

Last Friday, when stocks were tumbling, we reported "some good news for the bulls" which was lost in the overall chaos over the latest mutual fund liquidation discussed earlier.


And no, we did not anticipate that President Trump would activate the Plunge Protection Team over the weekend: the good news in question was that as Wells Fargo calculated U.S. defined-benefit pensions fund would need to implement a "giant rebalancing out of bonds and into stocks" - in fact the biggest in history - with the bank estimating roughly $64 billion in equity purchases in the last trading days of the quarter and year, prompting the banks to ask if traders are about to make pension rebalancing "great" again.

ZeroHedgeはトランプ大統領がPPT株価下落阻止防衛隊を週末に稼働させるとは思っていなかった:話題の良いニュースだが、Wells Fargoによると米国確定拠出年金基金が「債権から株式へと巨額のリバランス」をする必要があるということだーー実際史上最大となるーー当行の見積もりでは、年末に$65Bの株式買取があると見積もっている、銀行を促しているものは、トレーダーに言わせれば、 make pension rebalancing 「great」again、だ。

Judging by today's market action, the answer is a resounding yes, even though as Wells warned investors and traders looking for a desperately needed respite from market gyrations "may have to deal with yet one more seismic bout of volatility before Dec 31 finally pops up on their calendar dials."

今日の市場の動きからすると、その答えは正しい、Wells Fargoが警告しトレーダーは相場の大変動で一休みを求めているが「12月31日までにもう一度ボラティリティの大激震があるかもしれない。」

For those who missed our Friday post on the topic, Wells explained where this massive rebalancing comes from: the huge, end-of-quarter buy order was precipitated by the jarring divergence between equity and bond performances both in Q4 and the month of December. The stocks in the bank's pro forma pension asset blend had suffered a 14% loss this quarter, including about an 8.5% drop in December. Contrast this with a roughly +1.6% quarterly total return for the domestic aggregate bond index. The gap between equity and bond performance in pension portfolios would have been even larger had IG credit OAS not widened nearly 40 bps in Q4.

ZeroHedgeの金曜の記事を見逃した人のためだが、Wells の解説ではこの巨額のリバランスとは:四半期末の巨額の買いはQ4そして12月の債権と株式の乖離を解消するためのものだ。銀行が抱えている年金基金株式はこの四半期に14%の損失を被った、そのうち8.5%は12月に発生したものだ。一方で、国内債券指数はこの四半期で+1.6%上昇している。年金基金のポートフォリオでのこのパフォーマンスギャップは大きい、一方オプション調整後のIGクレジットはQ4で40BPSとそれほど大きくない。

As a result of this need for massive quarter-end rebalancing, corporate pensions would need to boost their equity portfolios by as much as $64 billion into year-end. Getting a bit more granular, Wells analyst Boris Rjavinski wrote that domestic stocks – both large cap and small cap – may need disproportionately large boosts of $35 billion and $21 billion, respectively, compared to “only” $9 billion for global developed equities (see table below). This is driven by large performance gaps within equity markets: U.S. stocks have trailed global and EM equities in Q4 and December after outperforming the ROW for quarters on end.

この結果として、巨額の四半期末リバランスが必要となる、企業年金は年末に向けて$64B株式を買い込む必要があるだろう。もう少し詳細を見ると、WellsのアナリストBoris Rjavinskiはこう述べる、国内株式はーー大型で$35B、小型で$21Bの買いが必要だ、それに比べて海外株式は「わずか」$9Bに過ぎない(下の表を見よ)。これは株式市場のパフォーマンス差による、Q4特に12月は米国株は世界・新興国市場を引きずってきた、これまで何四半期も他の地域を上回る成績を上げてきたがこれが終わった。

Meanwhile, in part explaining today's bond market weakness,pensions would be looking at a historically large outflow of about $57 billion.

Some pensions rebalance every month and some only at quarter-end. Since bonds trounced equities both on a quarterly and monthly basis, the flows from the two groups of rebalancers will go the same way. This should amplify the market impact.

Finally, we also touched upon what assets pensions would buy (and sell): according to Wells, most of the initial outflows from fixed income would be affected via liquid Treasury futures contracts. Consequently, the TY and U.S. sectors should underperform potentially for most of the brief trading window this week.


Finally, while not directly related to today's massive pension-driven buying spree, Wells laments that defined-benefit company pensions just cannot seem to catch a break, and notes that just a few short months ago, corporate pensions’ average funding ratio seemed poised to top 90% and stood at 88% in July, up from 85% at the end of 2017.


Alas, the good fortune proved fleeting, and the updated Well Fargo estimate pegs average solvency at 83%. The drop for 2018 is no surprise with equities posting hefty declines while long-term Treasury yields are up only 30-35 bps.  As a result, pension trustees face an unenviable task of going back to the drawing board, while company Treasurers may be looking at writing another sizeable check to shore up their pensions.

残念かな、幸運も消え去り、Well Fargoの見積もりでは最新平均支払能力は83%だ。2018年の下落は驚くことではない、株式は大幅下落の一方で長期国債金利の上昇はわずか30−35BPSでしかない。その結果として、年金基金への信頼性は振り出しに戻っている、一方で企業の財務担当は年金基金を支えるためにかなりな資金をさらに提供せざるを得ないだろう。

We concluded our Friday post as follows:

For now, however, buckle up for what may be the single largest quarter-end pension rebalancing in history .


A few days later, with pensions seemingly deciding to take Christmas Eve off, Wednesday's torrid price action - and that over the next two days with quarter and year-end imminent - is the result of this "single largest quarter-end pension rebalancing in history", which is manifesting itself in the biggest percentage gain in the Dow since late March.


Or, as Trump would tweet, "pensions are BTFD today. Are you?"







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