

Beijing's Claim Of No New Infections Contradicts Reality On The Ground

After conducting the largest quarantine in human history, China is now claiming, for a second day, that there are zero new local cases of COVID-19.


For those who aren't inclined to take the CCP at their word, however, ample evidence exists to prove that China is lying - about both the number of dead and the ongoing situation.


Latest figures released by China Mobile show that they have lost 8.116 million users in Jan and Feb. Where are these users now? Switched to other carriers? Or, they couldn't carry their phone to the nether world? 


Chinese report at: https://bit.ly/2QxDobi  

No new cases in ? This notice to residents says there is one confirmed case at Golden Elegant Garden on Mar 17. Patient felt unwell on Mar 15, went to Xinhua Hospital on Mar 16. Test came back on Mar 17 as positive. 

武漢では新規患者が居ないって?この通告は住民にこう告げる、3月17日にGolden Elegant Gardenで確定患者が一名確認された。患者は3月15日に体調不良を訴え、16日にXinhua Hospitalに行った、17日に検査結果陽性が判明した。

Expanding greatly on this notion is the Epoch Times, which confirmed video evidence of people lining up outside a fever clinic in Wuhan - along with the March construction of a new, makeshift hospital and other facilities. Continue reading below.

疑念を持ったのはEpoch Times 大紀元だ、彼らは住民が武漢の発熱外来病院の外に列をなすのを撮影したーーさらには新たな突貫工事新規病院を3月に建設していることも。詳しくは下のリンクを読むがよい。

Authored by Nicole Hao via the Epoch Times
Chinese citizens report long lines outside of hospitals, new makeshift hospitals, and forced quarantines

For the first time since the virus outbreak began, China’s national health commission claimed on March 19 that there were no new infections in the entire country.


But Chinese citizens describe a different reality.


In Wuhan, ground zero of the epidemic, residents witnessed long lines at hospitals while more facilities were reportedly being set up to accommodate ill patients.
Meanwhile, netizens said they don’t trust the Chinese regime’s narrative.


The CCP virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus, first emerged in Wuhan in December 2019.


The Epoch Times refers to the novel coronavirus as the CCP virus because the Chinese Communist Party’s coverup and mishandling allowed the virus to spread throughout China and create a global pandemic.

Epoch Times大紀元は新規コロナを中国共産党ウイルスと呼ぶ、というのも中国共産党の隠蔽と対応を誤ったために、中国全土にウイルスが拡散し世界的なパンデミックを引き起こした。

Hospitals 病院

In a video posted to social media on March 19, a Chinese citizen shows the Wuhan Union Hospital, one of 46 designated facilities to treat COVID-19, and the queue in front of it. “Look, Look! People are lining up in front of the fever clinic at Wuhan Union Hospital,” the person says. The Epoch Times confirmed the footage was filmed at the hospital.

3月19日に投稿された動画では、中国市民が武漢ユニオン病院を写している、武漢コロナ対応の46医院の内の一つだ、病院の前には行列ができている。「見よ、見よ!武漢ユニオン病院の発熱外来の前に患者が列をなしている、」と投稿者は言う。大紀元Epoch Timesもこの病院の同様の映像を撮影した。

More than 30 people are seen waiting in line, keeping a safe distance from the person in front of them. A hospital security guard is stationed nearby, dressed in a protective suit and wearing an N95 mask.


Those waiting in line wore masks, some dressed in surgical gowns or plastic raincoats—worn by many during the initial outbreak as people sought to protect themselves from contracting the virus.


Meanwhile, Mr. Wu, a resident in nearby Huanggang city, cried for help. He said no hospital in Huanggang or Wuhan could diagnose his disease because all the facilities he visited were full of virus patients.


Wu’s daughter told The Epoch Times in a phone interview: “I called doctors from Wuhan. They said it’s very possible that my father has a kidney tumor, but they couldn’t accept him. … Their hospitals are full of [virus] patients.”

Wuの娘がEpoch Timesに電話で伝えるところでは:「私は武漢の医者に電話した。彼らが言うには肝臓腫瘍の可能性が高い、しかし彼らは受け入れることはできない。・・・病院は武漢コロナ患者で溢れている。」

New Facilities 新たな医療施設

On March 19, a construction worker shared a video of a new makeshift hospital set up within a stadium in suburban Wuhan.


“After another night, our mission is almost complete,” the man said. “A new makeshift hospital will be in operation soon.”


Ms. Li, a resident in Wuhan, told The Epoch Times that authorities have recently set up so-called relay stations around the city. Typically set up inside universities, diagnosed virus patients are being held there in quarantine.

武漢在住のMs.LiがEpoch Timesに告げるには、当局は最近市の至るところにいわゆる隔離所を設置した。典型的なのは大学内に設置しウイルス患者を診断しそこに留め置くのだ。

After the 14 makeshift hospitals were closed [on March 10], they set up 300 relay stations. I believe they are like a new type of makeshift facility,” Li said.
Coinciding with Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s first visit to Wuhan since the outbreak, authorities closed down the makeshift field hospitals, saying there was no longer a need for them.


Ms. Li also said many people are undiagnosed and self-isolating at home. “[From what I know], each residential compound in [Jiang’an district, an area of Wuhan] has infected virus patients. The patients are forced to stay at home.”

Ms. Liはさらにこういう、多くの人が診断されて自宅隔離となっている。「(私の知る限り)、(武漢のJiag’an 区の)どのマンションにも感染患者がいる。多くの患者は自宅にとどまるよう強制されている。

Ms. Zhang, another Wuhan resident, believed the epidemic was much more severe than authorities are admitting.

武漢在住のMs. Zhangはこう信じている、大流行は当局が喧伝するよりもっと遥かに深刻だ。

“If the outbreak isn’t critical, it [the government] would allow us to return to work. Now all roads are still blocked, and businesses have not resumed production in Wuhan,” Zhang said in a March 17 phone interview.


Since late January, Wuhan has been under lockdown. To prevent the virus from spreading, workplaces were closed down, public transportation and road travel banned, and public events canceled.


Aside from Xinjiang and Guizhou, two remote areas of China that recently reopened high schools and middle schools for seniors who will take entrance exams, all schools in other provinces and regions are closed.
China’s schools have remained closed since the Lunar New Year holiday. Classes are held online.


Netizens ネチズン

Many netizens are skeptical of the authorities’ claims that the epidemic has been contained. One widely circulated article posted onto a Chinese internet bulletin board said that only when three criteria are met will it indicate that the epidemic is truly over.


The three criteria are: all schools in China reopen; North Korea and Russia reopen their borders to China; and the CCP holds its Lianghui (“Two Sessions”), the Party’s annual conference for its rubber-stamp legislature and the advisory body, the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.


This year’s Lianghui was scheduled for March 3 to March 13. On Feb. 24, the Party announced that it would be postponed due to the epidemic.







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