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President Trump reportedly shrugged off concerns over the ballooning national debt, telling senior advisers in an early 2017 meeting "Yeah, but I won't be here" when presented with "charts and graphics layout out the numbers and showing a "hockey stick" spike in the national debt" set to occur "in the not too distant future."


trump hand_0
The alleged incident from nearly two years ago comes from the Daily Beast - citing "a source who was in the room," which we note is anonymous - the standard operating procedure for most anti-Trump hit pieces. As such, one may want to take the report with copious grains of salt.

もうすぐ二年になるが、当時の状況がDaily Beastに掲載されたー「当時その場にいた二人の証言」だ、ただし匿名ーー反トランプ派のいつものやり方だ。多少割り引いて聞いた方が良いと思うかもしれない。

Citing another anonymous White House official, the Beast reports that President Trump hasn't addressed the national debt "in a truly meaningful way, despite his public lip service."


"I never once heard him talk about the debt," said the totally anonymous source.


Then again, former Trump official Marc Short - who went on record, refutes the anonymously sourced suggestion over Debt worries - telling the Beast that he believed Trump recognized "the threat that debt poses," as evidenced by the president's repeated concerns over "rising interest rates."

繰り返しになるが、元トランプ高官Marc Shortーー彼は公言する、債務懸念に対する匿名の示唆を否定するーーBeast誌にこう言う、彼が信じるところではトランプは「債務の脅威」を認識している、それは大統領が「金利上昇」を繰り返し懸念することで明らかだ。

"But there’s no doubt this administration and this Congress need to address spending because we have out-of-control entitlement programs," Short said, adding, "it’s fair to say that... the president would be skeptical of anyone who claims that they would know exactly when a [debt] crisis really comes home to roost."

「しかし疑うことなく政権と議会は財政支出に取り組むべきだ、というのもすでに社会保障に歯止めが効かなくなっている」と Shortは言った、さらに、「正直言って・・・債務危機が実際に自分の身に降り掛かって来るのがいつか正確にわかると主張する人たちを大統領は疑っている」と加える。

The Beast adds further to the notion that Trump is concerned about debt, however it's ultimately up to the legislative branch which has the "power of the purse." 

Beast 誌はさらにこう書き加える、トランプ大統領も債務を懸念している、しかしながら、「財布を握っている」のは議会でありそこに責任がある。
Recent reports have suggested that Trump is determined, at least rhetorically, to address the issue. Hogan Gidley, a spokesman for the president, noted that the president and his team have proposed policies to achieve some deficit reduction, “including in his first budget that actually would’ve balanced in 10 years, a historic, common-sense rescissions proposal.”

最近の報告ではトランプが少なくとも言葉ではこの問題に言及していることを示唆している。Hogan Gidley、大統領広報官、が言うには、大統領と彼のチームはある種の赤字削減政策を提案した、「彼の当初の予算では実際10年では赤字解消できない、歴史的に見れば、常識的にみて意味のない政策提案だ。」

But Gidley also passed the buck to the legislative branch. “While the president has and will continue to do everything in his power to rein in Washington’s out-of-control spending,” he said, “the Constitution gives Congress the power of the purse and it’s time for them to work with this president to reduce the debt.” -Daily Beast

しかしGidleyもまた議会に責任を委ねる。「大統領は際限ない財政支出を今後もなんとかしようとするが、憲法に書かれている通り、財布を握っているのは議会であり大統領とともに債務削減に尽力する時だ。」ーーDaily Beast

Growing our way out of debt?


Another person close to the Trump campaign, conservative Heritage Foundation economist Stephen Moore, suggested that Trump may not be focused on debt reduction because Moore convinced him that it can be solved by through other means than spending cuts or tax hikes.

トランプ占拠対策本部にいた別人で、保守的なHeritage FoundationのエコノミストStephen Mooreだが、彼が示唆するところでは、トランプは債務削減に力を入れないだろう、というのもMooreは確信するが、歳出削減や増税以外で問題を解決できると大統領は思っている。
Moore, a conservative economist at the Heritage Foundation and an economic adviser to Trump’s 2016 campaign, recalled making visual presentations to Trump in mid-2016 that showed him the severity of the debt problem. But Moore told The Daily Beast that he personally assured candidate Trump that it could be dealt with by focusing on economic growth. -Daily Beast

Moore,彼はHeritage Foundationの保守的エコノミストで、2016トランプ選対本部のアドバイザーだった、彼は2016年半ばに債務問題を図示して解説したときのことを思い出した。でもMooreがThe Daily Beast誌に告げたが、個人的には大統領候補トランプは経済成長に議論を集中していた。ーーDaily Beast
"That was why, when he was confronted with these nightmare scenarios on the debt, I think he rejected them, because if you grow the economy… you don’t have a debt problem," Moore said, adding "I know a few times when people would bring up the enormous debt, he would say, ‘We’re gonna grow our way out of it.'"


Moore recalls that Trump's belief in robust economic growth would solve American's problems, and allow his administration to justify expensive and ambitious proposals, such as cutting taxes, pursuing large infrastructure projects, and avoiding deep cuts to Social Security and Medicare.

The results have not been what Trump and Moore have promised; at least not yet. Economic growth increased over the past year—including a robust 4.1 percent in the second quarter of 2018—but the federal deficit has ballooned as well, in part because the government has taken in less revenue because of the tax cuts. Current forecasts are not too rosy about the future economy.


Recently, both Trump and some Republican lawmakers have hinted at regret over their approach. Earlier this year, Trump conveyed his disappointment with signing a large spending bill, particularly after he saw typically friendly allies on Fox News tear into him for supporting legislation that they viewed as funding Democratic priorities, exacerbating the national debt, and ditching his pledge to build a gigantic border wall, according to a report at the time in Axios. -Daily Beast

最近、トランプと共和党の一部議員は自らの選択を後悔しているように見える。今年はじめに、大きな歳出に署名したことを後悔していることを示唆した、彼に有効的なFox Newsに対してだ、民主党の主張にそった法案を支持したことだ、これが連邦政府債務を悪化させ、国境の壁建設を遅らせた、Axiosとのインタビューによる。ーーDaily Beast

That said, the Washington Post reported last late month that Trump has instructed his cabinet to trim fat within their budgets - however the President has also set strict limits on what types of programs can be cut - while also proposing increased spending in other areas.


So - is President Trump truly cavalier about the national debt? Or is the Daily Beast's source perhaps an ex-admin official with an ax to grind?

というわけでーートランプ大統領は本当に連邦政務に向き合っているのだろうか?それともDaily Beastの情報源が言うように元閣僚が言うような下心があるのだろうか?






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