
Authored by Edward Peter Stringham via The American Institute for Economic Research,

Dr. Daniel W. Erickson of Bakersfield, California, is a former emergency-room physician who co-owns, with his partner Dr. Artin Massih, Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield.

カリフォルニアの医師 Dr.W.Ericksonはもと救急救命医であり、 Dr. Artin MassihとともにAccelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfieldを経営している。

They are experienced medical professionals who have 40 years of hands-on experience in dealing with viruses and respiratory infections.


Watching the news in China in January, they knew the virus was on its way. They ordered many COVID-19 tests because they knew they would need them. They tested many thousands of people, and discovered for themselves what epidemiologists around the world are saying:  COVID-19 came here earlier than previously believed, is more ubiquitous, and ultimately for the general population less deadly than we thought.


While this realization is gradually dawning on people around the world, they went public with their findings, which are not generated out of a predictive model but rather the actual facts of the case. In the course of their press conference, they addressed the question of whether or not California should have shut down much of its economy. Their answer is no. They conclude with the need to open up immediately, on grounds of health and human rights.

“If you’re going to dance on someone’s constitutional rights you better have a good reason, you better have a really good reason, not just a theory,” he said.

「 何らかの理由で誰かの憲法上の権利を軽く扱うなら、それ相応の理由があるはずだ、これは理屈ではない、」と彼は言う。
“The data is showing us it’s time to lift (the stay-at-home orders) so if we don’t lift, what is the reason?”

Here are some selected quotes from their interview with a hostile reporter (emphasis added).

We’d like to look at how we’ve responded as a nation, and why you responded. Our first initial response two months ago was a little bit of fear: [the government] decided to shut down travel to and from China. These are good ideas when you don’t have any facts. [Governments] decided to keep people at home and isolate them. Typically you quarantine the sick. When someone has measles you quarantine them. We’ve never seen where we quarantine the healthy. 

政府としてどう対応するかを見てみたい、 あなたはどうしてそういう反応をするのだ。2ヶ月前の我々の最初の反応は恐怖が勝るものだった:政府は国を閉鎖し中国からの入国を止めた。真実が何もわからないときにはこれはとても良い方策だった。政府は国民に自宅待機をするように求めた。典型的な検疫・隔離策だ。誰かが麻疹にかかると、みなさんもその人を隔離するだろう。ただし我々はこれまで健康な人を隔離するなんてことは一度もやってこなかった。

So that’s kind of how we started. We don’t know what’s going on, we see this new virus. How should we respond? So we did that initially, and over the last couple months we’ve gained a lot of data typically. We’re going to go over the numbers a little bit to kind of help you see how widespread COVID is, and see how we should be responding to it based on its prevalence throughout society—or the existence of the cases that we already know about….


So if you look at California—these numbers are from yesterday—we have 33,865 COVID cases, out of a total of 280,900 total tested. That’s 12% of Californians were positive for COVID. So we don’t, the initial—as you guys know, the initial models were woefully inaccurate. They predicted millions of cases of death - not of prevalence or incidence - but death.

That is not materializing. What is materializing is, in the state of California is 12% positives.

You have a 0.03% chance of dying from COVID in the state of California. Does that necessitate sheltering in place? Does that necessitate shutting down medical systems? Does that necessitate people being out of work?
96% of people in California who get COVID would recover, with almost no significant sequelae;  or no significant continuing medical problems.


Two months ago we didn’t know this. The more you test, the more positives you get. The prevalence number goes up, and the death rate stays the same. So [the death rate] gets smaller and smaller and smaller. And as we move through this data—what I want you to see is—millions of cases, small death. Millions of cases, small death. 

2か月前には、我々はこの事実を把握していなかった。検査数が増えるほどに、陽性者は増える。 感染者数はどんどん増えるが、死者はそのままだった。というわけで致死率はどんどん小さくなっている。この現実のデータに基づくとーーみなさんも自分の目でみて確認してほしいーー数百万人の感染者で死者はほんの少しだ。
We extrapolate data, we test people, and then we extrapolate for the entire community based on the numbers. The initial models were so inaccurate they’re not even correct. And some of them were based on social distancing and still predicted hundreds of thousands of deaths, which has been inaccurate. In New York the ones they tested they found 39% positive. So if they tested the whole state would we indeed have 7.5 million cases? We don’t know; we will never test the entire state. So we extrapolate out; we use the data we have because it’s the most we have versus a predictive model that has been nowhere in the ballpark of accurate. How many deaths do they have? 19,410 out of 19 million people, which is a 0.1% chance of dying from COVID in the state of New York. If you are indeed diagnosed with COVID-19, 92% of you will recover.
私どもはこのデータを外挿し、多くのテストを行う、こうして社会全体像を把握するのだ。当初モデルは不正確なものだった。そういうモデルの内のいくつかは social distancing に基づき、数十万人の死者を予想していた、これは全く正しくない。ニューヨークの調査の一つでは陽性が39%もあった。この数値を州全体に外挿すると7.5百万の患者となる?我々は州民全員を検査することなどできないので実数を知ることはできない。 というわけで外挿するわけで、大体の数値を見積もる。どれだけの人が亡くなったろう?ニューヨークでは19百万の内19,410が亡くなった、武漢コロナで死ぬ可能性は0.1%に過ぎない。たとえ武漢コロナに感染しても、92%は回復する。

We’ve tested over 4 million… which gives us a 19.6% positive out of those who are tested for COVID-19. So if this is a typical extrapolation 328 million people times 19.6 is 64 million. That’s a significant amount of people with COVID; it’s similar to the flu. If you study the numbers in 2017 and 2018 we had 50 to 60 million with the flu. And we had a similar death rate in the deaths the United States were 43,545—similar to the flu of 2017-2018. We always have between 37,000 and 60,000 deaths in the United States, every single year. No pandemic talk. No shelter-in-place. No shutting down businesses… 

私どもは4百万人の検査を行った・・・この内19.6%が既感染者だった。 この結果を328百万人に外挿すると、64百万人が感染している。すでにとてつもない数の人が武漢コロナに感染している;インフルエンザによく似ている。2017には50百万人、2018年には60百万人がインフルエンザに感染した。現在米国では武漢コロナで43.545人が亡くなっているーーこれは2017−2018のインフルエンザ死者数と似たようなものだ。米国では毎年インフルエンザで37,000から60,000人が亡くなっている。これをパンデミックとは呼ばない。自己隔離などしない。ビジネス封鎖都市封鎖などしない・・・・・

We do thousands of flu tests every year. We don’t report every one, because the flu is ubiquitous and to that note we have a flu vaccine. How many people even get the flu vaccine? The flu is dangerous, it kills people. Just because you have a vaccine doesn’t mean it’s gonna be everywhere and it doesn’t mean everyone’s going to take it… I would say probably 50% of the public doesn’t even want it. Just because you have a vaccine—unless you forced it on the public—doesn’t mean they’re going to take it.


Norway has locked down; Sweden does not have lock down. What happened in those two countries? Are they vastly different? Did Sweden have a massive outbreak of cases? Did Norway have nothing? Let’s look at the numbers. Sweden has 15,322 cases of COVID—21% of all those tested came out positive for COVID. What’s the population of Sweden?
About 10.4 million. So if we extrapolate out the data about 2 million cases of COVID in Sweden. They did a little bit of social distancing; they would wear masks and separate; they went to schools; stores were open. They were almost about their normal daily life with a little bit of social distancing. They had how many deaths? 1,765. California’s had 1,220 with isolation. No isolation: 1,765. We have more people. Norway: its next-door neighbor. These are two Scandinavian nations; we can compare them as they are similar. 4.9% of all COVID tests were positive in Norway. Population of Norway: 5.4 million. So if we extrapolate the data, as we’ve been doing, which is the best we can do at this point, they have about 1.3 million cases. Now their deaths as a total number, were 182. So you have a 0.003 chance of death as a citizen of Norway and a 97% recovery. Their numbers are a little bit better. Does it necessitate shutdown, loss of jobs, destruction of the oil company, furloughing doctors?


I wanted to talk about the effects of COVID-19, the secondary effects. COVID-19 is one aspect of our health sector. What has it caused to have us be involved in social isolation?  What does it cause that we are seeing the community respond to? Child molestation is increasing at a severe rate. We could go over multiple cases of children who have been molested due to angry family members who are intoxicated, who are home, who have no paycheck. Spousal abuse: we are seeing people coming in here with black eyes and cuts on their face. It’s an obvious abuse of case. These are things that will affect them for a lifetime, not for a season. Alcoholism, anxiety, depression, suicide. Suicide is spiking; education is dropped off; economic collapse. Medical industry we’re all suffering because our staff isn’t here and we have no volume. We have clinics from Fresno to San Diego and these things are spiking in our community. These things will affect people for a lifetime, not for a season. 
私は武漢コロナについて議論しよう、その副次効果だ。たしかに武漢コロナは我々の健康に影響する。社会的隔離で一体何が起きるだろう?我々のコミュニティにどういう影響を与えるあろう? 子どもへの虐待は深刻になっている。家でアル中になった家族から虐待を受ける多くの子どもを見ることになるだろう、親は収入をなくしてしまったのだ。DVも深刻だ:私どもは目の周りを黒くし顔に傷を受けた患者を受け入れている。明らかなDVだ。これは一時的ではなく一生心に傷を負う。アル中、鬱、自殺。自殺が急増している;教育は停止;経済崩壊。医療界も苦しんでいる、というのも十分な人的資源が無いのだ。私どもはFresnoからSan Dieboまで多くのクリニックを経営しているが、こういう二次的被害患者が急増している。こういう出来事で被害者は一生心に傷を負う。

I’d like to go over some basic things about how the immune system functions so people have a good understanding. The immune system is built by exposure to antigens: viruses, bacteria.  When you’re a little child crawling on the ground, putting stuff in your mouth, viruses and bacteria come in. You form an antigen antibody complex. You form IgG IgM. This is how your immune system is built. You don’t take a small child put them in bubble wrap in a room and say, “go have a healthy immune system.” 

ここで私は免疫システムに関する基本的なことを伝えたい、多くの人がこれを良く理解すべきだ。 抗原にさらされることで免疫システムは構築される:ウイルスやバクテリアだ。みなさんも小さい頃に床を這い回り口にイロンナモノを押し込んだ、そのときウイルスやバクテリアも同時に体に取り込まれる。こうして抗原抗体システムが形成される。皆さんの体にIgGやIgMが形成されるのだ。こうして免疫システムは作られる。赤ん坊を大事に包んで部屋に閉じ込め「健全な免疫システムが形成される」と思ってはいけない。

This is immunology, microbiology 101. This is the basis of what we’ve known for years. When you take human beings and you say, “go into your house, clean all your counters—Lysol them down you’re gonna kill 99% of viruses and bacteria; wear a mask; don’t go outside,” what does it do to our immune system? Our immune system is used to touching. We share bacteria. Staphylococcus, streptococcal, bacteria, viruses. 

Sheltering in place decreases your immune system. And then as we all come out of shelter in place with a lower immune system and start trading viruses, bacteria—what do you think is going to happen? Disease is going to spike. And then you’ve got diseases spike—amongst a hospital system with furloughed doctors and nurses. This is not the combination we want to set up for a healthy society. It doesn’t make any sense.
家に閉じこもることは自らの免疫システムを劣化させる。そして自宅隔離が解除されるときには劣化した免疫システムでウイルスやバクテリアと向き合わねばならないーーこうなると一体何が起きるだろう?病気がスパイク状に優ってしまう。こうして病人が急増しーー 医者や看護婦が不足する中でだ。これは健全な社会ということはできない。まったく意味のないナンセンスなことをいま我々は行っている。

…Did we respond appropriately? Initially the response, fine shut it down, but as the data comes across—and we say now, wait a second, we’ve never, ever responded like this in the history of the country why are we doing this now? Any time you have something new in the community medical community it sparks fear—and I would have done what Dr. Fauci did—so we both would have initially. Because the first thing you do is, you want to make sure you limit liability—and deaths—and I think what they did was brilliant, initially. But you know, looking at theories and models—which is what these folks use—is very different than the way the actual virus presents itself throughout communities….


Nobody talks about the fact that coronavirus lives on plastics for three days and we’re all sheltering in place. Where’d you get your water bottles from? Costco. Where did you get that plastic shovel from? Home Depot. If I swab things in your home I would likely find COVID-19. And so you think you’re protected. Do you see the lack of consistency here? Do you think you’re protected from COVID when you wear gloves that transfer disease everywhere? Those gloves have bacteria all over them. We wear masks in an acute setting to protect us. We’re not wearing masks. Why is that? Because we understand microbiology; we understand immunology; and we want strong immune systems. I don’t want to hide in my home, develop a weak immune system, and then come out and get disease.

だれもが本当のことに言及しない、このウイルスはプラスチックの上では3日も活性だ、その上で皆が家に引きこもる。みなさんは飲料水をどこから手に入れるだろう?Costco。 プラスチックのスコップをどこで買うだろう?Home Depot。みなさんの家の表面を拭き取ると私は武漢コロナを見つけるだろう。これでも皆さんは自らが守られていると考えている。一貫性にかけているとは思わないだろうか?手袋をしてもそれが武漢コロナを至るところに移動させていることを解っているだろうか?それでも保護されていると思ってしまう。手袋の表面はバクテリアだらけだ。私どもは自らを守るために相応の状況でマスクを装着する。ただし今このインタビューではマスクをつけていない。というのは私どもは微生物学を理解しているからだ;免疫システムを理解しているからだ;そして自らの免疫システムを強化したいと望んでいる。私は家に引きこもろうとは思わない、そういうことをすると免疫システムが弱まる、こういう状況で外に出ると病気になる。

When someone dies in this country right now they’re not talking about the high blood pressure, the diabetes, the stroke. They say they died from COVID. We’ve been to hundreds of autopsies. You don’t talk about one thing, you talk about comorbidities. COVID was part of it, it is not the reason they died folks. When I’m writing up my death report I’m being pressured to add COVID. 

いまはこの国で誰かが死んでも、高血圧や、糖尿病、 脳卒中のことには言及しない。みな武漢コロナのせいにする。私どもはこれまで何百件という検死をしてきた。皆さんは合併症について言及しない。武漢コロナはそのうちの一つだ、これだけで死んだわけではない。私は検死報告を書くときに、武漢コロナを加えるよう圧力を受けている。

Why is that? Why are we being pressured to add COVID? To maybe increase the numbers, and make it look a little bit worse than it is. We’re being pressured in-house to add COVID to the diagnostic list when we think it has nothing to do with the actual cause of death. The actual cause of death was not COVID, but it’s being reported as one of the disease processes and being added to the death list. COVID didn’t kill them, 25 years of tobacco use killed.

どうしてこうなるかって?どうして武漢コロナを書き加えるよう圧力を受けるかって?たぶん数字を上乗せするためだ、そして現実よりも少し悪化してみせるためだ。 本当の死因が武漢コロナと関係が無くとも内部的に診断リストの一部に武漢コロナを加えるような圧力を受けている、こうして病歴と死因のリストに加えられる。実際には武漢コロナがその患者を殺したわけではない、25年の喫煙歴がその患者を殺したのだ。

There’s two ways to get rid of virus: either burns itself out or herd immunity. For hundreds of years we relied on herd immunity. Viruses kill people, end of story. The flu kills people. COVID kills people. But for the rest of us we develop herd immunity. We developed the ability to take this virus in and defeat it and for the vast majority 95% of those around the globe. Do you want your immune system built or do you want it not built? The building blocks of your immune system is a virus and bacteria. There’s normal bacteria in normal flora that we have to be exposed to bacteria and viruses that are not virulent are our friends. They protect us against bad bacteria and bad viruses. 

ウイルス から免れるには2つの方法がある:それを絶滅させるか集団免疫を得るかだ。もう何百年も我々人類は集団免疫に頼ってきた。ウイルスは人を殺す、これだけだ。インフルエンザも人を殺す。武漢コロナも人を殺す。しかしその結果我々は社会全体で集団免疫を得る。我々人類にはそういう能力を発展させてきた、こうしてウイルスに打ち勝つ、世界人口の95%はこうして打ち勝つのだ。みなさんは自らの免疫システムを構築したいと思うだろうか?それともそういうことを望まないだろうか?皆さんの体の免疫システムの中の積み木の一部はウイルスとバクテリアなのだ。我々は悪害を施さないようなバクテリアフローラに守られている。これらが害悪のあるバクテリアやウイルスから我々を守っっている。

Right now, if you look at Dr. Erikson’s skin or my skin we have strep, we have stuff—they protect us against opportunistic infections. That’s why for the first three to six months [babies are] extremely vulnerable to opportunistic infection. Which is why, when we see a little baby in the ER with fever who is one month old, you do a spinal tap, you do a chest x-ray, you do blood cultures, you do urine cultures. But if you had a fever I wouldn’t do that for you. Why? Because that baby does not have the normal bacteria and flora from the community, whereas you do. I guarantee when we reopen there’s going to be a huge, huge amount of illness that’s going to be rampant because our immune systems have weakened. That’s just basic immunology.
いまここで、私の隣りにいるDr. Eriksonoの肌や私の肌にも連鎖球菌がいる、これが現実だーーこれらが 日和見主義的感染から私達を守っている。だからこそ誕生後3−6か月の新生児は日和見主義的感染症に対して極端に脆弱なのだ。そのため、生後ひと月の熱のある新生児を救急救命で受け入れる時、髄液検査、胸部X千、血液検査、尿検査をする。しかし今ここにいるみなさんが熱をだしても私はそのような検査はしない。どうしてかって?それは赤ん坊はまだ通常のバクテリアや細菌フローラを身に着けていないからだ、一方皆さんはそういうものをまとっている。今後閉鎖解除になると極端に多くの患者が発生することを私は保証する、というのも閉鎖自宅待機のおかげで我々の免疫システムが弱くなっているからだ。これは免疫学の基本中の基本だ。

Do we need to still shelter in place? Our answer is emphatically no. Do we need businesses to be shut down? Emphatically no. Do we need to have it, do we need to test them, and get them back to work? Yes, we do. The the secondary effects that we went over—the child abuse, alcoholism, loss of revenue—all these are, in our opinion, a significantly more detrimental thing to society than a virus that has proven similar in nature to the seasonal flu we have every year. 

我々はまだ自己隔離政策を続けるべきか? 答えは断固としてNo。仕事をシャットダウンする必要があるだろうか?断固としてNO。仕事に復帰すべきか、検査は必要化、職場に戻るべきか? Yes, we do。我々は副作用に打ち勝たねばーー子供の虐待、アル中、収入減ーーこれらはウイルスそれ自体よりも社会にとって遥かに有害だ、というのも武漢コロナは季節性インフルエンザと同様であることが証明されたのだ、我々は毎年インフルエンザを受け入れている。

We also need to put measures in place so economic shutdown like this does not happen again. We want to make sure we understand that quarantining the sick is what we do, not quarantine the healthy. We need to make sure if you’re gonna dance on someone’s constitutional rights you better have a good reason. You better have a really good scientific reason, and not just theory. 


One of the most important things is we need our hospitals back up. We need our furloughed doctors back. We need our nurses back. Because when we lift this thing, we’re gonna need all hands on deck. I know the local hospitals have closed two floors. Folks, that’s not the situation you want. We’re essentially setting ourselves up to have minimal staff, and we’re going to have significant disease. That’s the wrong combination.
I’ve talked to our local head of the Health Department and he’s waiting… for the powers that be to lift. Because the data is showing it’s time to lift. I would start slowly [open up schools sporting events] I think we need to open up the schools start getting kids back to the immune system you know and the major events the sporting events these are non-essential let’s get back to those slowly let’s start with schools let’s start with cafe Rio and the pizza place here… Does that make sense to you guys and I think I can go into Costco and I can shop with people and there’s probably a couple hundred people but I can’t go in Cafe Rio so big businesses are open little businesses are not….

Eventually we treat this like we treat flu. Which is if you have the flu and you’re feeling fever and body aches you just stay home if you have coughing or shortness of breath—COVID is more of a respiratory thing—you stay home. You don’t get tested, even when people come with flu a lot of times we don’t test them. We go, “you have flu. Here’s a medication.” You have COVID, go home, let it resolve and come back negative. 
最終的には武漢コロナもインフルエンザと同じ扱いになる。皆さんもインフルエンザに感染すると熱を出し筋肉痛になり数日家で休むことになる、咳をして息が荒くなるーー武漢コロナは呼吸器系の症状がより強いーー家でおとなしくすることだ。皆、インフルエンザになったからと言って検査をするわけではない。 「インフルエンザには治療法がある」。武漢コロナにかかったら家にいることだ、回復を待つが良い、治れば職場復帰する。
If you have no symptoms you should be able to return to work. Are you an asymptomatic viral spreader? Maybe, but we can’t test all of humanity. Sure we’re gonna miss cases of coronavirus, just like we miss cases of the flu. It would be nice to capture every coronavirus patient, but is that realistic? Are we gonna keep the economy shut down for two years and vaccinate everybody? That’s an unrealistic expectation. You’re going to cause financial ruin, domestic violence, suicide, rape, violence and what are you going to get out of it? You’re still going to miss a lot of cases. So we need to treat this like the flu, which is familiar, and eventually this will mutate and become less and less virulent… 

無症状なら職場に戻ることができる。もしかすると無症状ウイルス拡散者かもしれない?もしかするとそうかもしれない、でも住民全員を検査することなどできない。武漢コロナ患者を見落とすこともある、でもそれはインフルエンザ患者を見落とすのと同じだ。すべての武漢コロナ患者を補足できるなら素晴らしいことかもしれない、しかしそれが現実的な解決策だろうか?経済封鎖のまま2年も待ってワクチンを待つというのか?それは非現実的な期待だ。経済的破滅や家庭内暴力、自殺、強姦、暴動の原因をそのままにしろというのか?みなさんもすでに多くの患者を数え逃している。この状況はインフルエンザと同じだ、インフルエンザはよく知られている、そして最終的には変異をしてより 悪性でないウイルスに変異してゆくだろう・・・

I don’t need a double-blind clinically controlled trial to tell me if sheltering in place is appropriate, that is a college-level understanding of microbiology. A lot of times in medicine you have to make you have to make educated decisions with the data that you have. I can sit up in the 47th-floor in the penthouse and say we should do this, this, and this, but I haven’t seen a patient for 20 years—that’s not realistic. 


If you’re healthy and you don’t have significant comorbidities and you know you’re not immunodeficient and you’re not elderly you should be able to go out without any gloves and without a mask. If you are those things you should either shelter in place or wear a mask and gloves. I don’t think everybody needs to wear the masks and gloves because it reduces your bacterial flora… and your bacterial flora and your viruses your friends that protect you from other diseases [if they] end up going away and now you’re more likely to get opportunistic infections infections that are hoping you don’t have your good bugs fighting for you.

The videos are embedded below. ..







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