

Submitted by BullionStar.com

In the last month, from 14 February 2020 to 14 March 2020, we have seen a record number of orders, record order revenue and a record number of visits to our newly renovated and extended bullion centre at 45 New Bridge Road in Singapore.

2020年2月14から3月14日までのひと月で、私どもは記録的な量の注文を受けた、売上も記録的で、シンガポールの新規店舗の来客数も記録的なものだった、シンガポール45New Bridge Roadの金塊センターだ。

For the above-mentioned period, we have served 2,626 customers with a sales revenue of more than SGD 50 M, which is 477% higher compared to the same period last year.

上に書いたひと月で、私どもは2,626人の顧客対応をし、SGD 50Mの売上となった、一年前同時期と比べて477%高だ。

The last few days have been our busiest days of all time. Our staff members have been doing a fantastic job in going out of their way to serve as many customers as possible.


With order volume increasing to this magnitude, it’s difficult for us to timely answer all phone and support requests but we are doing our very best to keep response times down.


Gold & Silver Shortages – Supply Squeeze


The enormous increase in demand is straining our supply chains. BullionStar has supplier relations with most of the major refineries, mints and wholesalers around the world. Most of our suppliers don’t have any stock of precious metals and are not taking orders currently. The U.S. Mint for example announced just this Thursday that American Silver Eagle coins are sold out. The large wholesalers in the U.S. are completely sold out of ALL gold and ALL silver and are not able to replenish.


We are already sold out of several products and will sell out of additional products shortly if this supply squeeze continues. All products listed as “In Stock” on our website are available for immediate delivery. For items listed as “Pre-Sale”, the items have been ordered and paid by us with incoming shipments on the way to us.


Paper Gold vs. Physical Gold

As we have repeated frequently over the years, only physical gold is a safe haven.

It’s noteworthy that the paper price of gold, although up 5.7% Year-to-Date denominated in SGD, has been trading downward in the last few days.


Paper gold is traded on the unallocated OTC gold spot market in London and on the COMEX futures market in New York. Both of these markets are derivative markets and neither is connected to the physical gold market.


This means that the physical gold market is a price taker, inheriting the price from the paper market, and that the derivative markets are the exclusive and dominant price makers. The entire market structure of this financialized gold trading is flawed. So while there is unprecedented demand for physical gold, this is not reflected in the gold price as derived by COMEX and the London unallocated spot market.


By now it is abundantly clear that the physical gold market and paper gold market will disconnect.


If the paper market does not correct this imbalance, widespread physical shortages of precious metals will be prolonged and may lead to the entire monetary system imploding.


And with progressive central banks in Eastern Europe and Asia having stocked up on gold in the last three years, gold will likely be the anchor of the new monetary system arising out of the ashes.


Mainstream media assertions that “Gold has been stripped of its Safe Haven Status” are utterly ridiculous and distorted beyond belief, when in fact the complete opposite is true. Unbacked paper gold and silver may be stripped of safe haven status, but certainly not real physical gold bullion.

主要メディアはこう主張する「ゴールドはすでにSafe Haven Satusを奪われてきた」、この主張はまったく奇妙なもので信じがたいほどに歪んだものだ、実際にはこれとは全く異なった事実が正しいものだ。裏付けのないペーパーゴールドやシルバーこそ安全資産の資格を失うだろう、現物ゴールドは全く異なるものだ。

Physical Premiums & Spreads

The current supply squeeze and physical bullion shortage has caused and is causing an increase in price premiums. It’s currently difficult and expensive for us to acquire any inventory. We have therefore had to increase premiums on products to compensate for the constraints. We have endeavoured to also raise our prices offered to customers selling to us, but with the extreme volatility and wild price fluctuations, the spread between the buy and sell price may temporarily be larger than normal. It is regrettable that premiums and spreads are larger than normal but it is outside our control that the paper market is not reflecting the demand and supply of the physical market. As many of you know, we are one of the largest critical voices of the LBMA run paper market and its bullion bank members in London.

現在、供給不足となり現物ゴールド不足状態で価格プレミアムを引き起こしている。私どもは現在在庫を増やすのが難しく費用がかかるのだ。というわけで心苦しいながら、私どもは現物商品のプレミアムを増やさざるを得ない。私どもはまた商品を売却する顧客への提示価格も増やしている、しかし価格は極端に変動している、売買価格差は通常よりもとても大きくなっている。売買価格差やプレミアムが通常よりも大きいのは残念なことだが、私どもがコントロールできるものではない、というのもペーパー市場が現物市場の需給関係を反映していないからだ。多くの人がご存知のとおり、私どもも、ペーパー市場を運営しているLBMAやロンドンのbullion bankに大きな影響力を持っている。

Please note that premiums are likely to be higher on weekends when the markets are closed compared to weekdays.


We do not take lightly the decision to alter premiums but feel that it is a better alternative than to stop accepting orders altogether during weekends. Likewise it is a better alternative than to stop accepting orders when the paper gold market is in turmoil and failing to reflect the demand and supply realities of the physical bullion market.


Currently, we are completely sold out on BullionStar Gold BarsBullionStar Silver Bars and are running low on several other products which we are not able to replenish for now. Several stock items will therefore likely go out of stock shortly. This is despite us having been aggressively buying bullion to create a buffer reserve inventory.







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