

Trying To Prevent Recessions Leads To Even Worse Recessions

Written by Jesse Colombo | Jun, 20, 2019

Deutsche Bank strategists Jim Reid and Craig Nicol wrote a report this week that echos what I and other Austrian School economists been saying for many years: actions taken by governments and central banks to extend business cycles and prevent recessions lead to even more severe recessions in the end. MarketWatch reports

ドイツ銀行のストラテジスト Jim Reid とCraig Nicolが今週報告書を書いた、その内容は私や他のオーストリア学派経済学者が長年警鐘を告げていたものと同様だ:政府や中央銀行がビジネスサイクルを引き延ばし景気後退を回避しようとするが、これが結局もっと深刻な景気後退を引き起こす。


The 10-year old economic expansion will set a record next month by becoming the longest ever. Great news, right? Maybe not, say strategists at Deutsche Bank.

Prolonged expansions have become the norm since the early 1970s, when the tight link between the dollar and gold was broken. The last four expansions are among the six longest in U.S. history .
Why so? Freed from the constraints of gold-backed currency, governments and central banks have grown far more aggressive in combating downturns. They’ve boosted spending, slashed interest rates or taken other unorthodox steps to stimulate the economy.
どうしてこんなことになるのだろう? 金本位制の制約から解き放たれ、政府や中央銀行はより積極的に景気後退を抑え込もうとするようになった。財政支出を増やし、金利を大幅に下げ、さらには非伝統的手法で景気を刺激してきた。
“However, there has been a cost,” contended Jim Reid and Craig Nicol at the global investment bank Deutsche Bank.
「しかしながら、そこには対価が生じる」、とJim Reid とCraig Nicolは主張する、彼らはドイツ銀行の世界投資部門所属だ。

“This policy flexibility and longer business cycle era has led to higher structural budget deficits, higher private sector and government debt, lower and lower interest rates, negative real yields, inflated financial asset valuations, much lower defaults (ultra cheap funding), less creative destruction, and a financial system that is prone to crises,’ they wrote in a lengthy report.
「 この柔軟な政策と引き伸ばされた景気サイクルが一般的な時代には、構造的に財政赤字が伴う、さらには民間・政府部門のより多くの債務、より低い金利、実効的なマイナス金利、金融資産バリエーションの膨張、倒産減少(超低金利資金調達によるゾンビ企業)、創造的破壊の減少、そして金融危機を引き起こしやすくなる、」と彼らは長文の報告書を書いた。
“In fact we’ve created an environment where recessions are a global systemic risk. As such, the authorities have become even more encouraged to prevent them, which could lead to skewed preferences in policymaking,” they said. “So we think cycles continue to be extended at a cost of increasing debt, more money printing, and increasing financial market instability.”

「実際に、景気後退が世界的なシステムリスクとなるような環境を我々はすでに作り上げてしまった。こうなると当局はより景気後退を回避しようとする、これが政策選択を歪めてしまいがちだ、」と彼らは言う。「そのため増え続ける債務コストのもとで景気サイクルが引き伸ばされ続けると見ている、さらに加えて、さらなる紙幣印刷、そして金融市場の不安定性増加というコストを伴うのだ。 」

As I have explained in the past, when central banks like the U.S. Federal Reserve cut interest rates to low levels, they manage to create economic booms by encouraging borrowing and higher asset prices. These economic booms are often based on dangerous economic bubbles that burst and lead to recessions when interest rates are normalized again. As the chart below shows, financial crises and recessions (see the gray vertical bars) occur after rate hike cycles, including the dot-com and U.S. housing market crashes.

私 Jesse Colomboが 以前にも解説したように、米国FEDのような中央銀行が金利を低いレベルに切り下げると、借金しやくすくなり株価は上昇し経済ブームを生み出す。このような経済ブームの多くは危険な経済バブルによるもので、再度金利が正常化するとバブルが弾けて景気後退を引き起こす。下のチャートを見ても解るが、金融危機と景気後退は金利引き上げ後に生じている、そこにはドットコムバブルや米国住宅市場暴落もその例の一つだ。

After the Great Recession, the Fed and other central banks held interest rates at record low levels for a record length of time in order to encourage another economic boom. The central banks got their economic boom, alright, but it’s based on the inflation of these extremely dangerous bubbles: global debtChinaHong KongSingaporeemerging marketsCanadaAustraliaNew ZealandEuropean real estatethe art marketU.S. stocksU.S. household wealthcorporate debtleveraged loansU.S. student loansU.S. auto loanstech startupsshale energyglobal skyscraper constructionU.S. commercial real estatethe U.S. restaurant industryU.S. healthcare, and U.S. housing once again. I believe that the coming recession is likely to be caused by the bursting of those bubbles (read my detailed explanation).

あのGreat Recessionの後に、FEDや世界中の中央銀行は金利を記録的に下げしかもそれを記録的長期間持続した、その目的は次の経済ブームを作り上げるためだ。たしかに中央銀行は経済ブームを作り上げた、しかしそれは極端に危険なバブルをふくらませることによってだ:世界的債務、中国、香港、シンガポール、新興市場、カナダ、オーストラリア、ニュージーランド、欧州不動産、絵画市場、米国株、米国家計資産、企業債務、レバレッジドローン、米国学生ローン、米国自動車ローン、テックスタートアップ、シェールエネルギー、世界的摩天楼建設、米国商業不動産、米国飲食産業、米国医療産業、そしてまたもや米国住宅という具合だ。次に来る景気応対はこれらのバブル破裂で生じると、私は信じている(私の詳細解説を読んでほしい)。

The false economic booms that occur when central banks interfere with the business cycle trick investors and entrepreneurs into thinking that they are organic and sustainable booms. When the booms inevitably turn to busts, the bad investments that result are known as malinvestments

Malinvestment is a mistaken investment in wrong lines of production, which inevitably lead to wasted capital and economic losses, subsequently requiring the reallocation of resources to more productive uses. “Wrong” in this sense means incorrect or mistaken from the point of view of the real long-term needs and demands of the economy, if those needs and demands were expressed with the correct price signals in the free market.

Malinvestmentとは wrong lines of production 方針を間違えた生産への誤解による投資だ、これは必ず資本の浪費となり経済的損失を伴う、その後もっと生産的な目的へと資本の再配分が必要となる。ここで言うところの「Wrong」とは長期的視点での実需を見誤ったという意味だ、自由市場ならばこのような需要には正しい(投資、債務)費用が示される。

Random, isolated entrepreneurial miscalculations and mistaken investments occur in any market (resulting in standard bankruptcies and business failures) but systematic, simultaneous and widespread investment mistakes can only occur through systematically distorted price signals, and these result in depressions or recessions. Austrians believe systemic malinvestments occur because of unnecessary and counterproductive intervention in the free market, distorting price signals and misleading investors and entrepreneurs.
For Austrians, prices are an essential information channel through which market participants communicate their demands and cause resources to be allocated to satisfy those demands appropriately. If the government or banks distort, confuse or mislead investors and market participants by not permitting the price mechanism to work appropriately, unsustainable malinvestment will be the inevitable result.

Because the current economic cycle has lasted for an unusually long time due to the actions of central banks, an unprecedented amount of malinvestment has built up globally that needs to be cleansed in the coming recession. It’s similar to a night of drinking: the more you drink and the later you stay out, the worse your hangover is going to be. Globally speaking, the last decade has been the bender to end all benders and the coming hangover is going to proportionally severe.







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