
Appearing for the third time in 6 weeks, Social Capital founder and former Facebook exec Chamath Palihapitiya joined the hosts of CNBC's "Squawk Box" for an interview Tuesday morning where he warned that the Fed's coronavirus response will create serious long-term problems for the American economy.

この6週で3度もメディアに出てきた、Social Capitalの創始者で元Facebook取締役のChamath Palihapitiyaだ、彼が火曜朝のCNBC「Squawk Box」に出演した、FEDのコロナ対応が米国経済に深刻な長期的問題を引き起こすだろうと、彼は警告する。

Palihapitiya has participated in a series of widely-discussed interviews on CNBC in recent weeks, including here and here.


Chamath started the interview by going all-in on the Fed and the White House's response to the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus, skewering programs like 'PPP' for funneling money to companies that didn't really need it and once again bashing the Fed for once again pumping up asset prices while placing Main Street at immense risk.

Chamth はインタビューの最初にFEDが all-in状態にあること、そしてホワイトハウスの武漢コロナ対応から議論を始めた、「PPP」のような一連の官民協調で企業への資金提供が本当は不必要で、またもやFEDを突きあげて株価をお仕上げている、一方で実経済はリスクだらけだ。

"There should be no doubt now that we've completely divorced the economy from stock and bond markets..." Palihapitiya warned.


The end result of this trend, he added, will be a "deflationary supercycle" as the Fed's abuses come back to haunt the American economy and the dollar.

"All this money going in to prop of companies - what you are going to start or accelerate is a really bad deflationary super cycle."

With the Fed's balance sheet well on its way to $12 trillion by year's end, levels that were deemed to be unfathomable just months ago, Palihapitiya reiterated that the rebound in equity markets has done almost nothing to put food on people's plates, or assuage the anxieties of small business owners, as an NFIB report released earlier would suggest.


Exactly how might this "deflationary spiral" happen? The former Facebook executive explains that by doling out money to massive corporations that have spent the last 10 years borrowing money to buy back stock, while paying workers more money in unemployment benefits than they earned in wages, creates a perverse system of incentives that, once the crisis has ended, could create the same economic dynamic that played out in Japan during the 1990s.


With the flood of cheap money, the financially shell-shocked consumers will save more, preventing the consumer-driven economy from generating the roaring growth needed to compensate for the crisis, while leaving the US in a kind of limbo as growth slows, prices fall, savings rise (despite rates remaining extraordinarily low, or negative) and productivity lapses while employment never really recovers.
The best example of this is, of course, Japan. We'd note that Zero Hedge has been warning about the "Japanification" of the US economy and monetary policy for some time).


Moving on, Chamath also joined Donald Trump in expressing sympathy for Elon Musk in his battle with California, a campaign that has turned public opinion decidedly against Tesla. Chamath, who has long praised Tesla to the consternation of the $TSLAQ community, urged Alameda County to "sit down" with Musk and Tesla and work out a mutually acceptable compromise.

更に議論を進め、Chamathはトランプに賛同して、カリフォルニアで格闘しているElon Muskに哀悼の意を表す、大衆の意向はTeslaに向かい風だ。長らくChamathはTeslaの目をみはる発展を称賛してきた、Alameda CountyがMuskやTeslaと折り合いを付けるよう応援してきた。

Finally, Palihapitiya joined PTJ in praising bitcoin, arguing that the pioneering cryptocurrency is the only legitimate asset that has "decoupled" from the rest of the market, and that by it's very nature, the declining trust in the traditional financial system could be a huge boon for bitcoin.

最終的には、PalihapitiyaはPaul Tudor Jonesに賛同してビットコインを称賛する、暗号資産の先駆けとなるビットコインこそ正当な資産であり他の市場とは「decoupled」していると言う、伝統的な金融システムへの信頼が後退するとビットコインの大ブームを引き起こすだろうと言う。

Indeed, the inherently deflationary BTC will perform even better in real terms as the value of the dollar weakens, one of several important market dynamics explored in greater depth by PTJ - one of the most successful traders of his generation - here.







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