ベア相場の始まりに気づけ by Zeal 前半

Beware the Young Bear!Adam Hamilton     December 28, 2018     3737 Words Stock markets are forever cyclical, an endless series of alternating bulls and bears.  And after one of the greatest bulls in US history, odds are a young bear is now gathering steam.  It is being fueled by record Fed tightening, bubble valuations, trade wars, and mounting political turmoil.  Bears are dangerous events driving catastrophic losses for buy-and-hold investors.  Different strategies are necessary to thrive in them. 

株式市場というのは永遠のサイクルを繰り返す、ブルとベアの入れ替わりに終わりはない。そして米国史上最大のブル相場の後で、いま新たなベア相場が力こぶをためている。記録的なFED引き締め、バブルバリュエーション、貿易戦争そして積み上がる政治的停滞、これらが後押しする。buy and hold投資家に取ってベア相場は壊滅的な損失を引き起こす危険な出来事だ。この状況で成長するには別の戦略が必要だ。

This major inflection shift from exceptional secular bull to likely young bear is new.  By late September, the flagship US S&P 500 broad-market stock index (SPX) had soared 333.2% higher over 9.54 years in a mighty bull.  That ranked as the 2nd-largest and 1st-longest in US stock-market history!  At those recent all-time record highs, investors were ecstatic.  They euphorically assumed that bull run would persist for years. 


We humans naturally extrapolate present conditions lasting way out into the indefinite future.  But long centuries of stock-market history have painfully proven that no bull lasts forever.  Eventually they all lead to inherently-unsustainable fundamental, technical, and sentimental excesses.  These can only be bled away and ultimately normalized by bear markets.  So bull markets have always been followed by bears. 


 Bulls and bears are easily defined technically, 20%+ SPX moves uninterrupted by opposing 20%+ moves.  The greatest stock bull in US history was the SPX’s 417.0% run over 9.46 years between October 1990 to March 2000.  That climaxed in the tech-stock bubble, when wild optimism about stock-market fortunes reigned.  Yet that soon gave way to tears as the subsequent bear mauled the SPX 49.1% lower in 2.6 years! 


Stock investors suffering their wealth getting cut in half is typical in major bears.  But the losses extend well beyond capital into far-more-scarce time.  After that turn-of-the-century secular-bull peak, the SPX wouldn’t power decisively above those levels again until 12.9 years later in early 2013!  That’s nearly a third of the 40 years average investors have between the ages of 25 to 65 to generate wealth to finance retirement. 


If you can’t afford to lose half your stock-market wealth, and you don’t have time to wait for well over a decade for stock prices to fully recover, you better take this quarter’s market developments very seriously.  Something snapped in the US stock markets in early Q4’18, and the price action and volatility since reeks of a young new bear.  While that diagnosis can’t be certain until the SPX falls 20%+, the signs are ominous.


As Q4’18 dawned, the US Federal Reserve ramped its quantitative-tightening campaign to full speed.  QT is necessary to start unwinding 6.7 years of quantitative easing ending in October 2014, during which the Fed conjured $3625b out of thin air to monetize bonds!  QE was considered necessary to stimulate the economy after the Fed forced interest rates to zero in December 2008 during the first stock panic in a century. 


 Those trillions of dollars of QE capital injected by the Fed directly levitated the stock markets, artificially inflating an already-mature bull market to monstrous proportions.  All those bonds accumulated on the Fed’s balance sheet, which skyrocketed 427% higher over that relatively-short QE span!  The Fed can’t maintain $3.6t of bonds on its books forever, so it finally started letting them gradually roll off at maturity in Q4’17. 


That unprecedented QT capital destruction started small, but was ratcheted up each quarter until Q4’18 when it reached its terminal velocity of $50b per month.  The SPX achieved its latest all-time record high in late September, and then October was the first month ever of full-speed QT.  The QE-levitated stock markets wilted under this QT onslaught, which was inevitable sooner or later.  I warned about all this in advance.


Just a week after the SPX peaked in late September, I published one of my most-important essays ever.  I unambiguously titled it “Fed QT is Bull’s Death Knell”, and it explained the stock-market impact of Fed QE in depth and why full-speed QT was certain to slay this bull.  With the SPX just 0.6% under its recent record high on that final day of Q3’18, that warning fell on deaf ears.  Maybe investors will pay attention now.

SPXが9月遅くに天井を迎えた1週後に、私はこれまでで最も大切な記事を書いた。 私は明確に記事のタイトルをこうした「FED QTがブル相場に最後の一撃を加える」、そしてFED QTの株式市場への影響を丁寧に説明した、どうして全速となったQTがこのブル相場を終わらすかについて。2018Q3最終日においてSPXは直近の高値から0.6%下落しているだけだった、この警告も馬の耳に念仏だった。今では投資家もこの件に注意を払うだろう。

Fed QT is no flash in the pan, it is a long-term persistent threat to these lofty stock markets.  In order to merely unwind half of that unfathomable $3.6t of Fed QE, full-speed QT at $50b per month will have to run for 30 months starting in Q4’18.  Heading into 2019 the stock markets face another 27 months of this!  And the Fed is loath to slow or stop its QT now underway on autopilot, as that could unleash panic-grade selling.

FED QTは一時的なものではない、このそびえ立つほどの株高状態に長期的な脅威となるものだ。FED QE積み上がった$3.6Tの資金を半分巻き戻すだけで、$50B/月の全速力で30か月を要する、2018Q4からだ。2019年に向けて株式市場はこの向かい風に27か月さらされる!そしてFEDはこのQTを現在のところ弱める気配はない自動運転だという、こうなるとパニック売を引き起こすかもしれない。

The Fed has long asserted the reason it is undertaking QT and has hiked rates 9 times since December 2015 is the US economy is strong.  It wants to rebuild easing-ammunition stores to use in the inevitable coming recession.  If the Fed caves on QT before its balance sheet shrinks much lower, traders will assume the Fed fears the US economy is in serious trouble.  So they would flee stocks pummeling them far lower. 


The die is cast on Fed QT, guaranteeing the long-overdue next stock bear.  And the losses seen so far are just a small vanguard of what’s to come.  This first chart superimposes the mighty SPX bull of the past decade on its so-called fear gauge, the VIX S&P 500 implied-volatility index.  The recent Q4 trading action in both is unlike anything yet seen in this entire bull.  It is looking far-more bear-market-like in character.

FED QTに関してはもう賽は投げられたわけだ、十分満を持した次のベア相場を保証している。そしていま見られる下落はこれから来るものの予兆に過ぎない。この最初のチャートはこの10年の力強いSPXブル相場といわゆる恐怖指数を重ねたものだ。このQ4で見られた値動きは今回のブル相場を通じてこれまで見られなかったものだ。その性質は極めてベア相場的なものだ。 Major stock-market selloffs are defined based on size.  Anything under 4% isn’t worth classifying, it is just normal market noise.  Then from 4% to 10%, selloffs become pullbacks.  In the 10%-to-20% range they grow into corrections.  And of course beyond that at 20%+ they are in formal bear-market territory.  This selloff snowballed darned close to beardom on Christmas Eve, the SPX plunging to a 19.8% loss over 3.1 months!

大きな株式下落はその規模で分類される。4%以下なら分類されない、単なる相場の雑音だ。4%から10%の下落は pullbacksだ。10%から20%だと調整となる。そして当然20%を超えると公式にベア相場となる。この下落は雪だるまのように膨れ上がりクリスマスの夜にベア状態に近づいた、SPXは3.1か月をかけて19.8%下落したのだ!

Just 4 trading days earlier before the latest FOMC decision, it was only down 13.1%.  While that latest Fed rate hike was expected, the future-rate-hike outlook among top Fed officials wasn’t dovish enough for stock traders.  Despite all the market carnage since the previous dot plot, their effective forecast for future rate hikes was merely lowered from 4 more to 3.  So the SPX plunged 7.7% over the next 4 trading days!







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