He said price manipulation isn’t the reason the price of gold is relatively low.

Peterはゴールド価格操作にかんしてJP Morga従業員が告発されたことにも言及した。彼が言うには価格操作のためにゴールド価格が相対的に安いというわけではない。
It’s not much higher because too many people don’t understand what’s going on. You know, they have confidence in the Federal Reserve, other central banks. They believe in this bubble. They are as fooled now as they were going into the 2008 financial crisis. The difference was they were bailed out last time. As wrong as all the experts were on Wall Street and in other countries who couldn’t see an obvious crisis coming, when they were blindsided, their pals at the Federal Reserve and other central banks were able to bail them out. It’s not going to work this time. It doesn’t mean the central banks won’t try. But as I said, it won’t succeed. They’re going to destroy the dollar in the process, maybe even bring down the entire fiat monetary system. And gold is already rising. Gold is telling you on the ashes of this old system we’re going to resurrect the gold standard. Because that’s what we had prior to the dollar taking over. We had a much sounder monetary system then. We had a more viable global economy. Once we took the money out of the economy, once we substituted real money for fiat, that was the beginning of these problems and the end of these problems is going to be returning to honest money, which is gold.

「あまりに多くの人が今市場で起きていることを理解していないからゴールド価格が上昇しないだけだ。皆さんも御存知のとおりだれもがFEDや世界の中央銀行を信頼している。皆がこのバブルに信頼をおいているのだ。2008年の金融危機に至る過程と同様に皆が騙されているに過ぎない。今回と前回の違いは、前回は救済されたということだ。悪いことにどの専門家もWall Street側にいた、またどの国も危機が来ることを把握していなかった、突然の危機に遭遇し、FEDやその仲間の世界の中央銀行は救済することができた。今回はそうは行かないだろう。それは中央銀行がその意志を見せないということではない。そうではなく私が言ってきたようにそれが成功しないだろうということだ。その手続の中でドルを毀損するだろう、もしかすると管理通貨そのものを毀損するかもしれない。そしてすでにゴールドは上昇し始めている。 ゴールドの値動きが教えてくれるのはこの古いシステムはもはや無用で再度金本位制の復活ということだ。というのもドルが席巻するまえはそうだったからだ。その前には我々は正貨金融システムを持っていた。その当時は世界経済はもっと現実的だった。一旦経済からマネーを取り出し、管理通貨を実通貨に置き換えると、それが問題解決の始まりであり、問題は誠実通貨回帰で終わりを告げる、それはゴールドだ。」






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