

And Again: The Fed Monetizes $4.1 Billion In Debt Sold Just Days Earlier

Over the past week, when looking at the details of the Fed's ongoing QE4, we showed out (here and here) that the New York Fed was now actively purchasing T-Bills that had been issued just days earlier by the US Treasury. As a reminder, the Fed is prohibited from directly purchasing Treasurys at auction, as that is considered "monetization" and directly funding the US deficit, not to mention is tantamount to "Helicopter Money" and is frowned upon by Congress and established economists. However, insert a brief, 3-days interval between issuance and purchase... and suddenly nobody minds. As we summarized:

ここ数週のFED QE4の詳細を見ると、ZeroHedgeが示すように、今やNew York FEDは連邦政府が数日前に発行したT−Bill 短期国債を積極的に買い取っていた。念の為に書くが、FEDは政府からの債務直接買い取りを禁じれらている、これは米国財政赤字の「債務現金化」とみなされ、「ヘリコプター・マネー」と等価だからだ、そしてこういう行為は議会や既存エコノミストからは眉をしかめられる。しかしながら、政府の債券発行とFEDの買取の間に3日の間を置くと・・・誰も気にしなくなる。ZeroHedgeはこう要約した:

"for those saying the US may soon unleash helicopter money, and/or MMT, we have some 'news': helicopter money is already here, and the Fed is now actively monetizing debt the Treasury sold just days earlier using Dealers as a conduit... a "conduit" which is generously rewarded by the Fed's market desk with its marked up purchase price. In other words, the Fed is already conducting Helicopter Money (and MMT) in all but name. As shown above, the Fed monetized T-Bills that were issued just three days earlier - and just because it is circumventing the one hurdle that prevents it from directly purchasing securities sold outright by the Treasury, the Fed is providing the Dealers that made this legal debt circle-jerk possible with millions in profits, even as the outcome is identical if merely offset by a few days"


So, predictably, fast forward to today when the Fed conducted its latest T-Bill POMO in which, as has been the case since early October, the NY Fed's market desk purchased the maximum allowed in Bills, some $7.5 billion, out of $25.3 billion in submissions. What was more notable were the actual CUSIPs that were accepted by the Fed for purchase. And here, once again, we find just one particular issue that stuck out: TY5 (due Dec 31, 2020) which was the most active CUSIP, with $4.136BN purchased by the Fed, and TU3 (due Dec 3, 2020) of which $905MM was accepted.

というわけで予想通り、今日もまたFEDは最新T-BillのPOMOMを行った、これは10月初め以来ずっとだ、NY FED市場デスクは許される限りのBillsを買い取っている、$25.3Bのうちの$7.5Bだ。最も顕著なのはFEDが買い取った証券の実際のCUSIP証券番号を見ればわかることだ。ここに再掲するが、特に顕著な例だ:TY5(2020年12月31日発行)が最も注目されるものでFEDが$4.136B買い取った、そしてTU3(2020年12月3日発行)は$905Mを引き受けている。

Why is the highlighted CUSIP notable? Because as we just showed on Friday, the Fed - together with the Primary Dealers - appears to have developed a knack for monetizing, pardon, purchasing in the open market, bonds that were just issued. And sure enough, TY5 was sold just one week ago, on Monday, Dec 30, with the issue settling on Jan 2, just days before today's POMO, and Dealers taking down $17.8 billion of the total issue...

どうしてこのCUSIP証券番号に注目するか?その理由は金曜にZeroHedgeが示したことだが、FEDはPrimary Dealersと共同して公開市場で巧みに発行されたばかりの債権の現金化を行っている。そして確かにTY5は一週間前12月30日月曜に発行し、1月2日に約定した、今日のPOMOの数日前のことだ、ディーラーは総額で$17.8Bを引き受けている・・・。

... and just a few days later turning around and flipping the Bill back to the Fed in exchange for an unknown markup. Incidentally, today the Fed also purchased $615MM of CUSIP UB3 (which we profiled last Friday), which was also sold on Dec 30, and which the Fed purchased $5.245BN of last Friday, bringing the total purchases of this just issued T-Bill to nearly $6 billion in just three business days.
In keeping with this trend, the rest of the Bills most actively purchased by the Fed, i.e., TP4, TN9, TJ8, all represent the most recently auctioned off 52-week bills...

・・・そして数日後にはこの証券はFEDの手に渡っている、買取価格は不明だ。たまたま、FEDは$615MのCUSIP UB3(ZeroHedgeが先週金曜に示したものだ)を買い取った、これは12月30日に売り出されたものだ、そして先週金曜にFEDは$5.245Bを買取り、わずか3営業日でFEDは発行されたばかりのT-Billを訳$6B購入した。この傾向が続いており、残りのBillsもFEDに買い取られている、i.e., TP4, TN9, TJ8、どれもが最近オークションにかかった52週満期の短期債権Billsだ・・・・

... confirming once again that the Fed is now in the business of purchasing any and all Bills that have been sold most recently by the Treasury, which is - for all intents and purposes - debt monetization.


As we have consistently shown over the past week, these are not isolated incidents as a clear pattern has emerged - the Fed is now monetizing debt that was issued just days or weeks earlier, and it was allowed to do this just because the debt was held - however briefly - by Dealers, who are effectively inert entities mandated to bid for debt for which there is no buyside demand, it is not considered direct monetization of Treasurys. Of course, in reality monetization is precisely what it is, although since the definition of the Fed directly funding the US deficit is negated by one small temporal footnote, it's enough for Powell to swear before Congress that he is not monetizing the debt.


Oh, and incidentally the fact that Dealers immediately flip their purchases back to the Fed is also another reason why NOT QE is precisely QE4, because the whole point of either exercise is not to reduce duration as the Fed claims, but to inject liquidity into the system, and whether the Fed does that by flipping coupons or Bills, the result is one and the same.

ディーラーが買い取った債権をFEDに転売することで NOT QEはQE4出ないという言い訳にもなる、時間差をおいているがシステムに流動性を注入していることに変わりはない。





「ニューパラダイム」が来つつ在る:「ゴールドを買え、売るのは株式だ」とRay Dalioは警告する
