ベア相場の始まりに気づけ by Zeal 中半

Even before that this selloff hasn’t behaved like a normal bull-market correction.  Their purpose is to vent excessively-bullish sentiment, rapidly bleeding off greed.  Sharp selloffs are necessary to do that.  Traders don’t get worried until stocks fall fast enough and far enough to shatter their complacency.  So normal bull-market corrections are usually front-loaded with sharp selloffs that trigger soaring levels of fear.

ベア級にならなくとも、この下落は通常のブル相場の調整とは違うものだ。調整とは過剰な強気心理を抑え強欲を弱めるもものだ。それには急落が必要だ。株式が急落するまでトレーダーは心配すること無くみずからの安心感に疑念を持たない。 通常のブル相場の調整では、先駆ける急落で恐怖心を生み出すものだ。

Prevailing fear levels are inferred by the VIX, which technically measures the implied volatility in 1-month SPX options.  Before last peaking in late September, the SPX suffered 5 bull-market corrections within its epic secular bull.  Heading into July 2010 the SPX fell 16.0% in 2.3 months.  That spawned some real fear, as evident in the VIX soaring to a 45.8 peak.  The effective fear ceiling outside of panics and crashes is a 50 VIX.


The next SPX correction cascaded 19.4% lower over 5.2 months ending in October 2011.  Despite its long span, the VIX skyrocketed as high as 47.5 in its midst.  That was real fear, the kind necessary to slay exuberant greed and rebalance sentiment to keep an ongoing stock bull healthy.  After that the SPX went a near-record 3.6 years without a single correction-grade selloff in an extraordinary levitation driven by the Fed.


That’s when its unique open-ended third quantitative-easing campaign was in full swing.  QE3’s peak year was 2013 which saw the Fed monetize a staggering $1020b of bonds!  The SPX soared 29.6% higher that year on such vast liquidity injections.  But 2014 saw QE bond buying collapse to $450b as the Fed tapered QE3.  The SPX only rallied 11.4% that year, its gains shrinking 62% in proportion with QE3’s 56% decline.


The QE3-goosed stock markets wouldn’t correct again until well after QE3 ended, the SPX sliding 12.4% over 3.2 months into August 2015.  Again the VIX surged to 40.1, which is up in the very-high fear zone.  The next debatable correction followed right after.  The SPX didn’t achieve new highs after the previous one, so it was technically one compound correction instead of two separate ones.  Analysts render it both ways.

QE3援護を受けた株式市場はQE3終了まで調整を見ることはなかった、SPXは3.2か月をかけて2015年8月までに12.4%下落した。 またもやVIXは40.1まで急増した、これは恐怖心がとても高まった状態だ。その直後にも顕著な調整があった。最初の調整から次の調整までの間に新高値はなかった、そのためテクニカル的には2つの独立した調整ではなく複合的な一つの調整と捉えられる。アナリストによって把握の仕方が異なる。

That second correction or second part of the longer one saw the SPX fall 13.3% over 3.3 months into February 2016.  That was the only bull-market exception that didn’t see a high VIX, it merely climbed to 28.1 at best.  But since the VIX had just recently surged over 40 in a fear climax, another one apparently wasn’t necessary.  That rolling-over SPX action into early 2016 actually looked more bear-like than bull-like.


Provocatively it took fully 13.7 months after that May 2015 topping for the SPX to finally hit new highs confirming its bull was alive.  The thing that short-circuited what felt like a young bear was hopes for more European Central Bank easing after the UK’s surprise Brexit vote in late June 2016.  Then the SPX again exploded higher in November 2016 after Trump’s surprise presidential victory with Republicans controlling Congress.


Optimism and greed exploded on hopes for big tax cuts soon, fueling a powerful stock-market surge into early 2018.  The SPX then corrected sharply into early February with a 10.2% plunge in just 0.4 months.  The VIX shot up to 38.8 on that, showing real fear.  All bull-market corrections with the lone exception of the second part of that compound one exhibited telltale fear spikes averaging VIX peaks way up at 43.1.


But the recent SPX selloff of Q4’18 coinciding with the first-ever full-speed Fed QT looks way different.  It has been mostly an orderly, gradual selloff generating modest fear.  The highest VIX close between late September and pre-FOMC in mid-December was merely 25.8!  Even on Christmas Eve it only hit 35.8.  These are too low for normal sharp bull-market corrections, this fear profile is looking more like a bear downleg.


While bull-market corrections are supposed to shock and scare, bear-market downlegs start more subtlety.  Instead of plunging fast then stabilizing, bear selloffs start slow then gather steam later.  Bears begin in stealth mode, only gradually rolling over to prevent fear from spiking.  Without big fear to wake them up and scare them out, investors complacently stay deployed as their losses slowly and inexorably mount.


Like the proverbial frog slowly being boiled alive, investors don’t realize the peril their capital is in during bear markets until way too late.  The lack of normal bull-market-correction fear spike during this latest correction-grade selloff disturbingly suggests a new bear has awoken.  And coming after such a massive and largely-artificial QE-inflated stock bull, the fearsome bear QT has to spawn should be proportionally large.


On Christmas Eve the SPX was forced close to a 20% bear-cub loss at 2345.  That level was first seen in February 2017, and represents nearly 3/4ths of the post-Trump-election taxphoria rally being wiped out.  30% would drag the SPX back down to 2052, which were November 2014 levels right after the QE3 bond monetizations ended.  40% would crush the SPX to 1758, back to October 2013 levels killing 4.9 years of gains.


But after one of the biggest and longest stock bulls in US history, it would be shocking if the subsequent bear didn’t lop off at least 50%.  Especially given this bull’s artificial QE-inflated nature in an era where QE-conjured capital is being destroyed by QT.  A 50% SPX loss from late-September’s peak would leave it at 1465.  Those levels were first seen in this bull all the way back in September 2012, 6.0 years earlier.


While a 50%+ bear warning may sound sensational or overly dramatic, it’s actually fairly conservative.  The SPX already suffered two bear markets since the tech-stock bubble peaked in March 2000.  The first one ending in October 2002 mauled the SPX 49.1% lower over 2.6 years.  The second one climaxing in the first stock panic in a century drove a far-worse 56.8% SPX decline in just 1.4 years ending in March 2009.


50% bears are totally normal after large bulls, even when they don’t have the amplifying dynamics of the first-ever colossal-scale Fed QE and QT.  This overdue next bear has a great chance of growing bigger than normal after such a monstrously-grotesque bull.  Most investors won’t figure this out until too late.  Unlike bull-market corrections, high-fear VIX spikes soaring into the 40-to-50 range don’t ignite until later in bears.

大きなブル相場の後では50%のベア相場というのは全く普通のものだ、たとえかつて無い超弩級のFED QEやQTが無くともだ。すでに満を持した次のベア相場はこのような化物のようなブル相場の後では通常よりも大きくなる可能性がとても高い。多くの投資家は手遅れになるまでこの事に気づかないだろう。ブル相場の調整とは異なり、VIXが40−50となる大きな恐怖はベア相場終盤まで生じない。






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