
Via Global Macro Monitor,
Stock prices are very high and, clearly, Warren Buffett is not a practitioner of the “greater fool theory,” which have made many a trader short-term rich and long-term poor.  Our long-term money and view (until the market breaks) is with Warren, the 4th richest person in the world with estimated wealth of $85 billion.
Yet, the idjits have the gall to mock this man for holding so much cash.

株価はとても高い、そして明らかにWarren Buffettは「よりお馬鹿さん理論」には参加していない、この理論に従い多くのトレーダーが短期的に金持ちになり長期的に貧乏になてきた。私どもの長期的な支店はWarrenと同じだ、彼は世界で4番めに金持ちで推測資産は$85Bだ。しかしお馬鹿さんたちは彼が今これだけキャッシュポジションを取っていることを揶揄する。

Nothing new, we have seen this picture before in the bubbles of Christmas past.
Have they not heard or understand his simple investment philosophy that his made him billions?


When “market geniuses,” who retrofit their analysis to price action, start trashing Buffett for lagging in this silly Tweet-driven, Fed-induced MoMo market it is usually a signal a big bubble is about to burst.


Patience, comrades.  Traders prepare to pounce.



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